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Hi All:

I have been a long time browser, but am a first time poster.

I have been seeing my therapist for the last year or so for just basic life issues, nothing serious and I do not have a DSM diagnosis. I basically consider him a more qualified version of a life coach being that he is a PhD.

Since the beginning of therapy, I have always found him to be very interesting, smart, attractive etc. Basically, if I were to have met him at the gym, at a restaurant, anywhere outside of therapy, I would have been interested.

I have no issue with men and get plenty of attention and have plenty of friends to talk to about my life. I am suggesting that this isn't transference, because I really don't a) believe in that and b) thought he was attractive when I first met him before I even got to know him. He has made comments such as, "you don't me to reassure you that you are gorgeous and that you are in the top .01 percent".

Basically, my question is as follows; we have this great chemistry, but I would never do anything to violate boundaries and have no interest in doing that, but I also respect him immensely and feel that I don't always say EVERYTHING. I liken this to getting brazilian waxes (before laser--so much better btw!). I would never go to an attractive waxer, because I felt bad that they had to do something so shitty as be a waxer. I had no issue going to some fat, ugly person as I felt that it was par for the course for them.

I basically view my relationship with him as more of a friendship and a collaboration in making me the best version of myself that i can be and I am not sure that with our dynamic and chemistry that we can effectively work together.

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I am not sure I know what you want my thoughts on?

If you were in the type of therapy that a lot of people are in then there wouldn't be mention of a friendship, so that confuses me.

Do you have therapeutic goals and a treatment plan? I don't get why you are commenting on how attractive he is or that you like him - isn't his therapeutic expertise what you are paying him for?

What type of therapist do you see? What is their mode of therapy and he has a Phd - is it in a related therapy field?

Wow, Amanda. You feel that fat, ugly people deserve to wax your cooch, but beautiful people don't?

I'm not sure your issue is going to be solved here

Hahahahahahaha. Beautiful response.

"you don't me to reassure you that you are gorgeous and that you are in the top .01 percent".

You sound amazing Amanda.

Originally posted by SomeDays:
I am not sure I know what you want my thoughts on?

If you were in the type of therapy that a lot of people are in then there wouldn't be mention of a friendship, so that confuses me.

Do you have therapeutic goals and a treatment plan? I don't get why you are commenting on how attractive he is or that you like him - isn't his therapeutic expertise what you are paying him for?

What type of therapist do you see? What is their mode of therapy and he has a Phd - is it in a related therapy field?


I appreciate your nice response, unlike the majority that have been posted in re: to my question.

My treatment goals were/are to be as self aware as possible and to discuss things as they come up at work and in life-- just all around impartial person to chat with.

He has a PhD in Psychology and is a psychodynamic therapist. I guess my issue is that I view him more as a "friend" and that we are equal (there is no power differential) as he knows I am educated, well to do and do not fit into any mental illness categories. Basically, I think he appreciates that I am an easy case with no "crisis" moments and just all around there to be the very best that I can be.

To those of you who don't understand MY statement about not wanting to use an attractive person as a brazilian waxer, I just feel like that is awkward. I feel badly that their function in life would be to rip out peoples' pubic hair. A lot of my friends actually feel the same way! I guess it is because we are more likely to run into that attractive person than the less attractive, person. Just me, and not saying that there is anything wrong with that job. Just like some people have to be maids and some people have to clean port-potties. If everyone were capable and able to be lawyers/doctors/business people, I guess we would all be screwed!
First off, catalyst that answer was awesome,lol. Secondly, this poster is sounding very familiar to one that posted in the last year.

Can I just say this to Amanda, YOU ARE A FAKE!!! Please don't use this forum to get off on. If you have read and observed this forum, then you wouldn't pose a legitimate question, as you have. Go away.

Sorry to everyone else if I sound cranky, but I feel "Amanda" is kind of making fun of the rest of us. It pisses me off.
Hey guys! Come on; lets just let Amanda have a say first.

I know if I'd met my T anywhere other than in her consulting room I'd have been more than interested!!

The relationship I have with my T is 50/50 friendship/professional in a lot of ways and she certainly 'life coaches' me a lot of the time. T herself has questioned; as Amanda has; whether that sort of relationship allows for effective therapy.

Oh; does that make me a fake as well. never mind; I'm off to get my chest waxed now......
I have to also add that your analogy doesn't work here because you said you don't like to go to attractive waxers because you feel sorry for them and feel they are above their job. In the situation with your therapist, however, it seems as though you respect him and are holding back because you are trying to maintain an image of yourself so be will like you. Until you get past that, your therapy will be limited.
Just me, and not saying that there is anything wrong with that job. Just like some people have to be maids and some people have to clean port-potties. If everyone were capable and able to be lawyers/doctors/business people, I guess we would all be screwed!

As a nurse I have cleaned a lot of commodes and done far worse besides...I have never thought that it meant that because I was doing that (small) part of my job it meant that I wasn't as capable as say a doctor. All I can say is that even capable and able doctors have some pretty grotty unspeakable parts to their jobs, but thank godness that me and my colleagues - pretty or not - are people who do jobs because they care about what they do and get enormous job satisfaction from doing it and helping others when they might need it.

AV some say Paracetamol helps before a big wax...just a little tip Wink ...wouldn't want you hurting now Big Grin

((((Fishy)))) It would take FAR more than paracetamol to get me anywhere near a beauty salon!! Well, as a client anyway Big Grin

I did hear that if you get a burn or mark from any hot wax drips the best thing to do is get some liquid vitamin E capsules, break them open and rub the stuff on the area. Next day; no burn!! D'you know if that's right or not?
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