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listened to the recording from last session. the thing that jumps out at me is the point where T says about A (daughter's boyfriend) "do we need to beat him up" after labeling A "a clown". and he goes on to say that teenage boys "need to be monitored and contained". because they have problems". This just really shocked me for 2 reasons: the first being he does a lot of work with teens, but his remarks sound a lot like an out-of-touch adult ... "this is your label, wear it well, and good luck emerging from the trenches i have placed you in". the second thing is he knows (or at one point knew) of the us/them mentality that has set me apart from adult life pretty much my whole life (i am 50). the comments just sounded righteously indignant, opposite of what i would expect from a person in his position. then to top it off, after i came to A's defense, T says "i was just kidding when i said we should beat him up". one of 2 phrases "x" frequently used to absolve himself of any responsibility was "i was just kidding". it hurts to write this because i know (or at least fantasize) that thest 2 men are on entirely different planes, but i think this is what therapy is. i think i need to share with T, but i also know that i write because i know i could never speak it. i dont' want to ever hurt anybody. anybody???
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Hi Closed Doors!

It hurt to read this.
his remarks sound a lot like an out-of-touch adult ... "this is your label, wear it well, and good luck emerging from the trenches i have placed you in".

and I think you are spot-on. When you treat a person as a "clown" or whatever negative label you decide to put on them, it's all over. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The guns are already loaded and pointed and ready to fire: one false move is all it takes to satisfy the projections of the self-righteous: "See, I knew it... you are a clown, a hysterical female, a loser, immature...stupid...(insert label here)

Just kidding.

Anyway, this does not sound to me like what therapy should be. It sounds like bad parenting.

In regards to speaking up, I'm not going to say anything, because it would be easy for me to advise to speak up, but YOU are the one who would deal with the consequences, positive or negative. I would feel like one of those out-of-touch advice givers. SmilerAlso, who is the second man? I'm confused... Not sure how helpful I am.
the second man is my recent ex-husband. a very unaccountable, irresponsible person. so for T to say something that my ex regularly said was disappointing. brought a negative transference to the surface. i guess that's where i am right now, feeling distanced from him and angry with him. he's normally a pretty good parent. we all have our days. number9, thanks for replying as this is my first thread.

My oldT has actually said dismissive things that my parents used to say and it used to push my buttons. I never said anything to her about it but wondered how someone like a T could say something like that, that she must know how that would come across to someone with my history.

How long have you been with this T? Do you like him?

Thank you, Liese. I've been with him a little over a year, my first time in therapy of any length. I usually like him an awful lot. i think about him and therapy ALL THE TIME. it kind of makes me crazy. since that last session i have been wavering between liking him a lot and not liking him so much. I wonder if he was intentionally pushing buttons to get a rise out of me. I dont' know ... is that a technique? at any rate, it will be difficult but i believe i will tell him how disappointed i was at our next session this Friday. thinking on it, it really sounds like his junk in my therapy hour.

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