Jones, 4 times in two years. That's resilience. Last post I read about manatee, you were happy. How did you go about finding a new T? What types of things did you find helpful?
It's been really difficult reading between the lines. Especially because I have been really relying on him lately to make emotional interpretations. No wonder I felt as though I was caught in some wierd loop with him and couldn't get out. I WAS in a wierd loop with him.
His float list is a cancellation list. I think he actually keeps a certain percentage of open appointments every week for people who call in needing extra appointments. And then there are always cancellations. I'm so glad to hear you would struggle with that too. I've hated his float list since the beginning. I always thought it was first come first serve but it would explain his secretary's guilt when I gave her a christmas present. I was picking up on something going on but didn't know what it was. It would make me feel better if it was financial rather than personal - which is where I always go first.
Current T's receptionist is actually behind a glass-enclosed counter with a window. When we go to look for appointmnets, the book is upside down and I cannot read it. They have never covered it up with their hands before so that was kind of unusual. I don't really know if there was anything to that but an hour later T himself called to give me an appointment after I called to have my name taken off the float list and then that next appointment was when his secretary made the comment, I'm sorry what I put you through. Just kind of putting all the puzzle pieces together. Won't know for sure unless T confesses.
the money thing is really hard. But it's also the area I live in. I'm not status conscious but there are lots and lots of people around me who are. You kind of get used to it. I'm trying to sort out how I would really feel about it if it turns out that's how he decides who gets an extra appointment or not. Just wondering how I would feel myself if I was paying $125.00 cash for a session and T was giving open appointments to the $65.00 client. Wonder about the ethics of it. I'll have to do some research.
T#2 today made an interesting comment that he should be able to make me feel safe and if he can't, I really shouldn't stick around. Silly me, I always think all this anxiety is part of my therapy. I agree with you about the disorganization. And I'm not sure I really clicked with T#2. He was nice enough. His office did feel more like home. LOL. Going on these consultations is so time consuming and draining. My H knows I'm in therapy, of course, but I don't talk to him about the issues I go through. So, he doesn't know about this. I feel bad not sharing it with him but then again, therapy is hard. You are right, if I'm going to start over, I might as well find someone I really like.
TN, thanks for being so supportive and sharing your experience with me. Actually T2 was surprised that I've been in therapy with current T for so long and I haven't learned that much about myself. We haven't identified emotional patterns. I've been finding it frustrating but definitely have been passive about it. I keep trying different tactics,etc. I told T#2 that I didn't know how to get to where I wanted to go. He stated that I shouldn't have to know, that the T should be skilled enough to get me there. It was the first time that I considered the possibility that current t might not be as skilled as he thinks he is. He's full of confidence and I have been buying into it.
DF, Thank you as always for your support. It's been really validating for me to get the support of these other T's and liberating knowing that the angst I've been feeling was not just all in my head. I'm so bad at that and that's exactly why I go to therapy. I'm proud of myself too considering how difficult the last three months have been and how low my level of functioning has been. It gives me hope that I will get stronger and can get stronger.
I know I'm trying to sound so brave about being okay about the money thing and the float list, if these T's are right that this is what's going on. My H is in business for himself and so I do understand what it's like to run a business and it's not easy. Economic reality is a reality. The harsh realities of life. If I am honest with myself, though, it is painful and sad. I would like to think that he does really care about me and that it doesn't all come down to money.
He has told me that if he drops my plan, he will keep me on at $65.00 a session. Am I just rationalizing or isn't that pretty nice considering I think he really wants $80 and upwards? I think I do have to consider that he does have his Ph.D. and we do live in the metropolitan NY area. I paid T#2 today $125.00 for his consultation although if I went to him and he took my insurance, it would of course be a different story.
T#1 told me he wanted 150.00 for the consult. I offered him 100.00. He sounded a little annoyed but laughed and accepted it. When I got there, I told him that was the first time I actually negotiated a fee like that and that all my therapy must be working. He replied that I was the first person who ever tried to negotiate a fee with him.
I will let you know how it goes today with current T, who isn't feeling so steady anymore.
Thanks again for all your support. What would I do without the forum? You guys are the best!