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As I sit having lunch each day I have noticed a black butterfly fluttering by my large picture window. I have never seen this before C died. Does this mean anything? Or maybe I just never noticed before?

As I ponder this I wonder if it's a sign? Then I worry if it's a good sign or a bad sign

The ones I usually see are white or yellow. Maybe this has meaning or maybe it's just a black butterfly.

I keep thinking about this.
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Thank you all. It's just odd that I'm the only one who sees this butterfly. My dh says he never sees it and he is the one who gardens outside all the time Eeker

RT that is a lovely passage about the butterfly and transformation and transition. I need to go back and reread it (and maybe learn something).

I wonder if I will see it tomorrow.
I can't believe I saw the black butterfly again this morning as I was walking up the walk to work. It was just sitting there at the edge of the grassy surface. I almost didn't see it and stepped on it. I got a good close up and it appears black with colored dots along the bottom edge of the wings. I usually see it in my backyard and this is the first time I've seen it somewhere else.

It's just so strange.

Hi True're not the first person I've heard from about this. It must be him telling you it's okay and he's okay and you will be okay.

Believe it or not, I've only just recently experienced something similar but with dimes, of all things! Not nickels or pennies or quarters but dimes. I've had a particularly challenging few months with my parents and noticed I was finding dimes in the unlikeliest of places - at home, work, outside. And, it's not all the time, either. When I told someone at work about it, she instantly said it's your brother letting you know he's there's and that things will be okay. I only find them when things gave been really hard and I've cried a thousand tears and wish he was around so I could talk to him. Because of the 13-year age difference between us, we were never close enough to talk about our emotions or have any heart-to-hearts, so I didn't believe it at first. Now I do.

The Kid
Believe in the black butterfly, but not as something bad. It sounds to me like a unique butterfly just as special and unique as your friend and your relationship.

At my grandma's funeral at the cemetary when they were lowering the casket, my sister and I were unconsolable and out of the blue a little white butterfly kept very close to us. Fliting around, landing lightly on the casket the flowers and flying around us. To this day, I believe it was a sign from her.
I saw the black butterfly again today while sitting in my kitchen. I saw it fluttering around the deck. So I got up and walked to the window to get a closer look at it and it flew towards me and just fluttered there against the window for a few seconds. I got so shocked I started to cry for some reason. It was so close and I could see the little yellow dots along the lower section of it's wings. Not sure if this is some sign I'm supposed to recognize.

I read this earlier today and have thought about it a lot. I am not sure it is a sign you are supposed to recognise - but it is something. A strange coincidence? - but it keeps happening. Take whatever meaning from it as you think you should, but I firmly believe it is a sign from C, I really do.

We are all creatures of the universe and we all affect each other - I think this butterfly is visiting you for a reason.

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