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Hey All,
I hope everyone is well.

I have continued on with the same Therapist because I feel he is helping me and the thought of starting over: "No, thank you."

I have been working so hard to see things as they are vs. how I feel they are. The Therapist is going on vacation and I sent him a letter asking him if he could just write for me in his handwriting he wouldn't change his mind about seeing me while he is away.

We had a session yesterday, last session before he goes away. I will not see him for two weeks. I wrote the letter and knew he would get it before I saw him. I sent it early so he could get it, read it, think about it, respond in session.

The letter came up. He said he started to read it but was interrupted. He meant to get back to it and it was a very hectic week. He left the house, forgetting the letter.

I desperately needed the letter to be there because I could not speak about what was in the letter, hence the reason for the letter. We had a decent first half of the session and then when he said he had barely begun reading it and had not been able to finish it, I could not even speak.

He tried to encourage me to work through what it was I was struggling with and put words to it. I told him, "Of all days to forget, this is the worse timing. You are going away and I desperately needed you to read this before you left on vacation."

I gathered my things and he said, "You are feeling badly right now and if you talked about it, you would feel better." I said, "I am not able to. It is very difficult." He said, "I want you to understand when you leave, no texting." I then burst into tears. He asked me why I was so upset. I said, "Nothing."

At this point, he reassured me he would see me in two weeks and this was his word and his commitment. He said my job was to work through my fears based on current information.

I don't understand how this could have happened. He has always gotten my letters before and brings them into session. I tried everything within my power to make sure I would have a good handle on things while he was away and everything just falls through.

I called him and told him all he cares about is me not texting him. He wants me to talk to him about difficult things in person and I try to talk to him via texting when things are too difficult to discuss. He won't allow this.

I tried to make sure I would be okay, wrote the letter, trusting he would read it and he could tell me if this was something he could do or not. Of all times to forget, this was the one time it was so important to me.

I don't do well with the unpredictable and I don't give people second chances when they let me down. I really needed him and he failed me. This was huge for me. I needed him to understand and yet, he didn't even finish the letter. I am completely devastated.

If I could talk about it in person, I wouldn't have needed to send the letter.

The irony was not lost on me when this situation happened. When he said he hadn't even read the letter or brought the letter, I started laughing with a mixture of crying because I could not believe this was happening. So basically, I just opened up to him, which was a very difficult thing to do, hiding under my blanket at one point because it was so difficult to be seen.

I understand people forget and people are human. I don't give second chances and this was something I really needed.

I sent a letter telling him I don't understand how this happened, but the next appointment is the last appointment. I take a risk, open up and then he just forgets? You may as well take a knife and stab me right in the gut.

To try and put into words all I have been feeling is difficult. Yet, I feel this is the story of my life. I try to make sure things don't happen, they happen anyway. This is cruel. I am not cut out for relationships because when things happen like this, I cut the person off. I tried to keep things from happening when I was little, I failed. How much effort does one have to give to prevent things from happening and yet watch helplessly as they happen? Why try when what you are working against is going to happen anyway?

I work so hard so bad things won't happen, misunderstandings won't happen and yet, they happen anyway. I am not equipped to handle these sorts of things. I don't have the ability to overcome as these things trigger so much within me. It's terrible to have this happen between you and another person, but to have it happen with your Therapist, not what is needed in this moment.

I felt I was truly making progress and this all the more shows why I am not built to relate to people. I just don't have what it takes. I was not built this way. This is not an excuse, it's just true.

I am sorry if this seems disorganized, without structure. I just realized this reflects how my internal world is right now. Thank you for reading and at least 'listening.'

Any kind words and constructive feedback is welcome.

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I really feel for you, TAS. It IS terrible timing before a vacation! I understand some of what you are coping with. I have a very hard time with misunderstandings and disappointments, myself. I feel like they make me lose faith that the relationship was ever real or if it was ever the way I read it to be. So then I want to remind myself that it doesn't matter and I don't need anyone anyway, and whatever, and I want to walk away from it and start over with someone else who is not so stupid. I also know what it is like to feel like you try very hard to prevent something from happening or to make sure something is taken care of and then even so, as you say, things happen or fall apart. It is especially hard when I feel like "This time I was SO careful,though! How could it happen again?" The frustration and the futility are killers.

But, slowly, I have felt a change inside. I am a little bit more likely to see things from a different perspective. It has been very difficult to get even this far from my old perspective. I still have a long way to go with relationships, too.

The only thing constructive I can think of is that since you can't seem to prevent things from happening, even when you work so hard, maybe you do have a little control over how you respond to it. The therapist I left said that things like this didn't have to crush me or devastate me, but he never said how to accomplish that. I don't know how to keep these kinds of disappointments from crushing or devastating me. I am still working on it and making a tiny bit of progress.

Anyway, you say that when people fail you, you don't give them a second chance. But, you have definitely given the Therapist second chances before. This is one part of the same old story that isn't the same old story. You can give him a second chance again if you want to. Even though you really needed him and he really let you down. It would be hard to get back up and go again, but you have done it before. And you are probably right when you said that you felt that you are truly making progress. You really are, it's just so complicated and frustrating and painful sometimes.

Hang in there. I know this really hurts.

You wanted him to write that he wouldn't change his mind about seeing you while he is away. I think that after you have survived his vacation, which will be tough, you will discover that he has not changed his mind while he was away, just as you hoped. I know it is not the same as having it in his writing given to you to hang on to, but it does matter that you might give him another chance and that he will keep seeing you for as many chances as you need.
Yet, I feel this is the story of my life. I try to make sure things don't happen, they happen anyway. This is cruel. I am not cut out for relationships because when things happen like this, I cut the person off. I tried to keep things from happening when I was little, I failed. How much effort does one have to give to prevent things from happening and yet watch helplessly as they happen? Why try when what you are working against is going to happen anyway?

I think the reason it's so hard for you when people fail you in relationships is that it brings up all the pain from being failed repeatedly in your childhood. Ordinarily, parents fail their kids in small ways (on the order of your T forgetting to bring your letter) all the time, then the kid expresses hurt and anger and the parent will apologize and soothe the child and make it up to them. So the kid learns that people will fail them sometimes but it's OK because the relationship will be repaired. But it seems like you were failed in BIG ways and that you never did get to experience repair and learn that things could still be OK. So now even when you get failed in little ways, it brings up those BIG feelings from the past and without the sense that it can be smoothed over. That is why you try so hard to make things work out so people won't fail you, so that you don't have to feel that HUGE pain. And then when they do fail you anyway, you just cut them off because the relationship feels hopeless and it getting rid of the relationship probably feels like the best way of getting rid of the pain.

So I hope you can care for yourself and realize that these are feelings of a kid who was failed too many times, and also realize that your T cares about your feelings even though he forgot your letter.

The situation sounds incredibly painful. Your therapist was trying to be empathic. However, it also sounds like you took a risk and showed him that you need him, that you are dependent upon him and those feelings fell through the cracks, for whatever reason. That is very fragile part of you that, I am guessing, you hide from everyone.

On the one hand, you are not ready to be more direct with your needs but doing so will result in your needs being met more frequently and they won't fall through the cracks like they did. It's a really difficult place to be in.

When you have lived a life of neglect, it's so hard is to put yourself out there and have your needs missed or dismissed. Do you think he is aware how hard it is for you to show that vulnerable part of you? Is he being sensitive to that vulnerability?

Sending hugs.

Oh Tas.

You tried really hard to do something differently and positively - for that you need a big hug and pat on the back. I could see that you were trying hard.

Your posts always remind me of ME!! You often react or your thinking is similar to mine - sometimes I don't respond (sorry) because they are too close to my pain.

I get your pain as I have been disappointed like this with my T so many times. She can be really ditzy, forgetful and it hurts a lot when she lets me down. I have learnt to ALWAYS have plan B. I often take copies of things to sessions of what I have sent to make sure she reads them as she doesn't tell me when she has read something.

I have learnt to reduce the opportunity for disappointment by doing things like this. I look forward and anticipate and ask myself - what will happen if she hasn't read it, how important is it to me etc etc. If it is something critical I make sure I take a copy.

Often she has just simply forgotten, often she didn't know how important it was, often there is a computer glitch - etc etc.

You have to keep trying TAS. I have learnt this the hard way this week with a huge rupture (yet again) with my T. After terminating her (my most serious and honest ever) I received a lot of advice, thought deeply about things and asked her directly for her help. I did something differently. My T always drums it into me that I need to act differently in situations - if I keep doing the same thing, I am just going to be doing the same thing, react the same way and repeat the past. You did something different.

oh (((TAS)))

i could feel your pain when reading what you wrote - i so admire your bravery to ask in the first place AND even in session, to be able to tell him it was REALLY important that of all days, he hadn't forgotten to read or bring it. That took guts to share that much. I don't think i could have said as much, and i know i would have stuffed down all feelings until i was well out of there, and my T would have had ZERO idea how devastated i was - so i also think your'e very brave for allowing your true emotions to come through in his presence also.

I like what the others said, about it not needing to be the same thing and same story in terms of you 'newer giving second chances'. there is an old recovery saying that goes "if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got"

(im NOT saying you aren't changing and haven't by the way… i quote that saying purely because i use it to motivate me to take risks and try something different / again)

your T wont allow txting - how about email? when you see him next, can you ask about emailing? that way IF you post a letter and he forgets it again, if its in an email, he can prob access it from is office?

I'm so sorry. I know this is a painful, vulnerable spot to be in.

I do agree with much of what BLT said. I also wanted to add that this pattern you've developed of rejecting people sounds like a mental and emotional strategy of avoiding pain. It reminds me of that blog post AG did about the amygdala and the limbic system: when it hurts to much to get close to people, we look for ways to run away. However, that's a pretty ineffective way to manage our emotions and get our needs met. To break out of that cycle, we have to take a risk and do the exact opposite of what we've always done. Easier said than done, I know. Frowner

He wants me to talk to him about difficult things in person and I try to talk to him via texting when things are too difficult to discuss. He won't allow this.

Oh, boy, can I relate. My T has a "no text, no email" policy, and isn't terribly keen on phone calls, either. As he explained, it's not necessarily about his dislike of outside contact. It's that discussing things in person is much more effective for both T and client. In person, there's a lot less room for misunderstanding and unmet expectations. I can (and do) write letters to him on occasion, but the rule is I bring them to session for either him or myself to read aloud. It was extremely difficult to adhere to this policy at first, but it has gotten easier over time.
Quell: This is very painful. I sent a letter stating I did not understand how what happened, happened, yet it did. I told him to please bring all my letters to the next session because it will be my last. It's not even about him. I just am not cut out for this, to relate to others without cutting them off.

I know he has really tried but I can not keep getting disappointed and then be expected to know how to handle it, because I am not equipped to handle the disappointment. It's too overwhelming to even feel it, then it's too overwhelming to be vulnerable. I can't keep using him as the punching bag because I don't know how to handle it...then I basically tell him I hate him and never want to see him again, because he was human and honestly forgot.

This is painful. Thank you for your kind words and understanding. I hope you are doing well. When I struggle during the upcoming weeks, I will reread your words for encouragement.

BLT: Thank you and I know you are absolutely spot on with the underlying feelings this is bringing up. It's as if I am scratching my head and saying, "I did everything right. How did this happen? HOW?"

It doesn't make sense to me. I have some time to think about this but I know I can't keep experiencing disappoint. It devastates me every single time. It's as if my soul is crushed and no matter what, the person who failed me is the enemy.

Thank you for your reply. I will be referring back to it during the coming days Smiler

Liese: He does know how incredibly difficult it is for me to be vulnerable and he is being sensitive to this difficulty. He doesn't baby or coddle me (which I am extremely grateful for), but yes, he is aware. Sometimes I think he is the best person for me, other times, I don't know how I ended up with him. I am sure you understand the two sidedness of this thinking. Smiler

SD: I am so sorry this resonates with you on such a personal level. I truly understand on a gut level the kind of pain this involves. Thank you for your encouragement and I am trying to do something different, I just get so discouraged and really don't understand the point anymore.

ElizaJ: Thank you for your kind words Smiler He doesn't allow e-mail either. He is very strict with his boundaries and it's just the way it is...believe me, I have tried to change this...but he is firm. This is a very challenging time and something I honestly did not expect to happen. I am completely caught off guard.

GG: Thank you for replying, especially since it is a painful area for you as well. Very thoughtful Smiler


Affinity: Thank you. Yes, I certainly want to run away. It's probably good there is a two week break because I never want to see him ever again. I did take a risk and the same thing just keeps happening, it seems. This is what is so discouraging. I am trying so hard, working so hard and no matter what I do to make sure nothing bad happens, the bad happens anyway.

I don't understand this. I truly don't. Thank you for writing and sharing.

Thank you to EVERYONE who wrote and replied, sharing their personal experiences and words of encouragement. I am having to dig deep to stay anchored. The worst part is I saw him at Target yesterday and I swear, it didn't matter anymore to me if he acknowledged me or not. I do not care.

Time will tell,

I know he has really tried but I can not keep getting disappointed and then be expected to know how to handle it, because I am not equipped to handle the disappointment. It's too overwhelming to even feel it, then it's too overwhelming to be vulnerable.

I know how hard it is. If you do not go back, it does NOT mean failure. Maybe there is someone else out there with whom the pain won't be as great. Or maybe you will get through this rough patch and be able to stick with your T. Regardless, you've grown and that IS a good thing.

Originally posted by Affinity:

He wants me to talk to him about difficult things in person and I try to talk to him via texting when things are too difficult to discuss. He won't allow this.

Oh, boy, can I relate. My T has a "no text, no email" policy, and isn't terribly keen on phone calls, either. As he explained, it's not necessarily about his dislike of outside contact. It's that discussing things in person is much more effective for both T and client. In person, there's a lot less room for misunderstanding and unmet expectations. I can (and do) write letters to him on occasion, but the rule is I bring them to session for either him or myself to read aloud. It was extremely difficult to adhere to this policy at first, but it has gotten easier over time.

That is my understanding too as to why some Ts don't allow txt / email contact - it's very difficult to ascertain 'tone' and the real meaning can be lost or not heard - which would potentially cause more pain for the client.

Although in this case - it's easy to see how it's caused pain due to a series of events ....

I am allowed to email my T - BUT it's with the clear understanding; it's not for therapy WORK - I can email her what I thinking and feeling, BUT we will talk about it at our next session face to face. She is clear she cannot write lengthy replies (and won't 'go into' therapy via email).

But in situations like you've described TAS - where y just need your T to know some things you find too hard to talk to face to face initially, and where yu simply just want to be able to share what's important to you without the expectation of a reply I think being able to email could be helpful.

Hope you're doing ok today (((TAS))) - I admire yr courage and self talk and insight into the why of feeling the way you do. sending y safe hugs across the Ocean

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