Well, I brought this up to my T a couple of months ago, and it did not go well. My T does offer touch to some clients, but will not even consider it in my situation. He says it would be cruel. My reaction at the time was so bad that I seriously considered not opening up to him again. Instead, I decided to press on and leave the touch issue alone.
Now...I don't know. On the one hand, I really appreciate how safe my T has made me feel, and I don't want to mess with that. On the other, there is something still terribly painful surrounding this whole issue for me. I don't know what. Maybe it's related to my dad, but I don't want to admit paternal transference.
I'm seeing T tomorrow and I already have something major in the pipeline that I plan to discuss. But I'm so rattled because I think the conversation is going to swing around to this, because the issue I plan to discuss involves similar denial. And my T is extremely good at reading me. He mentioned something near the end of last session about feelings I haven't yet expressed to him. Bugger. Ambivalence has struck again, and I'd rather not touch this with a 12-ft. pole. But what else to do?