All that being said, I can't get past the longing, the wanting to be loved, the grief and sadness.
Hi Liese,
I don't think I can add much to the wonderful responses that you have received, but I just want to say that in considering whether or not to stay with this T, you probably need to ask yourself if this T can help you deal with the feelings of longing and love within therapy, and the profound sadness of this experience.
From my experience some Ts and Ps just don't know how to handle it and then the feelings become much more intense and confusing. My exP fueled the fire because he apparently used patients to meet his needs, which I didn't realize at the time.
I think other Ts and Ps feel too uncomfortable in discussing our feelings for them and try to avoid the issue. I'm now worried that my current P may fall into this category. We recently started talking about boundaries and it's been quite painful for me and I'm not sure how comfortable he is with discussing all of this in-depth.
I didn't think I longed for anything beyond the boundary walls of therapy with him until recently, especially considering how my exP didn't keep boundaries. A few weeks ago, my P told me a story of a new patient and how she used to drive quite a long distance to see a P. This P would take her out to eat after her session because she drove so far to see him and this went on for years. My P laughed as he told me this, probably because he was thinking how unorthodox and unethical it was.
My immediate thought was...oh, how nice of the P to do this, but later on after I got home, I felt incredibly sad. I know what my P was saying about boundaries and I know that he wants to keep me safe, but it just hurts to think the idea of dinner with me would be laughable. And I'm sure he would tell me that he wasn't laughing at me, but this is how it feels to me and I'm stuck.
So I'm in a similar place as you in trying to decide if I should stay. My P has been wonderful in trying to clean up the aftermath of an unethical P but will he help me through this or will it be too awkward for him?
Your response was so helpful, exactly what I needed to hear right now and I loved your blog post as well! It's a harsh, painful reality to face that no matter how well our Ts or Ps conduct the therapy, and I believe your T is incredible, it won't be enough. Even if my P took me to dinner after a session and made me feel special that evening, it wouldn't be enough. I would probably just want something more.
It's so sad and so difficult as we try to navigate through all of this, but it does help to know that other people face these feelings and are willing to share their experiences.
Liese, I hope you find the answers you are seeking,