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The PsychCafe
Share, connect, and learn. almost three weeks now..Ive been feeling ..just..somewhere else.
An old symptom came back. ..
My body hurts and recently my arms and my upper body started loud noises, like a loud person nearby, or the door closing, or a lady in heels walking really really loudly.

It makes me cringe and my body hurts, it aches a lot. and I feel scared. While Im getting to class, putting my backpack down, taking out my mind is replaying my mom yelling at me, or something from my past...

Im here but not here

and not only do I feel it physically....
I feel helpless.
I feel alone
like...I did i cant tell anybody the secret, cant tell anybody whats happening in my head, because its so long...and my T is only human..

and she cant fix it..
I worry im gonna cringe in her office tomorrow...I cant stop doing it..and it hurts actually causes me if I really got slapped or kicked.

T tomorrow....and I feel so apathetic about it.

I found some school records of mine as a kid..I was thinking of showing her all the bad comments from K-12th grade...but idk if ill do it.
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DGUOM, those sound like pretty classic PTSD symptoms, but they sound really awful to live with. I am so sorry for what you had to endure and still do Frowner I really believe you can heal from them eventually though. In the mean time you have us for support, and I hope you're able to share what you want to share with your T. That's what she's there for.
DGUOM: The other day my body was cringing like that at a soft sound. It ran right through me. It happened last year when things got too much for me at my previous place I lived. Every time someone walked across the floors above me, my entire body felt it. I was on such an edge and close to panic attacks. It didn't hurt but my body reacted.

I know what you are going through. Please keep strong. I know its not easy. I know its so easy to curl up and face away from the world. I'm terrible at it. I give up too much. I need constant presence of people around me to ensure that I'm safe.

Everyday just know that you, we, all of us, were all healing and that is why we are here on these forums. Smiler You are not alone. xxx
forgetmenot, im sorry u have to go through things like this too, Smiler thank u though, for helping me feel less definitely helps me get through the day to know Im not just some nutcase with a wierd problem that nobody else has.

I told my T, she said that it was..."emotional flashbacks"..Im not sure exactly ...if I explained them right, but thats what she called them.

I just want to thank everybody for their suport <3 thank u so much everybody.
You all help me stay strong <3 I have made so many friends just sharing my experiences, even if it is anonymously on the helps somehow Smiler

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