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I have been in therapy for 4 years now for help with anxiety and panic disorder.I get free therapy in the state system and was seeing one therapist for 3 years when he left very suddenly to change positions.
I reacted with huge panic. I was assigned to a different therapist who I had seen for a period earlier when my own therapist was on leave. She told me at the first meeting that she was almost certainly leaving a few months later, which she did.

Before she left she helped me to transfer to another therapist who had just returned from 10 months maternity leave and who she thought would fit well with me.
She is fantastic and I have been seeing her weekly for one year now. She is very open and says I should feel safe to say whatever I want there in her room.

My problem is due to my previous experience I am terrified that she will suddenly leave. She knows this and has told me that she has no plans whatsoever on leaving and if she ever does she will tell me as early as possible.

What worries me is that she is only 32years old and has now a 2 year old daughter and I am just scared that at some time she will leave to have another baby.

Can I ask her about this? It really worries me, but I feel that it is too personal and an invasion of her privacy to ask.
At the same time she has expressed concern at my continued anxiety about her leaving. She does not know why I am not reassured by her saying she has no plans to leave!

Advice please anyone!

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Thanks Blanket Girl and Liese for your replies.

My T has said to me that our relationship is important and I should feel free to say anything or ask anything about it, therefore I am fairly sure she would not mind me asking.

The problem is that I feel myself that it is too personal to ask. Whether she has another baby is a private matter between her and her husband, maybe they have not even discussed it themselves yet!

I feel I have no right to know and yet it will affect me a great deal if and when it happens.

Your responses surprised me, but have made me feel better. Maybe I am being too cautious and Ts realise that these things have an impact on us and expect to be asked personal questions!

I will see her again on Tuesday and I think I will mention it.

Thanks again Smiler


Just an update.

We spent the whole session talking about my recurring worry that T will leave.She assured me that she has no plans to leave at all. I then mentioned that I was worried about her leaving to have a second child. She was totaly unconcerned about me mentioning this and said it is possible some time, but is not planned and is not likely in the near future. I think I could not hope for more than that.

She also said that my attatchment to her is a good thing and she feels we are working well together and she likes working with me.

I love my T! Smiler


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