Sheychen...I have (for lack of a better way to express it) two T's. One "T" is not really a T but a SD, (Spiritual Director)...he helps me with the specific spiritual problems that I have within my faith, which are central to my psychological setup...but there is a lot of "crossover." I can't imagine being able to be there *without* talking about what is happening in my therapy...i just *do* tell him all about it, since it's kind of crucial to my healing.
I also share alot about what is happening in Spiritual Direction with my regular therapist...and I also can't imagine *not being able to* because of a secret. It just seems like this would really disrupt the process/honesty that we are all trying to learn in therapy. And if you act as a child about this, you can be certain that both T's will treat you as a child, and take your power on making this decision for yourself away from you. Especially the man. It may even feel "pleasing" to you. ( How do I know? I struggle with a lot of the same) But, you will become a helpless victim of two "powerful" adults, in keeping "secrets" from them- the *ones who wield power over you* instead of a collaborator with them in the *teamwork* of your own healing. I do not say that to hurt, but to help. If two T's are helpful and different needs are being met by different people...than you must courageously state your needs, but calmly and with a certain amount of authority- otherwise you run the risk of not being heard by *either* of them- and potentially, losing the help of *both.* Trust is crucial in the therapy relationship...and the therapist needs to be able to trust *you* too. Does it make sense? And then, you must accept the boundary that one, or both T's have- in regards to this, the final decision taking all parties into may, in fact end up having to choose *for yourself* which therapist you want to work with. Making such decisions is very hard!
That being said...I totally relate -and can sympathise deeply with- whatever *guilt feelings* you may have around *daring* to have two therapists. Those shameful (and unjustified) feelings themselves, make it hard to admit to. You may very well need, and deserve two T's. I struggle a lot with dare I ask *two men* to help dare I? I would never have dared- if my T hadn't specifically told me to find an SD, because of my spiritual problem. So, in one sense, I have to really applaud you for trying to get different needs met, by two different people, in a way that was obviously unavailable to you as a child. (Child needs and deserves two loving parents, father and mother, masculine and feminine, totally focused on the child's needs and development) That being said- you aren't a child anymore, and must learn how to function as an adult, in an adult world...
which is *most* painful, because those needs were not met. I seem to think that the best thing you could do in this situation, is to casually and confidently mention to your new Steady T, (no titty- T
) that you are also seeing a P for certain issues, and say "I certainly hope you are ok with that." Or some such thing. I personally think that this lady sounds great, will teach you a lot- and that you should follow her advices on these issues. But I really do understand how hard and scary that is.
Just thought I would weigh in again...of course you are free to take or leave anything I is meant in are the other posts here.