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I have spent the last couple of weeks feeling like I could trust my T and finding it much easier to talk to him. But I still want to call him between sessions. I find myself struggling with the desire to call him even though I don't have a real problem to discuss.

I've been participating in an assessment by a group of trauma experienced psychiatrists from a hospital near to where I live and it has been unsettling. I called my T after my assessment session on Tuesday and I told him that I wanted to call him and I didn't have a reason and I hated that feeling. I didn't tell him that sometimes I watch the clock all day thinking he might answer now because it is 10 minutes before his first session or it is his lunch or it is too late to call now he has probably left. He told me that there was nothing wrong with feeling like I wanted to call him and it bothered me because I was afraid of what the feeling represented for me. I disagreed and said the feeling upset me. He said why can't I just acknowledge the feeling and I said we can talk more about it on Friday.

Today my session was awful. When my T tried to talk about why he thinks I am so upset about wanting to call I started imagined getting a call telling me I had to get to the hospital (I didn't want someone to be hurt but I thought it would be a good reason to leave immediately). While he talked about my feelings of wanting to be connected or in contact and how scary it was I felt like I was breaking into a million pieces and I couldn't really hear what he was saying. It was awful. He never says it is okay to call him or talks about attachment being necessary. By the time the session was over I was a mess, crying, dissociated.

I sent him an email to his phone (not his office) this evening telling him how upset I was by the session and he didn't respond. I realized I knew he wouldn't respond and I was setting myself up to feel abandoned again. I hate needing so much and I hate it because he never explicitly says anything about attachment, or connnection, but he is always there when I go. It is so hard to know what to do next.
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Incognito - we are programmed to want to be in contact with attachment figures. And when you've grown up with parents who aren't available, we naturally freak out with attachment figures later in life - will they be there for me, is my neediness going ti drive them away, do i matter? Maybe that's part of the reason you want to contact him between sessions - to make sure he (and the relationship) is sill there.

It sounds like imagining the call from hospital was a way to cope with an avalanche of inner fragmentation and emotional pain. When feelings are that intense its usually about past trauma of unmet needs from infancy and childhood. From personal experience it is an excruciating process and you can feel like your inches from death. But they are only feelings and you won't physically die. Keep hanging in there.

As for the email it would be hard for your T to adequately address intense abandonment feelings in person, so over email it's impossible. You're unfortunately faced with waiting till your next session before this can be addressed. Take time to care for yourself in the meantime an hang in there

Hi cogs.

It seems reasonable to me that you would want to reach out to your T after your assessment. At the hospital. Sometimes I won't have a reason and I just want to know he is there. Your T never seems to mind or get bothered when u reach out to him. Why not bring up the attachment issues so you can make sure you are on the same page.

As far as not telling him how often you look at the clock and think about calling him, IMHO there are just some things they don't need to know. The real issue is you wanting to call but not giving yourself permission and then it stays in your mind all day. Resolving that and giving yourself permission to call might help with reducing the thoughts about him eventually once you feel okay reaching out to him just because you needed to.

hi incognito,

i think it's normal to have a desire to call your t, especially when you have upsetting things. and i do call my t for no reason a lot, well there is a reason, i just want a connection or vent or calm and as long as it helps me she's fine with it. sometimes she finds them productive and we talk about stuff from them. we also have a when she'll call me back/won't communication set up.

i'm sorry your t doesn't reassure you or tell you his limits, that's awful. i recently had a very bad experiencing with e-mailing my other t - i was ripped apart, i still feel a deep loss of connection and safety but it's been quickly repaired.

i think the why doesn't matter as much as the how to get the need satisfied... it's there he can help you work out the how, i think.
thanks GreenEyes, Liese, and Cat

My T did respond on saturday morning briefly. Now I'm feeling ashamed and rather stupid for my freak out on Friday. I hate how volatile my feelings are because I think I am so unreasonable.

Liese you are right he doesn't get upset when I call but I have tried to talk about attachment and dependency and he will say that he is okay with them but he refuses to give me any rules/guidelines about my calls or emails. I hate it. I do so much better with rules.

Cat, it is great to hear from you again. I'm sorry for the difficulty you had with T2. I think it is very courageous of you to continue working with her and trying to rebuild trust.

I am supposed to see T tomorrow afternoon and I am dreading it because I am so embarrassed.

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