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I have a question. Do you think that people ever channel feelings for their therapist into other relationships/people? As in, do you think someone might act out transference feelings with a spouse, or parent, or whatever instead of addressing them directly with the therapist? Is there any literature on this type of thing?
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Or are you wondering if someone has transference with someone outside of T that is about T?

That is more what I'm talking about. Like, sometimes I wonder if strong feelings/reactions I have toward my SO are really related to what is going on in therapy / with my therapist.

Sometimes I think I talk about feelings about my SO in therapy and it just seems so obvious that these are probably similar to the feelings I have about my therapist. I'll slip up and use weird vocabulary about my SO that suggests I really might have my T in mind (e.g. using words like "attuned," "engaged," etc.).
In general, I think I pull my SO closer as a defense against relying on my T. And I'll confide in my SO about feelings in order to justify not talking about them in therapy. Etc.

I'm having trouble wording this. I guess I'm wondering how common it is to act out transference feelings within a relationship with someone instead of addressing them with the T. Like... I think I read somewhere once about a patient who had repeated affairs with people who fit the same basic description (appearance, age, etc.) as his therapist and that was interpreted as being part of transference somehow.

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