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Went to see this movie this evening, and I just want to warn everyone that it's definitely hard to watch if you have any type of trigger against being teased, bullied as a child. I was drawn to this movie from the moment I heard about it because I suffered as a child from bullying. Not only did I get bullied at school, but I got bullied at home by my family and also the people my parents chose to associate with. My whole childhood was one incident of me being the punching bag after another.

This movie was truly heartbreaking and I cried through out the entire thing. I had to see it, it triggered a lot of stuff for me, but I think it truly felt progressive in the fact that we are now thinking about things differently. We are looking at non-physical abuse in schools, home and we are realizing that it is just as damaging.

I definitely recommend this movie to all... but it will break your heart. So, go when you are ready if you are ever ready with lots of tissue in hand.
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