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The PsychCafe
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Things on forum have been a tad... *fraught* these last few days and I know I’m not the only one who’s noticed how few people are venturing out to post. So I thought I’d start a kind of temporary check in thread for anyone who happens to be lurking or anxious or needing connection or wondering whether it’s safe to come out into the open to post a hello on. Really it’s just a way of doing a bit of a head count and acknowledging each other in a friendly and accepting way.

So, well I’m here (endlessly here Roll Eyes once I'm here there's no getting rid of me!). Determined not to let what’s been happening on forum drive me away. We need people to stick around – think of that therapy mantra, rupture and repair – don’t run, face the fears all that stuff you know the drill Wink

Come on anyone who feels brave enough, just post to say hi Smiler

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Great thread and initiative Lamps! I do feel kinda new here even though i used to hang around here a lot before. I just recently found out about all these "tad" stuff, but dont get much of it. Honestly i dont care so much about it either. The most important thing is that forum keeps functioning with the same etic standard as it used to, so that new and old members can feel free to post if they want to.

Isn't that reassuring? Within 30 minutes or so we've had 6 people, including me, willing to say even just a couple words. You know how sometimes it's comforting just to sit on the phone with another person you care about, even if you're not saying anything? That's what it feels like now - at least to me.

Brilliant idea, Lamps.

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