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A bungee cord is the best way I can describe and ask for feedback.

Someone put a link for an article about standing on a cliff and the person you need to get out of your system shows up on the ledge of the cliff and ask for you to hold their rope (and not let go) ... and then they jump! You are to let go so you can continue to climb and reach your goals in life. This worked for me until X-T contacted me again ...

Now when I try the same scenario, I jump and X-T is holding on to my bungee cord and laughing! (nothing was mentioned in the article about a bungee cord) Eeker

I will be seeing a new T tomorrow, I'm not sure I can hold it together and talk to her about X-T. New T knows X-T at this point I do not care what she tells X-T ... I just need to continue with my life without X-T and feel good about myself.

kansas Confused
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Hug two Liese,

Ex-T and I met after I had exited therapy, when we started having problems ... after our meeting (outside ex-T office in the lobby) ... she said she would make first contact (everyone said this was her way of saying ex-T did not want to see me again). Well, she contacted me a few days later with her "RULES" (friendship does not have rules).

Before she made contact I used the ledge scenario (to help me let go of my wanting a friendship with ex-T) and it worked! I started through the process of anger, acceptance and was just starting to process forgiveness and then the email came. I tried for a while and realized she was contolling me so I sent her a "Dear John" email. When I tried to get back to the process of letting go ... is when I started jumping and I was on a bungee cord not a rope ... it was like she was bouncing me with yes,no,yes.

Last edited by kansas
Liese Heart face

Good to hear from you!

The rules were:
2)occassional calls (I did not receive a call) Confused
3)occasional visits (I was not ask to visit) Confused

The rules were not bad, but if one is starting a friendship(outside of therapy)there should be not rules. As in any new friendship we should go forward slowly, but as AG pointed out ex-T was still controlling.


I think she must have really liked you too to agree to venture into a friendship wtih you. But she could just be really busy and not have a lot of flexibility in her schedule. My own T is now teaching 3 classes and has a zillion psychotherapy clients in addition to his family and friends. I just don't see him as someone looking to add a friend into his life. I suppose sure if someone came along and something developed but ....

It could be the same with your T. And not only that, your T is coming at it from a whole different place than you are. And this is not to say that she doesn't really like you. It's just that your feelings developed more naturally while in her case, she probably kept a tight rein on hers because she has to.

IMO, she hurt you more by agreeing to a friendship and holding out the promise of a friendship. There's your bungee cord right there. She might think she's doing the right thing but your emotions are being played with. You are going to have to be the one to make the decisions here, the ones that are best for you.

Wow, such powerful words. They just spoke to me too.


On Feb.23 (funny how this dates sticks in my mind) I sent ex-T an email subject line "last communication ". I told ex-T that this was my last commumication with her. I wanted a friendship not an acquaintance and by her setting rules she was still being a therapist not a friend. I then told her how she had helped me and that she was "special" to me. I left the letter open if she wanted to reply, but she has never replied (what is there for her to say Frowner )?

This email was hard to write (but it needede to be said) and I'm still feeling the fallout.

Hugs to you and Echo for being around for me


Thanks Liese, the fall out is heartbreaking!

I'm with new T, but she just does not get it. New T wants to make excuses for ex-T (I call it the "good old boys club" --- covering each other's butt). When I was leaving she said next time we will talk about your childhood ! Well, that tells me where she has her head (you know the place where the sun don't shine )


You are not paying her for friendship. You are paying her to learn about yourself, to engage in some wierd existential pursuit into the inner and outer reaches of your psyche.

My best guess is that this is not the first time you felt as though you were "paying" someone for friendship and the shame comes from that experience, not the current experience with your T.

Kansas, I'm going to be straight up here. I would have given my T my body. And he knows it. Sometimes I wonder how he can look me in the eyes with respect knowing what I would have done for him. Facing that kind of shame isn't easy.

Last week I told him that I felt like a beggar. He told me that he doesn't see me that way. I don't know how he can NOT see me that way. But I'm going to try to trust that he doesn't and keep going back.

Call her and go back and see what you can learn about yourself. Maybe you will learn it's not as shameful as you think it might be.


I went to a new T last Thursday. T also saw me Friday and I will see new T Monday.

New T knows ex-T and is trying to figure why I'm obsessed with ex-T and the reason ex-T back out of (or made rules)for a friendship. New T says ex-T realized she had crossed boundaries and backed down!

New T did ask if I thought there had been transference... I said there had not been. I've spent the day reading my books and surfing the internet. I think there was tranference which is very painful and I have all the symptoms. I mentioned this to ex-T 6 months before exiting therapy. Ex-T just ask how it felt and went on without throughly discussing transference.

You may be right I need to see ex-T, but should I wait? I'm thinking(maybe not clearly)that I should wait and talk to new T before making an appointment with ex-T.

Sh*t, I'm so confused! Brick wall


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