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HI Guys,

I was wondering if anyone has done or is doing Cognitive behavioral therapy?

My therapist has suggested that he and I might work on a specific problem using that framework. This is a change because we have done 5 years of psychodynamic therapy together.

The issue is that i work for the federal government in Canada. To really have a chance to advance I need to have a basic level of French. UGH. Just thinking about speaking in french other then the basic basic's makes my stomach hurt. I recently had to go for a private assessment (nice, quiet room, a very friendly assessor, trying to make it a calm, relaxing environment) I struggled not to break into tears and run out of the room.

I am not sure I want to do CBT. It looks like it could become high pressure (from internal sources)
I am also worried that it will be as stressful as starting therapy the first time.

I am also interested in how the mechanics of this work, IS it really 1. review the home work you were supposed to so, 2. review how it made you feel and other emotions surrounding the task, 3. set homework for next week?
I am wondering if anyone has use CBT as an adjunctive to regular therapy, and if so how did it effect your other work with the therapist?

Suggestions, recommendations, ideas?

Original Post

My T did some CBT on me a while ago to conquer a certain fear I had speaking in public. It was challenging in that I had to: really look at why I felt that fear and behaved how I did; had homework tasks that invariably pushed me a little (note, not too much if not it won't work ....neither will too little Wink); BUT OMG it really worked! The fear was overcome to a great extent in a matter of a few weeks, I continued to work on it for several months and it has never returned. I would NEVER have believed that this was possible, but changing my behaviour, putting myself through a bit of discomfort that was carefully planned and managed, worked. I know CBT gets a lot of stick, my T uses all sorts of other therapeutic approaches, but for fears and phobias it seems really effective. I could understand also how it was working, which really helped me.

Hope this might be useful for you Smiler Go girl, you can do this ...if I can then anybody can Wink


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