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So, I did something and I would rather not say due to being embarrassed by my behavior...however, the therapist said he still wants to continue working with me.

I told him that I didn't think I could continue to see him... (My reasons) Number one, because I flat out lied to him and told him that I did't do what he knows I did...Number can you reveal so much of your inner world to someone when you have personally lied and know it...

He knows I did what I did...and he continues to hang in with me...I don't understand it...I am having a difficult time understanding that concept...

So, I know he knows I did it...he has even stated, why can't I just tell him that I did it? I don't understand my thinking on this...

We each have a moral code we live by and I would say I have intentionally lived my life, when it comes to treating other people, within the realm of that code...I am accomplished, own my own business, would consider myself an honest person. Trust is huge to me. Why would I do somthing to breach trust?

I told him yesterday that I don't think I can come back...because yes, there is pushing to test someone's limits and then there is a point of no return, where you cross a line and can never go back.

I really believe I have crossed a line and can't go back.

So, I guess the moral of this story is: Value the trust your Therapist has towards you and don't let your behavior, no matter how angry or pissed off you may be, ruin it. It's not worth it in the end. Not only because they are your Therapist, but because they are another human being. The worst thing to have to do is carry the residue of regret of decisions made - knowing you violated another person's trust.
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My T said something interesting to me last week that may resonate with you here...

She told me, while I struggled to get through 45 minutes of basically asking if she was angry with me for something...and the next 15 minutes, apologizing for having to ask...

She told me that 'this place' was the place that you were allowed to do that... It is created for you to do that... To test boundaries, to experience new evidence that isn't marred or masked by your previous experiences, and to learn how to manouver through a relationship with that new evidence.

I think...sometimes it takes 45 minutes to ask the question...and sometimes it take a few weeks...But at the end of the day, I think our T's want and expect thing to come up that requires us to challenge all the evidence we have had in the past.

So... While it may be incredibly hard for you to do... Perhaps entertain the idea of going back - and allowing your therapist the opportunity to manouver you through this minefield. I find... where I lack understand and answers, my T picks them up out of thin air.

It is possible, that whatever you feel you have done wrong - The judgement, depth and extreme of it, is not, perhaps based in the 'now' and is based in the past...

Just my thoughts. Give yourself a break...allow your T the opportunity to provide new evidence.
Your T. must see great value in you to keep working w/ you. If T.didn't wanto work w/ you anymore you gave him the perfect out. So the ball was in his court & he decided to keep going. You're worth it. Let the decision rest to continue to work together.
So is this incident related to the former thread about taking things? Just asking.
In the short time ive been here I feel I can b more honest here talking than w/ T. Here these words just float out into cyberspace. Ive definitely gotten over the embarrassment.

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