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Here's a post I put on my Tumblr account today. This is how I feel. Frowner. Please guide. I don't want to become an unfeeling sociopath or do anything impulsive..

I can’t understand myself.

I feel guilty for being an attention-seeker.

I’m convinced that my feelings don’t exist.

I numb myself to prove to myself that whatever I feel isn’t real and that I’m a whiner.

I cannot accept that I am in any sort of pain.

I’m stronger then that, says my thoughts.

I’m stronger than nails, says my conscience.

And most of all, I intellectualize myself every single moment of every single day. My thoughts NEVER stop. How on earth can I feel being like that?

And when I see the picture of my therapist, I close up. I numb. I’ll feel guilty if I feel anything because I’m not sure what I was feeling was really real anyway. So if it was real what I was feeling then I hope not…I can't look at her picture. It intimidates me.

But I want to feel. I want to sort out all this. I don’t have any concept of emotional reality. I’m confused.

I’m a compulsive worrier.

Not knowing makes me want to give up.

Worrying about becoming an unfeeling psychopath makes me want to feel.

So I try to MAKE myself feel something in attempt to prove to myself that I’m not an attention-seeker and that this is all real.

And then when my thoughts do wind up and I do ‘feel’ something, I worry that the reason why I was feeling was because I purposely wound myself up and made myself feel these fake emotions.

Then I feel guilty for doing that.

And I only dream about attempted suicide because then that means that everyone will come to my side and say ‘Gosh! Poor girl. She almost made it out but she didn’t. What were we thinking. We were so careless. We need to be with her forever for as much as she wants us to be’.

And then…when it comes to the crux of it and a relation on Facebook inboxed me a message and asked me what was going on and explained her side of things, I felt silly to tell her that this is all the stuff my parents did to me and how angry I am at her for not understanding me…

But I can’t. I feel silly to put my fingers on the keyboard and start typing about how and what my parents did to me. I feel like an attention-seeker.

I feel that I should not say anything.

I feel that I should be okay.

…and that there is nothing wrong with me and that I’m whining for nothing. And I cannot believe that I have real pain in me. I can’t believe that I suffer. I can’t believe that I hate myself.

I pin it all down by thinking and thinking and thinking. I don’t stop thinking. It can’t stop.

And so I worry that all this thinking will stop me from getting anywhere in therapy and that I will let my therapist down.

I feel guilty for letting her down and for not meeting her expectations. I feel that I should be crying every session to make her happy and that if I don’t cry, she will let me go and say ‘You are fine. Go’ and I don’t want her to go. I don’t want to let her go.

And after all that, I numb. I numb because I don’t know how I feel, I don’t know what to do with how I should or should not feel and I’m in a constant stale mate situation and I feel guilty.

I feel guilty for it all.

I feel that I am an attention-seeker and I am angry at myself for being one.

But I’m mainly scared that I’ll let my therapist down because I will. I’ll numb off and she’ll say ‘this isn’t working. We need to get you another therapist who can help you more often’. And I’ll numb even more.

I just DON’T KNOW how I can release my feelings at all.

I just don’t know anymore.

I’m sick to death of intellectualizing every single fucking feelings. I’ve rationalized everything SO MUCH that the idea that I hate myself isn’t true anymore. I feel like I’m neutral to myself. I used to hate myself. I don’t know anymore. I don’t know anything at all.

I’m sick to death of uncertainty.

I’m sick to death of feeling that there is another person inside of me that wants to get but can’t.

And anger?? Everyone talks about anger! I have no anger. I don't feel anger. I don't feel anything. Nothing. Nill. And if I do happen to feel anger, I'm uncertain as to if its real because of my obsessive thinking.

I think I'm doomed.

And when I read over what I wrote..which is what I do all the time, I'm uncertain as to what I was writing was really real. Sometimes I laugh, other times I make sure that I wrote things right, other times I make sure that what I wrote out is what other people won't mind seeing.

I'm going to end up going insane.
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I'm so sorry you are struggling and feeling like this. Frowner

There is NOTHING you have written that makes me at all concerned that you are a sociopath or a psychopath at all. Quite the contrary!

Oh, I have to run and I will write more later but I just really wanted to tell you that there is always hope and help - you are not doomed. Not at all. Just the fact that you are facing and expressing what you are gives me great hope you will heal and be able to feel and manage your emotions in the way that you long to. Even if you were and "unfeeling sociopath" - which I do NOT think you are at all - you are on the path towards healing.

Hi Forgetmenot!

First of all, it sounds like it is not only important for you to be heard, but also acknowledged. For just being here, on the planet. And I am glad you are!

Regardless of whether or not you feel real, you feel like you are seeking attention, or you are entertaining or saying the right words. I don't care,I don't think you are an attention-seeker, I think you are quite real, and your words are always interesting. You rock, I know that! Say what you need to say, I will listen!

Second, I'm taking a stab at it here... Did your parents forbid the expression negative emotions in your family? Mine did, and as a result, I'm hesitant to express any of them. Not only that, but I was chastised a few times for not expressing enough "joy/happiness" to make my mother happy. I don't jump up and down and clap my hands when I'm enjoying myself- I just savor it and take it all in quietly... and she did not understand that.

Some become very emotional, have a hard time regulating them, others have a "favorite" emotion that they express to the exclusion of the rest, and others (myself) don't really like to express any emotion. Not even joy, it feels contrived to me. But I do express emotions to my T.

It might take a while. It took me a while, and the right T. It sounds like you also feel safe just having someone THERE in the room for you. (from what you had said before) Perhaps one day emotions will be expressed. They probably will. You sound like me- I intellectualize too. This resulted in my T doing odd things to draw me out of that "defense"- Intellectualization comprise many of the Bricks in My Wall. But it's all okay. Now I can make sense of emotions. I could not do that when they were not there.

(The Wall...I feel like hearing that song today)

I am enjoying your poetic language. It seems to suit you well! Smiler

OK. I am reading a book called Trust After Trauma, and excerpts of it remind me of you (us). Many (victims- I hate that word) are averse to telling others about their pain, because having to explain it...arggh. People don't like to "sit with" the pain of others. It makes them feel "uncomfortable". If they hear what we have to say, really hear it, it would mean (to those who have not experienced trauma) that their world is not really that safe place that makes perfect sense- so they don't accept the victim. Often they even blame the victim. (survivors) At the very least we may receive an insincere hug or a platitude designed, really, to just shut us up.

What the hell do we do with that?

So, they (we) tend to keep to ourselves. Survivors can also feel like exiles. There is more...

You don't feel like yourself, cannot even recognize yourself? I don't know.

What I DO feel quite sure of is that you are not a sociopath. Believe me, I knew one and she would not have spent ANY time AT ALL on self-reflection. She had almost no self-awareness, and did not possess the ability to worry about whether or not her actions would hurt others. Her only goal was to WIN, by making sure that the other person LOST.

That is SO not you! Anyway, giving some support here. Maybe a real hug, no fake hugs here!

Hi guys,

Thanks for this. Helps Smiler

As usual, I feel apathetic. I miss my T so much. I have her picture here with me. She's like a Mom to me. I wish she was my Mum.

I don't know what to feel. I feel meh. I feel I'm okay I guess. I miss her though.

I don't have much hope for therapy with her because it will I feel like I'm giving up a bit. I feel like I'm neutralizing everything again. I don't want to do it but it's what I do. The only difference is that I have her picture now. I can keep it with me..

And in the meantime, I intellectualize everything. Even what I'm feeling because I'm not sure how I should be feeling. I wish I could stop but for some reason, my mind does not stop.

I wonder how I can stop.

I don't know.

I'm happy I have this laptop back. Last week I hadn't had it.

thanks again.
number9: My stepmother was my main carer and she would say things like 'Don't cry or I'll give you something to cry about' or 'Stop with the crocodile tears. I'm going to count to 3 and if you don't stop crying, I'll give something to cry about' etc. I don't remember Dad being in my life much when I was younger. I don't remember him being involved...if he was, he put me down a few times, of which, I remember very vividly..

I can't remember any of how I used to be told off by my stepmother. For some reason my mind cuts it out. I think she might have taken me by the hand whilst I was crying and pull me up the stairs and shut me in my room. I remember being alone with my crying. It took about half an hour to get through it.

I don't remember much else though, in terms of discipline...

I just don't know. My memory of my childhood is a bit skewed really.

I am reading and typing from my phone so I am not going to do a good job here. But just wanted Ti post support. I've been where you are and it sounds like you have learned how to suppress your feelings but where are they going to go? Where is that energy going to go? It's bouncing around your head under the guise of all this thinking thinking thinking. You will learn in therapy how to let yourself feel and it will get better. And the thoughts will slow down. And you will learn Ti recognize when it's happening and you will know what to do with it and how to stop it

I hope you are feeling better by now.

Just wanted to send

((((FMN)))) you are not a sociopath. It is not something one becomes, it is how someone is born. It's not even a mental disorder, it's a biological disorder. Sociopaths are born without a developed conscience (which is a part of brain and neuron stuff I can't remember right now) I've read a lot and have talked to T a lot about it this year because my father and brother are both psychopaths. To even want to heal and feel shows you are not one. They don't care. They don't consider feeling because they don't - only when they aren't getting their way and feeling the thrill of some "game".

I could write every word you've written. I intellectualize everything and just wish I had an on off switch for my brain. I wake up in the morning and remember a multitude if dreams - from weird to funny to basic real life boring stuff. It's exhausting. I can't even turn off my brain when sleeping!

That's so hard to be missing T and having therapy coming to an end. I'm at such odds with mine right now I just wish she acted like she cared. Hang in their - the journey can be rough and dark, but there's light eventually
First I will say I've got to agree with Liese here. Your thoughts are going super fast because of all the energy it takes to suppress your feelings.

I'm just going to draw a comparison right now. For reasons I won't explain at the moment, I used to spend a lot of time on a discussion board where there were many people recovering from pornography addiction. That can be a very bad addiction, but the addicts I saw who struggled WORSE than anyone else were the ones who were actually straight but who were addicted to gay porn and worse, addicted to worrying that they were gay. What they really needed to do to recover was to STOP looking at all porn, altogether. But what they would do instead is to quit for about a week. Then they would panic and start to be convinced they were gay because of the numbness (withdrawal) they were feeling. So they would look at some straight porn to convince themselves they were still attracted to women and weren't gay. But once they looked at porn it would launch them into a full-blown relapse where they'd end up looking at gay porn which was attractive to them not because they were gay, but because it was so shocking to them and gave them a jolt (if they really were gay, it would have made things a lot easier!)

Anyway, it seems like you have a similar pattern in worrying whether you are a sociopath or not. What you really need to do is stop the compulsive thinking and worrying altogether, but worrying that you're sociopathic is the hook that draws you in to the whole cycle. It's your excuse for indulging in thoughts and behavior that upset you more, but paradoxically give your brain a fix of something it is used to (obsessive worry and upset). If you actually managed to stop worrying and thinking so much it would not come as a relief at first, I think. You would actually feel worse because you'd be forced to deal with the feelings underneath that your addiction to worrying and compulsive thinking is currently hiding.

Just a thought...

Maybe you have habitually used intellectualization as a coping mechanism, to self-regulate. Because in combination with feeling emotions intensely, it can be a means to cope with overwhelming emotional pain by trying to make 'sense' of what was so awful, so painful?

Your therapy might be exposing you to emotions you once tried to intellectualize away... but now, in acknowledging them, it's too much for your consciousness to cope with.

I hope you are able to feel anger because I think it's important to integrate it. It is so hard. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong, but it seems like you are having major emotional dysregulation. It can be paralyzing. Hopefully, when you integrate the anger, it will be more of an even keel. Give it some time.
Thanks everyone.

I really appreciate your input in all this.

I think I'm starting to feel stuff but it's so hard. It's so painful. I woke up this morning and I felt sick to my stomach. I felt like my body wanted to panic a bit too. The first thought that came to mind was my wish to have had a family. Frowner

I feel like T is the substitute mother-figure for me and for her to leave makes me feel so, so sad and lost and alone and I can't feel anger still.

I think I might be starting to let my feelings go, but they are so painful that no wonder my brain for all these years, intellectualized everything.

I don't know how people start to feel anger. I feel like I'll never feel it. But maybe one day..

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