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change is hard. but, i think, i resist it so much, too much, that i don't move forward.


what would my life be like if i decided today, to be happy. to let go of unmet dreams of the past. to quit looking in the rear view mirror and focus on the now. to accept myself fully...sensitive, loopy at times, introverted, close dear friends, quality over quantity, not 'popular', dear to those near, aging, sagging in places, sometimes sarcastic and hurtful, sometimes euphoric and loving, moody, cries easily, distant from family of origin, beloved by kids and husband, needs nine hours of sleep, not the best housekeeper, average cook, loves sex, loyal, honest, funny, intelligent.

y'no, collectively it is not all bad stuff. it is what it is, and trying to make it different isn't going to work too well.

i don't know all the answers in life, doubtful any t does.

what would happen if tonight, i decided to change. to drop the self hate, the self doubt, the self blame, the undue guilt, the undue shame, the unearned pain, and move forward?

is this where you get when 'it' happens?

you eventually decide to let go of what you had gripped so hard to for so long, and change??

someone who has been there, tell me. i don't think rehashing the trauma is the secret. i could be wrong. is it just stepping across the threshold, and changing some things???

telling those old tapes that say 'you are not being productive', 'you are being too sensitive', 'you are wrong, your perception is wrong, THEY are right, you just don't get it' shut up??

is that what it is?? my, i do so want across that threshold. what does it look like over there without all this baggage? is that all there is?? letting go of the past, and trying on a new me??

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Dear Jill,

Feeling for you right now - sounds like you are really in the grip of strong feelings.

My experience of change is that it's not a one-time conversion thing. For me it has always started with some kind of new insight that strikes me somehow, and then with just reinforcing and practicing that insight *when* it comes back to me, trying to nurture it when I can, gradually, with self-acceptance, not with force.

It sounds to me like you have a real insight here about your self-judgements. I would say try not to expand that into an all or nothing thing - 'from now on I will no longer...'. Just be thankful for this insight in this moment. Just for right now practice what you are seeing - for this moment, you are okay as you are. For this moment, you can let go of the unmet dreams of the past, accept yourself fully. That is a wonderful moment, a wonderful sign of growth. Just enjoy that moment, and maybe don't try to saddle it up with the whole future - let the future take care of itself.

jones, thanks. good advise. kind of like a diet, if you fall off of it once, don't abandon it. so, i just need to try to do that in the moment. not a perpetual ' i will never '.

thanks. that makes sense, that is where i get overwhelmed and then down on myself for messing up, and that spirals into not trying anymore for fear of more failure.

my worst time is in the middle of the night when i ruminate about all this stuff.

thanks, friend! jill
Yes. The beautiful thing is that what you are talking about is accepting yourself, just as you are, right in the moment. So you can practice doing that any time you think of it. In fact, that is the only time you *can* do it - never in the past, never in the future. No need to compare to back then or set up hurdles for ahead. Just being with yourself right now is the only thing you can do.

And might I add - your description of you as you are is a pretty good description of me, too - including the 9 hrs sleep!!


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