Something happened a couple of weeks ago that was very triggering and wrong. I went to a hospital after for medical care, and they treated me horribly. I left stunned, shocked, horrified… I went back to that hospital a couple of days ago to get the records. I just wanted to understand better. I got stuck in the system and ended up going over to the hospital administration office, trying to hold back my tears of shame. On some level, I think I blamed me for the hospitals crappy treatment of me, and figured I deserved it… I told the secretary I was running into problems getting my record. She was very kind and pulled me into a director’s office. I don’t know why, but she stayed late to help me get the records. I told her it was important, I needed to know what medications I was given. I hadn’t been told… (and that wasn’t the worst thing that the hospital did). She looked concerned as I said this and looked through the records herself. I hadn’t told her yet that the hospital treated me badly… but she immediately began to tell, from the hospital’s own records, that something was wrong. She told me the medications I was given and the tears started to come. She asked what happened and between what little I could say and what she could tell form the records, she began to get very concerned. She has apologized for what happened, verbally and in writing. A full on straight apology. She even wrote the staff was wrong and she wants to do everything she can, as the clinical manager, to make sure the “awful treatment” (her words) I had never happens to anyone again. She doesn’t even yet know why I came to the ER, just that they responded very terribly.
What happened before I went to the hospital, and then what happened in the ER, has triggered memories and a lot of old stuff. I have been sorting through to step by step and doing pretty ok-ish… sorta… at least I was doing better with it all until this hospital administrator has put in writing that they were wrong and she was “so sorry.”
Yeah, she probably is trying to assure me so that I don't sue or something to protect the hospital - but at the same time, she is so darn clear. She states bluntly the hospital staff was wrong and she is sorry and she even wrote an email stating she is going to the hospital president to tell him what happened and they have put the ER doctor involved on leave immediately - like as in the day after she read the records of what happened - and they are investigating to see "who all was involved" and will "hold them fully responsible." I am very surprised, but she really took this very seriously.
She has essentially validated that the bad treatment I had at the hospital was not only bad, but flat out wrong.
And not my fault.
I find myself overwhelmed with grief after her apology. The flashbacks are worse. After the validation, after the apology that I can’t refuse. It wasn’t my fault they treated me like they did, and it was not only undeserved, it was wrong… and even the hospital is saying they were wrong… (really, it is baffling that they have admitted they were so wrong).
But I can’t deny that it wasn’t my fault.
The shame, the self blame, for how hospital ER staff treated me badly has been proven to be wrong, and I am now fighting deep grief and flashbacks of a traumatic event from two years ago. Something I do blame myself for on some level…
I am struck by how much my shame, my self hate, it has been protecting me from feeling everything I am feeling now.