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I stopped seeing T last November. It was an abrupt ending. We have had some small contact here and there. Texting briefly, a few phone calls, some emails and she sent me two cards.

I still think about her every single day. I still have dreams about her and I cry a lot. I miss her so much one second, and then the next second I am angry at her, the next I wish I had never met her, and the next second I wish everything was back to the way it was before therapy ended.

I guess what I can't seem to figure out, is what I need to do for these feelings to relent a bit. I have thought so much about it and I go back and forth with wondering if 1) Not having closure (or a proper termination process) is the problem, or if 2) The intermintent contact is what is causing the problem?

I realize it is probably a little bit of both. I have thought so much about a closure session. I even text her about it. She gave me a time I could come in. Stupidly, I had made myself believe that b/c we had no proper termination session, that I would not need to pay for the last session. When I asked her about it, she said yes, I needed to pay. That made me so upset that I just told her forget it. I guess maybe that shows that I am still not ready? That I have made myself believe that I don't need to pay her for a session. Of course, I also know that part of that belief of mine, is all the boundary problems we had in the realtionship.

Ohh humph, this turned out to be a long rant. I am so lost. I don't know what to do. I am so tired of thinking about her. Crying about it. Using my energy that could be spent with my family and kids to mourn her. I know she is not doing the same about me. It makes me angry. Frowner
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Hi Kmay,
I did not have a proper termination with old T, because he left so suddenly and was on holiday. I spent a lot of time thinking about him and talking about him with new T. I also got very upset when I kept running into him in town. We kept up e-mail contact for about 6 month, but new T thought it was not helping.
It is now 2 years on and I met old T on Monday. He was in the playground with his daughter and I stopped to chat for a while. It was nice to fill him in, but no real emotional reaction in me. I was pleased, I have moved on. He is now old T and new T is just T!!

I think it just needed time and a good relationship with a new T. Now I think obsessively about new T. Big Grin
Thanks Jillian & Starlight,

I went to a closure session yesterday after some encouragement from new T. It was tough. Some of it hurt, some of it was helpful. I'm not sure how much "closure" I actually feel, but overall I am glad I did it.
I am hoping Starlight, that I too, can get past that emotional, hurting part of old T. Only time will tell,
Thank you ((Athenacus))),
It actually took ALOT of encouragement from T and we talked a lot about it for several weeks. It wasn't as easy as I made it sound. I pretty much felt like I was gonna throw up the whole way driving there. I still feel kind of...neutral about it, I guess? Like I'm in shock or something? I don't know that one session was enough for the kind of closure that I needed, but I won't go back again, even if she offered.
Anyways, thanks for the support.
Originally posted by kmay:
Thanks Jillian & Starlight,

I went to a closure session yesterday after some encouragement from new T. It was tough. Some of it hurt, some of it was helpful. I'm not sure how much "closure" I actually feel, but overall I am glad I did it.
I am hoping Starlight, that I too, can get past that emotional, hurting part of old T. Only time will tell,

I celebrated my last day of therapy on June 25th. The little girl in me starting fighting this closure back in February. I was honest with my therapist about my fear of rejection and abandonment and we had that time to really process and validate those little girl feelings. It was an amazing closure to an amazing journey of healing! I've been in therapy on and off for about 15 - 20 years. At times it is sad and I miss him but the little girl in me no longer cries out and I am able to self-regulate. I am so grateful that God chose this last therapist of mine to close this chapter of my life. Interestingly enough he was a mere 12 year old when I first began therapy. My encouragement to all of you is to be honest with all the feelings that come up...your therapist can help hold them for you until you are ready to dig in to them. You deserve to be happy and healthy! I am now studying to be a therapist to pay it forward for all the work God has done through me... Blessings my friends


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