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hello. i have written some posts about trouble with my T. I have seen her 3x per week for about 5 years. During the last 3 years or so, there have been several instances where I have expressed deep concern about the success of the therapy and whether or not it was more destructive than helpful for me to be in it. The T always insisted it was helpful, gave some examples of why and I would let myself get sucked back in. This literally happened about 25 times in the course of the last 3 years.

Now that I am exploring other T's and getting consults, I am starting to think that maybe I was right the whole time. I now even remember how my friends would often tell "rock, you can't keep going back and forth. you dont trust this woman, please stop going, its not good for you." This woman is a respected T. It's not like she is some bozo so I felt like my distrust was what I needed to work on and I didn't listen to my doubts or my friends concerns.

Now as I explore my options, I am finding myself flooded with fear and regret that maybe I wasted a lot of time with her. Maybe the self destruction with drugs and cigarettes may be something that will come back to haunt me (ie: what if i get lung cancer in the future because I smoked to deal with my anxiety of being in therapy with her).

I have this feeling that I was taken and manipulated by her and yet I realize it was mostly my choice to keep going back to her.

So who knows. I may conclude that in fact my distrust was a consequence of what I need to work on and she is perfectly fine. But I know now I am kind of spun out in my mind that I totally wasted a ton of time and will grow to regret it in a big way.

THanks for listening.

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i guess my whole sense of it is that i do feel mistrustful in other relationships. i have been working on this issue with this T for a number of years. it hasnt really changed much. maybe its time to work with another T on it?

my theory is that if the T was really helpful, id feel more confident in our work and the progress that i made. it seems to me that the mere thought of wanting to leave her and the fact that it goes on repeatedly, and the fact that it hasnt changed much, is evidence that the therapy isnt helping.
who knows tho. i could be totally wrong.
Hi DaRock,

Are you in therapy with my OldT? I used to drink after sessions. I was actually falling apart with her. I left her and went to new T, who has been able to help me feel more empowered. I don't think Old T knew how to do that. New T made sure I knew that I should feel good after our sessions. And, if I didn't, I should call him. I've been with him for 3 years now. I think progress has been slow. But it's been steady. And, that's okay. It's going to take me a long time to heal. I'm just beginning to accept that. But I do have faith now that new T can get me there.

It sounds like you've lost total confidence in your T and that can't be a good thing.

What I learned from my experience with OldT was to go back and report what was happeneing outside of therapy, how terrible I was feeling. She didn't know I was drinking after our sessions. When I finally told her, she was horrified and she told me she did not want to make me worse. So, with new T, if I have a very bizarre reaction in between sesssions, I make sure I go back and tell him. when I was with Old T, I thought this is the way I was supposed to feel in between sessions. But new T assures me it's not. Sometimes things are painful IN session. But shouldn't be too bad after the session.

Good luck sorting it out.


So, I think you're doing a good thing by questioning your progress and by shopping around.

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