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I had a session with my regular T today. I told her of how my former sd (spiritual director), who continues to walk over all boundaries.

(I had to have his email address blocked today since asking him to not email me and don't call my mother, lead to him EMAILING my mother, asking her to pass on to me rather routine info I didn't need to know, and "cc"ing it via email to me. )

Ugh. Anyhow, it is part of a larger mess, and all of it pulled on feelings having to do with my family growing up...

I told my t my thoughts about me in response to this (very self critical), and about feeling angry at him. There was a long silence.

I told her I wanted to process through my feelings and asked if we could do emdr or something with it. She said she felt like it was more of a probem to solve, and not just the continued emailing by the sd, but the larger mess.

I told my T I was going to wrie the sd a letter and state my boundaries and why I'm done and otherwise, there isn't any easy solution, and we talked about that, but it was all totally off. I didn't say what would be in the letter besides ths, but my T told me not to write it as it would "escalate things." I didn't understand this and se said she interpeted a bunch of things in what I said. I told her "but I didn't say any of that". She said she knew, it was her interpretation though. I told her it wasn't correct an I didn't want to talk about solving the problem. She said she didn't know what to say because I was rejecting all her ideas. I asked what I had rejected - and it was to not write the letter and instead live with the feelings. Ok... that is what I was there to do... ca we talk about the feelings I have and process them or do emdr on the trauma memories this is stirring up or something.... My T wasn't talking much or responding much, so it was hard to talk it through. But she wanted to. It got to the point where I kept asking her to "say something." Because the more I just talked, the worse I felt and then I would ask about te feelings and not know what else to say... and my T would be silent...

She said my anger made her feel shut down. I asked if I expressed it bady or wrong... she said no...

Crap. I didnlt know what to do. I kept asking what to say or do. And she said she didn't know any way to help. I asked about containment because I was feeling really bad about the session. She said to try connecting with friends. My T, turned her head towards her schedule book, and reaced to pick it up, like she always does to signal wrapping up.

When she looked away, the look on her face made me feel awful.

I think I triggered my T. I don't think he can help me with what I feel about all of this right now. I'm pretty discouraged and ashamed and feel even worse. So I'm trying to find out info or any ideas on how any T could help with the angry feelings I have. My eq T said I wasgood at stuffing them or turning them inward. I think I have really messed handling anger in the past when I let myself express it. I felt good that my T said I was expressing it in an appropriate way... and completely confused and anxious because I just triggered my T and she couldn't help and now I hate that I said anything...

There just has to be a better way... or any way to deal with this...

I called my T already and freaked out apoligiing and dumping my anger on me... which I realize now is going to make my T feel even worse and even more like she can't help me... and maybe with this one issue... she can't.... can any T ever help with anger? More than just "fixing" the source? Bc if that can't be done and I have to work through te feeling (or even if the source or problem can be fixed)...

And how do I make things with my T ok?

I keep thinking if I find a way to show her I won't talk about tat again, I have another way to work trough that...

Any thoughts or ideas? How do other Ts work with anger? How do pople work through it?

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That sounded like such a difficult session. I would hate to leave a session feeling like my T was avoiding talking about something and/or felt triggered.

I don't always understand social interactions myself and fail often to appreciate how what I say might affect other people. I also often miss the nuances that go on between other people as well. And, so without more information, it would be hard to take a stab at what was really going on for your T.

It seems to me that you shouldn't have to filter when expressing your feelings to your T. You didn't attack her. You were talking about a real world situation that you were having difficult with and you really needed help with it. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong there. Maybe she was just genuinely stuck and not triggered? Is it possible that it was just towards the end of the session and since you didn't have a lot of time left, she didn't want to get too deeply into it? Did she call you back yet? Would she typically call you back in a situation like that?


Thanks Liese ~ your words were really comforting and helped me not frea so much. I hope it is not so bad to not be repaired and maybe she wasn't triggered... I tend to "overthink" social interactions, so I could be reading into what is not there. Maybe it is just me that was triggered. (Darn projection!)

She hasn't called yet. Usually she does call by now if I'm super upset.

During the appointment did offer for me to come in this morning and said I could think about it and let her know. I just remembered.

I was too upset yesterday... and too confused... to deceide to come in. Why go in if she can't handle where I am at? I guess I don't trust her to kee her own boundaries. I'm so discouraged and tired. Maybe I'm the one who is burnt out.

I don't want her to totally leave me if she can't deal with this but at least help with other things while I deal with this. And I also am also dreading seeing her at all. This is driving me nuts! I don't want to run and I don't want to stay. Frowner but I do want to know she is "there" and will be there if and when I am ready. I do want that...

Jane, I don't think your T was too triggered or can't handle your anger. It is one thing when a client is always angry and unapproachable, but everyone gets angry at some point and many "normal" people can handle it, so a T really should. You are always so sweet, I'm sure being angry once in a while isn't doing anything bad to your relationship.
I agree with Liese, maybe she was just stuck.

Try to not think of it as "definitely triggered her, now she will leave", leave room for doubt. Otherwise you freak yourself out even more. I'm sure she'll call or if she doesn't then you can clear things up with her the next time you see her. I would really be surprised if this anger that wasn't even really about her (and you didn't insult her either) would provoke some kind of radical reaction in her.
Thank you Frosty for the encouragement! I wasn't mad at her, but someone else, an we never talk about anger... once in awhile should be ok like you said.

My eq T said last week that she thought I had a lot of anger that I turn in on me, and finding other ways to handle it would be better. mr no-means-nothing-sd crossing my clear boundary a million times seems like a goo place to start.

Maybe my reg T was burned out with my self critic type of self anger. But I got so much better at it, until yesterday... Frowner I suppose I really need to wait and talk with her what she meant.

The time of the appointment she offered, and I never confirmed wanting, has come and gone... and no call. Frowner I don't have any other appointments scheduled, so shehas to call sometime... I'm trying to not let my fears run away with me. It is raining out here today and chilly. I'm fighting a cold and think I'm going to go grab some hot tea before heading out for the day. I see eq T tomorrow. I think I'm an awful person, and yet it is just that kind of thinking that both my Ts say to not let run rampant.

This therapy stuff stinks sometimes! Frowner



You are not an awful person. I've never seen one ounce of "awfulness". It's so hard when the way we feel about ourselves is dependent upon other people, if they seem pleased with us or angry at us. And then add the projection in there and it all gets even hairier. Is it coming from me? Is it coming from them? Who do I trust? I get like that all the time.

You know, now that I'm writing this, it reminds me of a book I read. It was such an awesome book. It was called, "the brain that changes itself," I think.

There was a story in there about a woman who had permanent damage to the part of her ear that regulated her balance. And, so she always felt like she was going to fall. When she walked, she had to hold onto furniture. Well, you know she really didn't have to but she felt like she had to. This doctor invented some device to get messages to her brain another way, not through her ear. And, he completely cured her.

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking about us. We feel like we're spinning but we're really not. The universe is the same as it always was. (Well, sort of, not really, but you know what I mean.) Jane, you are the same nice person you always were. Everything will be okay.

A nice hot cup of tea might help ground you. I might have one too!!!

Will she call to set up an appointment? Or do you have to initiate that?


Liese ~ I have that book! My primary care doctor gave it to me, and I just have not read it yet. That makes a lot of sense what you are saying though... and it does get all messy when trying to change a pattern and figuring out, is this my stuff? Or my Ts stuff? I think I am learning too that I get harsh with myself as a way to feel in control, like something makes sense, as a way to manage anxiety - like the anxiety of my T not calling and feeling so unsure. (Btw, you are too kind!)

I'm not really sure about who is supposed t take te next step in scheduling the next appointment. Just to be sure, I did call my T just now and said I really would like to have an appointment scheduled, sometime, but to get the scheduling of it done and out of the way so I can tell myself, I can save this for the appointment next Monday or whenever... and asked if she can call me with an appointment time (and gave her the basic timeframes that work for me for the neet week).

And now I'm back to trying to deal with life and not worry about this. I'm so tense all over. Oh shiesh. (Inner critic go away!) I hope I can learn how to "balance" too. I have changed a lot, my brain now needs to learn it doesn't need to beat myself up when I feel nervous.

Jane, I turn anger inwards also. I always have double standards when it comes to myself and other people. There is always something wrong with myself. When I do get angry with people, I swallow it mostly and ask myself what I've done wrong and whether the other person's behavior was right and I was totally off.
T's see that and other stuff ALL the time. Have you ANY idea how often I got angry at my parents with oldT? And practically yelled? Or how often I actually got mad at her and let her see some of it? And she was totally cool about it.
When I went to see evenolderT who I used to see when I was 13, she told me a story about a kid who has ADD (is that the word?) and smashed things in her office and destroyed stuff on her table. So I asked her whether she wasn't furious and she just shrug and said not really, because she's used to not take it personally and he couldn't really help it.
Honestly Janey, your T must have seen stuff a MILLION times worse! And again, you weren't insulting her or were out of line. You were, understandably, angry at your SD.
And don't be silly. You're so far from awful!

Now. You can't do anything about T right now. She'll call you. So the ball is in her court. Try to relax, do some stuff that relaxes you. Go swimming somewhere. Take a bath, read children's books (that's what I do) or watch cartoons, take the fluffiest blanket you can find, make a ton of hot tea, get some chocolate or whatever and make yourself comfortable.

love, frosty.

Glad you are feeling better. So cool that you have the book. There's even a chapter on therapy in there but I didn't think it illuminated anything I hadn't read elsewhere. But the whole book is really great.

Glad you called T for an appointment. I do that too, Jane, worry about things when a simple phone call or just asking someone something or just telling someone something would have really quelled my anxiety. Last week for instance, when we were out of power, I left my son at my mother's house - who did have power - and I took my daughter into the city. I just told my Mom that I was spending a special day with my daughter but I didn't tell her we were going into the city. And then my brother took it upon himself to make dinner for us and I wasn't sure we'd be back in time.

I was having all kinds of guilt over not telling my Mom that I was in the city and wasn't sure we'd be back in time for dinner. I had this HUGE scenario going on in my head that she and my brother were going to be really mad at me and that we would have this huge confrontation. I decided that I would stand up for myself but that would cause the relationship to be over.

And then it turned out that no one was mad at me at all. The whole episode was in my head and all because I just didn't tell my Mom that I was going into the city. I could have kicked myself. Oops, shouldn't have said that.
((((frosty)))) (((liese)))). Your words helped a lot - helped me chill and feel like I'm no so awful or alone in this. I took a hot bath after work (while drinking hot chocolate - yes, stress makes me really cold) and while I was in the bath, my T called! I hopped out of the bath so quick to answer and saidb "hi, are you mad or ending with me?" (Oh shiesh jane, let the woman say hello! lol.) She is not mad, little worn out after last week (so am I) just had an "off" day yesterday and said "I'm very committed and not going anywhere. We will work through this." We can schedule for next week! And did!

*jane does the happy dance*

Will write more soon, just had to share the happy news!

Pf ~ you are quite right. Ts do see a lot of stuff. It was (and still is) so reassuring to read that. I like your idea to read kids books. I actually noticed that I love doing that...

Liese ~ oh I totally get concerned about stuff in relationships too. I get prepared for bad reactions that end up not coming from people - and not only that, I also then sometimes get blindsighted by the bad reactions that do happen, which can make me all the more likely to worry in other relationships.

Thanks for sharing your story about your family, it helped (and I'm glad it was all ok too!)

I saw eq t today and it was a weird session. But good. I think. Towards the end, I told her I sometimes get angry and have no idea what to do with it. I didn't bring up anything about my other T but eq T and I talked abour anger, and she said, "I want you to know, your anger is welcome here." I looked her her funny, and she went on to explain that she used to not be ok with other's anger or her own, and she doesn't have solutions for it... but she has done a lot of work herself on anger, her own anger and handling other's anger, and she's really ok with it and if I wanted to "explore" it more, in safe ways, she is really open to that. She talked about figuring out what anger is trying to tell me...

And kept saying it was welcome to express with her.


When she said this, I totally shut down. I got scared! I was surprised about this bc she was offering something I needed... and when it is availible... I realized, whoa... this is scary.

My other T called later on, in a way that was unusual for her. She called to say that she had been thinking about my last appointment with her and just wanted me to know, "we can work on anger." It had triggered something in her, a feeling like she couldn't protect me. She even apoligized, saying she realized that isn't what I needed or asked for. I didn't understand what she was saying exactly, but was really reassured by her call. I asked if we could talk about it at my appointment. She said "sure!"

I feel like I'm in such unchartered waters on this. Yet, wth eq T, we have "explored" other emotions and maybe it is not so different to work with anger in the same way...

I wonder wha I have gotten myself into. I asked eq T though if working on anger helped her. (Yeah, personal question, I was very sheepish to ask, told hershe didn't have to say, and she holds good boundaries on that.) She said yeah, it did. She learned what it was telling her, what she needed, different ways to get those needs met, how to handle the physical energy from it... it didn't get easier in the sense that all anger went away, but it did help her handle it better and more about herself.

It reminded me, my T is human. And that maybe I can learn from this too...

So... my anger is welcome if I ever want to "bring it" to therapy with me...

Even intentionally. Especially then. Whoa...

I have no idea how either T can help, or how bringing my anger to therapy can help,but it has helped to work with other emotions...

Now I'm wondering if I trust either T enough right now. I want to trust them...

Thanks for letting me ramble and process.


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