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I am having a really hard time shutting down my brain. It's like when you're not supposed to laugh, so that's all you want to do? Well, I've got thoughts running through my head that I'm desperately trying to avoid thinking about, so of course, that is all I can think about.

We've hit some deep $h¡t in therapy this week, and I NEED to be able to turn it off now, but I can't. And it's sucking the energy out of me. I actually have plans every day this weekend and all I want to do is bury my head in my pillow and stay there until I next see T.

Crap. I was trying to link an image I found but it won't show up. I hate when technology doesn't do what I want it to do.
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Listen to 'Shot Through the Heart' by Bon Jovi - I promise you will have nothing else to think about for hours. I hate when I accidentally hear that song!! ARGH!!

((RG)) I'm so sorry you're hurting my dear and having running thoughts. That happens to me too Frowner Have you tried any grounding exercises you've worked on? Sometimes T1 recommends (and I've found it helpful) to assign myself time to go BONKERS on a thought... just totally live it, be it, write it, paint it, think about it... then stop. I've had a lot of problems regulating recently so I have literally, every night this week, assigned 9-11 every day to write about it and let my mind go nuts because if I don't I'll have nightmares, flashbacks, and invasive thoughts later Frowner Maybe you could promise your thoughts some time (for your head to be buried you can always move some plans around if needed, I hope)? It sounds like you might need some comfort, at least that is... like what I "feel" from what you wrote. When I have thoughts that I don't want to think about (trauma, or whatever) I try to calm my body down because the thoughts are a symptom of my anxiety so I'll take some xanax and it will stop my head I know you take that too so maybe that could help.

Sorry if I'm just giving too many suggestions RG and not really attending to maybe what would be more validating or sensitive? Frowner I hope you are okay tonight and I hate when technology breaks down, too!!!

Not too many suggestions at all, good stuff to try! Especially Bon Jovi Wink

T has actually suggested the "planned outage" time as well. It works to a degree. I think the problem at this point in time is that a can of worms has been opened that was shut for so long, and now as desperately as I want to close it back up, I can't. Instead I have sunk into a severe depression, and am refusing to get out of bed. I know I can't cancel tonight's plans, but everything else this weekend I am tempted to cancel and just hide in bed until I next see T. I feel like my brain is literally killing me right now. Frowner

Aw Frowner that's rough. It's really hard when depression starts to take over because it really does feel (and sometimes IS) impossible to do things. I do understand the can of worms stuff Frowner Any way you could write or something to sort of purge it from your system? I like the term "planned outage" - and you're right it only does work to a certain degree if you've got trauma stuff busting through because it demands to be worked on *RIGHT NOW* and it is freaking exhausting. I can understand why you're wanting so much sleep right now Frowner

Thinking of you!!

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