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Hi All,
I’m finally done with my release (at least this stage of it) and returning to normal hours. Which isn’t as good as it sounds, since my husband finished his refuel outage last Thursday, but we got woken up 3 AM on Tuesday by his beepers because the plant had gone back down, so he’s back on 12 hour days (not sure how long this is going to last yet,. there still trying to figure out the problem). But things should get somewhat better with me at least back to normal working hours.

I am having the first half of my periodontal surgery tomorrow and am experiencing a rising sense of panic (terror?). Having gotten so triggered and linking it back to that memory has left me feeling just a little fragile. My husband had been planning on taking a half a day and coming with me but probably won’t be able to. I’m in that weird place where intellectually I know it’s all going to be fine but I’m feeling kind of scared and fragile feeling-wise.

It’s been a long five or six weeks. Because I was both working OT and taking care of things at home, it got pretty stressful. Mainly because there just weren’t many downpauses. And something happened that I never expected which was I actually got more time alone than I wanted. It actually got kind of lonely. And interwoven throughout was me still working on grieving the end of therapy (combined with fighting the feeling that I really should be over this by now. A belief that only I seem to hold. Big Grin)

I ended up emailing and calling my T a few times. I can feel myself working through this but it’s been difficult and somewhat confusing. I had written a email to my T at one point about how angry I was and when he responded one of the things that he said was that he understood that he represented what I didn’t or couldn’t get. As I mulled that one over, I did finally realize that I was engaging in some black and white thinking. I realized that I believed that the only way to let go of the longing of the unfulfilled needs was to completely let go of my T. Which wasn’t really fitting with the fact that he was making it clear he was available (he stated that quite clearly and unequivocally in the same email). I finally realized that I needed to let go of what he symbolized, but can hang onto the real theraputic part of our relationship. He’s my therapist and that’s not changing. So he’s available here and now to help me with letting go of the symbolic part of the relationship, he can comfort me in my grief and help me handle the feelings that come up. But it can sometimes be difficult separating the two as I go along which is where a lot of the work comes in.

And the last time I talked to him, while he is still very warm and engaged and makes it very clearly that its good I called, I can also feel him holding back somewhat in the sense of not doing for me anything I can do myself. Part of what I’m coming to grips with is the fact that I really don’t need him anymore, at least in an ongoing steady sense. That can feel pretty sad sometimes.

As I’ve struggled with letting go of anything beyond therapy, I connected a few more dots. It’s kind of a long story but when my first T retired, my husband and I were already seeing my T (who was my husband’s therapist first). When FirstT told me she was retiring, my first thought was “oh I’ll start going to T for individual work also” but when I was talking to my sister about it, her first reaction was “how is DH going to feel about that?” and I realized that she was right. So I talked to my DH and he was pretty uncomfortable (and rightfully so) with the thought of my seeing his T individually. At our next couples’ session, I told our T about my FirstT retiring (and really appreciated his reaction, he was the only one that seemed to get what a big deal it was). I mentioned that I had thought of coming to see him, but that DH didn’t want that, and he very calmly agreed that he didn’t think that was a very good idea. So I finished up with FirstT (she had given me between 4 and 5 months notice), then just stopped going to individual therapy. But my relationship with my T continued to build doing the couples work. I had actually felt a little guilty near the end of my work with FirstT because I felt like I was getting more out of our couples’ sessions. I developed really strong feelings of attraction for our T and eventually scheduled an appointment with him to discuss it. Again, it’s kind of complex, but after a period of about six weeks, my T, my DH and I all discussed it and decided I could see him individually. My husband was more comfortable with the idea at that point, not least because things were much better between us (this was almost a year later) and as for my T, he had recognized both my attachment injury and the fact that we would work well together. I think he really wanted to help me and also knew that the healing I needed to do was directly related to my ability to have an intimate, open relationship with my husband. So I started seeing him for individual work also.

Throughout our work together I fought a sense of guilt, often feeling like I had selfishly not taken no for an answer and had manipulated my way into working with him. We talked about many times and eventually it led to a major breakthrough when I connected it back to feelings from my childhood. So I finally go over the guilt.

But here’s the thing, on some level what I experienced was asking for something I wanted and being told no, the boundaries wouldn’t allow it. But I really didn’t stop wanting it and eventually the boundaries moved and the no became a yes. So I realized that part of what i sgoing on now is that I’m hoping that will happen again. That if I just hang in there and persevere, the boundaries will shift again. While being painful, realizing this has helped, because when I pulled out this belief and examined it in the cold light of day, it’s obvious that these are quite different situations. The first scenario was one in which the theraputic boundaries were moved WITHIN the context of therapy, while what I want now is for the boundaries to cease to be.

The truth is that these were deep, fundamental needs, and mourning them has been a long, slow process. On the other hand, I really can feel myself letting go, it’s just taking a lot longer than I would like. And as I let go of those needs, it’s bleeding off intensity from the relationship with my T (not the very real depth and the very real gratitude) and honestly, as much as I want the obsessiveness gone, it’s still sad to keep letting go. I still really miss him alot. While at the same time being worried about how often I’m contacting him (it seems to be about once every three weeks although some of those contacts are just me sending him an email and not getting a response). But when I asked, he reassured (in that maddening, I won’t really answer you T way) that it was ok that I still needed to contact him sometimes.

So I’m in the middle of this very weird dichotomy right now which is that I can sometimes see how well I am handling everything and how well I got through all this OT and took pretty good care of everything I needed to while continuing to do the work of grieving. But at other times, I’m feeling pretty wrung out and depleted. And I can still feel overwhelmed and scared at times. The periodontal work tomorrow is not helping, I’m feeling a little small and vulnerable. I’m looking forward to having that over with.

So that’s kind of where I’m at right now. I should be able to be around a bit more consistently now that my schedule is settling down, although again, not as much as I would like with my husband still on long hours. As always, thanks for listening.

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Thanks, AG, for updating us and sharing more of your story.

I'm sorry your H's hours are still so long and things are getting a bit lonely. I hope he does manage to be able to go with you tomorrow, but I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

I can really relate to what you were saying about wanting the boundaries to cease to be and also wanting the obsessiveness gone, but it being sad to let it go. On the one hand, I hope some day to not "need" my T how I do now. I don't want to feel these over-the-top transference feelings toward him. the same time, the thought of letting go of those feelings. Letting go of a tender sort of love that I never got to have with either of my parents, because they were not safe and available to me from such a young is heart-wrenching. I'd almost rather keep it and remain in pain than have to let go of the feeling. I go back and forth on the issue. I am amazed at how courageously you face yourself and keep walking, confident in your own growth, but also willing to reach out when you feel you need to...and examining how scary and painful that reaching out can be. It's beautiful to hear about and I truly thank you for sharing. It gives me kind of a mental image of myself being OK...maybe someday...way in a future that is too distant and illusive for me to really grasp right now. (((((AG)))))
I hope it's not too late to wish you well with your periodontal surgery (or maybe I can hope that it's all over by now and you're feeling fine about it!)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings so openly and honestly. You really do know what's going on with you and it's amazing to read how you understand tricky and painful things and are able to work through them so effectively. I learn so much from your posts.

Sorry too that where you expected a bit more free time, you're going to have to be just as busy again. That's kind of selfish too, because I like to read everything you have to say here, so the sooner you are back the better! Which is not to trivialize how stressful things are and have been for you.

(((( Aglet ))))


I hope your surgery goes well today. I will be thinking of you.

I continue to be amazed at how you work through all of the issues that continue to come up. I'm glad that you are able to reach out to your T during this time and even though it is sad you are still moving through the grief and understanding your process more each time you take another step.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the well wishes and prayers!

I'm really glad that what I said gives you hope. I keep wanting to be able to say "hey things are completely awesome" instead of "this can still be hard." It's a real gift that everyone wants to hear how I'm really doing. Thank you.

What you said about the tenacity helping you survive very much resonated with me. It's almost like this if I just keep pushing I'll get what I want, gets me through to the point where I can accept what I'm not going to get. Bass ackwards but it works for me. Smiler Made me feel better that you get that. And I really loved what you said about still seeing it black and white. You're right, depletion isn't necesarily a sign of failure. I'll just have to see the tiredness as honestly and well earned. Wink

I promise I'm working at taking care of myself. Hey, I took the rest of the afternoon off. (Trust me that there was a time where I would have planned on heading back to the office. I also have my copy of the BBC Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth Big Grin) loaded and ready in the player for when I get home.) Thanks for reassurance about contacting my T, that can still be such a struggle for me.

You were NOT too late, it's in about an hour and a half from now, although I appreciate your hope that it was already over. I'm really looking forward to that part. Big Grin

Thank you for the kind words, LL. I really love the way you all see me as being so clear and effective since I feel like a confused, sopping mess. Trust me that there's a lot of stumbling going on over here. But I am grateful that you're all so willing to hear me talk about it.
(And I heard no trivializing!)

Thank you for the encouragement, as always. I'll see you on the beach in Crazy! Big Grin

DF and Yaku, thanks for popping back in! It really helps to know I have people who care about me and pulling for me. Helps me to be more grounded. I called a friend on the way home from my phone shift last night and had a complete meltdown which oddly enough, really heped. As everything came pouring out, it made more sense that I was feeling the way I was feeling (DF, you know how I told you that you were underestimating the affect of stress in your thread. Big 'ol projection. Big Grin) I woke up much calmer today. I'm still nervous, but that fragile, I'm one eyeblink from falling apart feeling is gone. I'll try and post an update when I get back. Thanks so so much everyone.

It went really well and aside from taking a while really wasn't too bad. The only pain was from getting the novacaine shots and that was minor. And the vicodin is kicking in now so I think this will be managable. I did really well, stayed very present and managed to act like a reasonable adult. Actually 3/4 0f the way throught the periodontist told me I had a quite pleasant personality. Big Grin Which helped allay my dread that I'm the patient from hell. I'm going to go ice my face now, thanks again for all the support.

My dear Aglet- I am so relieved to hear that it went reasonably well. You've been managing an awful lot with your usual grace and aplomb. (I just like to say aplomb. I'm not even sure I'm spelling it right. Big Grin )

Thank you so much for taking the time to give the update and it is just *so* nice to hear your honest, heartfelt and upbeat account of how things are going. I know you are still hurting lots, Aglet, but thanks for showing good example- that it's possible to keep going even when it hurts a lot and still find joy and meaning and purpose in spite of pain. I needed this today.

Love, hugs,

AG, first, so glad the procedure went well, that you were a rather pleasant patient, and that you're home and recovering!

I keep wanting to be able to say "hey things are completely awesome" instead of "this can still be hard."

Aside from the incredible insight from your post, I really appreciate your candidness - this is not something to sugar coat, and that you are still being challenged sometimes is good to hear (while the challenge does stink, I would imagine) because it's REAL. It's honest. And it's so helpful that you've shared.


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