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I am not sure what forum to post this in. I hope this is right forum.

First, let me explain context:

I am having a lot of flashbacks today. I feel scared to leave my apartment. A few days ago I was informed that a man who hurt me was released from prison. He lives in another state. I am safe. Seeing records and paperwork scares me and reminds me of what happened and all the people who ignored me try to tell them he did something wrong. All his known victims were disabled - I am deaf. He got very light sentence. DA said his disabled victims would not make good witnesses. It was awful. Now to see DA name again on the letter sent to inform me that he was released, I am upset.

I am anxious and afraid today. I am also really "stuck" in my thinking. I keep thinking the same things over and over. Not just fear thoughts, but any thought. I keep trying to change to think of something else, it even different thoughts, but I do not. I feel obessive. I had an intake today with a possible new therapist, but I don't know the outcome. I am obsessing about many things I don't want to think about. It is hard to do anything productive tonight, and I have work to do.

I do not wash my hands repeatedly or similar actions, but I do feel impulsive need to repeat other actions. I do not feel better doing it, but it is very hard not to do.

This is my question:
Do anyone else experience this? Can PTSD anxiety cause OCD type thinking and acting patterns?

I feel crazy.

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Hi Lost

Sounds like a very distressing experience.

To me it would make sense to perseverate on thoughts and actions to stop other thoughts and feelings that seem overwhelming and frightening from entering your mind. Trauma in itself is overwhelming and it sounds like you're trying to protect yourself.

Sometimes it can help to lay down and do body scanning and deep breathing and really try and connect with yourself.

Hugs xx GE
GreenEyes and Pengies - thank you so much for responding. I do not know why, but I feel relief reading your words. Maybe because I feel heard and validated. I am exhausted and will write more soon. Thank you for the suggestion GreenEyes, it help me pause and breathe and let feelings pass. I hope you feel better soon Pengies and get rest too. Thank you much.

I am also so sorry to hear of all you have endured Frowner I cannot give a technical answer to your question, since I have no training, but I can answer just from my personal experience.

Personally, I do experience obsessive type thoughts and actions when really distressed over certain memories. I know that during the actual trauma I experienced, there were times that I would replay a song in my head 1000 times, or have the same thought over and over. Now I do the same thing, I get 'stuck' sometimes. It tends to drive those around me a little batty, so I hide it best I can in public

I also get 'stuck' on things in my environment easily when I'm really anxious, like the need to straighten a crooked picture will be my life and death priority until it's fixed, or I'll see that the books are uneven on the shelf and I HAVE to fix it. Sometimes I think it comes in the form of distraction, and other times I think it's a way of establishing a sense of control over what's in my head or my environment.

Don't know if that's helpful at all, but wanted to you to know you're not alone.

Hug two AH
Dear Lost,

I have similar issues. My most recent trauma was in Feb. of this year. Perpetrated by my brother. He was finally arrested in July but then a judge let him out on his own recognizance! Of course he failed to show up for his arraingment. Now they have another arrest warrant for him.

When all this was happening, I felt like my mind was in a continuous loop. I remember driving down the road screaming STOP - PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP! I felt like I could not stop the looping thoughts and those just feed the anxiety. The one thing I found that gave me some relief was playing music. I have played an instrument for years. When I practiced a new peice of music, my whole mind would be focused on the music and I would be able to get some respite from the looping thoughts. I'm not sure if there is something that you do that requires your whole concentration. It is good if it requires body movement and mental effort. Perhaps learning an exercise routine or dance routine? I know you are deaf so I am guessing the playing music is out of the question but maybe not? What about Karate or something of that nature.

Just wanted to share what seemed to help me. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. Sometimes life just really doesn't seem fair.


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