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The last week or so with T has been strange. He is on this weird liquid fast/cleanse thing for his health, so partly he's just off his game. Partly, he has also loosened the boundaries further in a way that makes the relationship feel more real. Not like we are friends or anything, but allowing disclosures about areas of our lives that overlap (we both play instruments and sing at church), sharing some of his own memories as relate to some of the stuff I am conveying about my own childhood (just innocuous, "typical kid" stuff--not unloading anything on me, just kind of sharing who he is). It has relaxed certain parts who are always concerned about the "realness" of the relationship and his care significantly, allowed connections that were never made before. So, it could be just, you know, a combination of T being slightly off his game due to his fast, T feeling a natural affinity due to similarities in our personality and interests and the intense investment we are both making in my therapy, and T utilizing boundary crossings (touch, disclosure, increased time) to help break through a barrier that has been impeding trust and going deeper.

Tonight, T accidentally double-booked me. I was there 20 minutes when another client pushed the button (it lights up in the room) and he realized what he had done. I volunteered to go (we saw each other last night and have another session tomorrow and I only took this one, because he had it available and I could use the extra support with H out of town). He asked over and over if I was sure and obviously felt awful and worried, but I kept insisting. He offered for me to come back in an hour (which I did). I wasn't upset. I wasn't worried that he was glad to see these other clients instead of me. I just took the situation at face value, did some shopping and came back. He ran late when I got back and I did project a little here that he would rather I hadn't come back, but got over it quickly. We talked, all "big people" stuff for an hour and I left. I could drive right away. I went home. I had a little trouble with inside upset at the little parts not getting to connect, but being as I only have to make it through one night, not too much.

Partially, it is that getting through one day is simple. Usually I have to go two or three or four, sometimes five or six. Anything more than three is very difficult right now (trying not to go into self-bashing mode about that). Partially, it is that I somehow went into a highly dissociated mode...not like everything was fuzzy, but more like completely disconnected with other feelings. The usual tenseness, inability to talk, inability look at him...just gone. We chatted easily about band practice, Boo, H, my family. All now stuff, all easy to keep the kids out of. But, after a rather intense ending to our session last night, part of it is definitely just that the most anxious one seems to trust him now in a way she didn't before.

And my response to all these things, the "real" relationship that is there, the trust that he earned by being real...I felt sick and just done. Isn't trusting supposed to feel good? It isn't the terror that I usually get floating up when we approach the connection with T. It's almost like the reaction someone might have to some sort of slimy creature or gross-looking (but not really scary) bug. It's not a reaction I was having to T or the relationship with T, but a reaction I was having to connecting with feelings of trust within myself. Has anyone had something like this? Like, "Ugh, yuck, I trust him!" It's a very confusing reaction to have. I know it's not a full trust. I know the panic will come and go, especially when I'm more in touch with other parts. I had an awful dream last night that H left me, cut off all contact. I think that's how the shut down about abandonment fears happened, because I got so badly triggered that I had to dissociate rather heavily. Still, yuck, I trust T!

I don't know if his loose boundaries are scaring be and that is what the yuck is about. Yuck I trust him and yuck it is a real relationship, despite existing only within a certain sphere. I don't think that's it, though. I feel safe that even though he might sometimes make a wrong call, that his intention is always to do right by me. I think that I am, by nature of my caretaking, far more concerned about defending the boundaries I have imagined for him than he is...or more like I imagined such a SMALL box for the relationship to protect myself from rejection and it turns out we're moving around in a three-bedroom house, not a studio apartment like I thought.

As I was leaving tonight, we were discussing how inside kids getting triggered effects me, but also him (I was commenting via text), but he doesn't have them in his brain all the time. He corrected me that he does have them in his brain (or rather, he thinks about them a lot), though admittedly, it is not as complex and intense as my own experience. And I can tell it's true, because he has recently stopped himself before making comments, knowing exactly how they will be interpreted by the kids, and when I pursue what he was thinking, qualifies his statements in a way that avoids or addresses the projections that would have otherwise happened. He knows them/me. Realizing this, my only thought was, "Oh no, what have I done!" All the things that I would want...
-to know the relationship is real, experience T as a real person, so I can experience his care as real care (i.e. not him being good at a job).
-to have encouragement, reassurance and comfort when in pain, whether it is by words or touch or just T's presence.
-to be known and accepted, thought about positively, his connection to me retained by him outside of our scheduled time (so I can feel less guilty about wanting to retain the connection as well).
-to be able to, for once, just trust someone.

I am getting these things. But, I am miserable about getting them, in a way. I know it comes down to my sense that I am unworthy of them, not supposed to have them. But, I was hoping, if I let it happen, I'd be able to feel good about having my needs met in a safe place, by a safe person. But, I don't feel good. I feel shallow somehow, like the goodness of it has drained out of me and I don't know where it went. Last night, I connected to so much pain, but also so much comfort in not being alone in it, really feeling like I belonged with my T in the pain. Tonight, I feel like belonging is a mistake.

I get it, intellectually. I probably just needed a break and had an adult session disconnected from all the inside turmoil. I'm sure tomorrow will be back to the usual distress and maybe then the appreciation for the connection with T will resume. Right now, I rather know I appreciate it than feel it. He is just someone who is there, someone I can trust, someone I like, someone who likes me. He doesn't feel like my T in the way that my T is like saying my Dad or even my cat. He doesn't really feel like a friend. I don't know what he feels like. I guess, it feels almost like the relationship itself is an entity and whereas I'm used to him feeling like a vital organ of that relationship, it feels more like the essentialness of our contributions to keeping it going are more evenly divided than they used to be, as if I have taken on some more advanced role in facilitating its growth than I've had before. Like, maybe he is still the heart, pumping the blood throughout the body, but I am the lungs oxygenating the blood.

I probably shouldn't write this late at night, as I am rambling and making no sense. I am using metaphors, because I don't really know how to describe what is happening. I think, objectively, it is a good thing. But, it feels confusing and repulsive, because it is so new and different that it's like seeing some sort of alien creature for the first time. Can anyone relate or make sense of this or am I just operating on too little sleep for too many days now?
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Yaku, I'm sorry this is all so confusing. I honestly think you are doing fabulous work and there might not be much you can do to avoid the discomfort. It's not easy to adjust to having something you've always wanted but never had before.

FWIW, I think if you were to tell *my* T about feeling nauseous/repulsed by something, she would get kind of hand-wavy and say it's just a different way of not feeling safe. Like when I talked about missing her between sessions feeling like pain in my chest and nausea, she said, "That sounds like sympathetic nervous system stuff." I was thinking, "No, stupid, that's attachment pain," but actually separation pain IS a sympathetic nervous system response. I dunno where I'm going with this really but I'm just throwing it out there I guess...
Hi Yaku - I did try and read all that, but it was rather confusing to read and i must admit I am not sure what you meant - but I thought I would send you a hug anyway and I might have another go reading it later when I am not so tired and can take time trying to follow it.
Hope you can talk to him about missing him and the attachment stuff. I find it is just normal now for me to tell my T how much I miss him and how pleased I am when he is there and I can feel that I am with him. He just takes it in his stride and smiles and feels so kind and caring. good luck with it all

I only have a second but I think I get where you are coming from. I could be way off here but it almost sounds like what I've been describing, that I only know obsession/fear (just added fear there) or almost like a state of nothingness. I guess it could be called detachment. It almost sounds healthy but also something really unfamiliar. Your brain doesn't know anything else. Maybe you need to develop that more balanced attachment that I'm striving for.

Maybe the needs of the kids are finally being satiated. It's just different.

I have absolutely no idea if anything I said makes sense but I am so glad you were able to leave and go back and not let the projectiions get too wildly out of control. It all sounds .... terrific.

Hope you are doing okay there.


I actually really love the metaphors that you used. To me it's a sign of a truly deep (and evolved) relationship with you and your T.

I actually kind of feel like I'm in a somewhat similar position with my T lately. There's not as much dependence - or at least it's not as much at the forefront of everything - but I still feel like I need her in some way.

I can also *completely* relate to feeling miserable about having those needs met. Recently my T shared with me that she was getting uncomfortable using my insurance (I am still insured under my father) because it's kind of like a way of having him in the room. So she offered to see me for a rate that is a tiny, tiny fraction of what her normal rate is and it spurred a few conversations that should have made me feel good, but they made me feel miserable.

Anyway, just wanted to say I understand. I think that this kind of odd period of being connected but disconnected and feeling warm but miserable at the same time is all part of the process and essential in learning what it's like to have a safe, caring person in your life.

(((BLT))) Thanks for the support and saying I'm doing fabulous work. It so often feels like I'm fumbling, stumbling and otherwise making a mess of things, so it helps when others see it as progress.

That's interesting about what your T says about the sympathetic nervous system stuff. My T never says stuff like that, but then again, I'm not sure how often I am actually EXPRESSING these feelings when they happen, because I tend to wait until I have something figured out until I say it. One reason for this is that if he doesn't understand me, has to keep asking questions, I go to this, "T can't understand what I'm saying, so I must be wrong," place where I am literally incapable of holding onto the reality of my own experience and completely shutdown. I am basically waiting to be humiliated for how wrong I am when I am questioned like that. I think I must have gotten interogated about my thoughts and feelings a lot when I was young. I don't really remember it, but my dad brags about invalidating things I shared that I learned at school, then when he convinced me he was right, went and argued the other side. He called it critical thinking exercises, but playing devils advocate with a young child like that seems to have just taught me that I am always wrong, that being wrong is bad, that I am stupid, that I need to be able to deny my own thoughts in order to surrender quickly and get the pain of being invalidated from the outside over with more quickly. So, a lot of times, I have to really ruminate on something I'm experiencing, be able to explain it, before I can go into it without shutting down after the second or third question my T asks. Frowner I wonder what your T would say about the feeling of repulsion, LOL. I think it might be something else (I'm still working on it and will say more below). You're so right that adjusting to having stuff you've found ways to do without isn't an easy thing!

Sadly - Sorry it was so hard to follow. I kind of knew it would be, because it feels like trying to express an emotion that I don't have words for, like I am kind of deaf/mute when it comes to this area that I'm entering into. One reason I'm writing out here is that I WANT to talk to him about it, but I don't feel like I'll be able to explain it in a way he'll understand, so sometimes if something resonates with someone else and they can give me better words for it, it helps me to express it to him. We talk about my attachment feelings all the time. He knows we miss him. He has been told again and again about that and the angry reactions to having those feelings. My T usually just reassures me that we are still connected (kind of holding hands from afar) when we aren't physically present with one another, that the connection has not gone away for him and he is still holding on. And I believe he feels that way. It's just I have a hard time holding onto it, though some days are getting easier. Anything over a three day gap, as I said, is really hard right now. Don't worry about rereading. I wrote it on very little sleep and in the middle of the night and I don't quite know exactly what is going on myself, so I don't think it'll be easier to follow in other circumstances. Wink But, thanks for the hug anyway!

Liese - I think you hit on something here. Part of it is that I am caught in this wildly oscillating pendulum of disorganized attachment, where I am either completely anxious about the relationship or completely divest it of any significance in my life. While I am swinging back and forth, there are moments where I hit a kind of middle ground that is good and safe, but it is so fleeting that it's practically non-existent. What you said did make sense. I do think a part of it is the weirdness of needs getting met. It's not something I've really allowed with almost anyone, even my own H. Like, I would fight to have a need met in my marriage and I would finally win and immediately say "nevermind," because there was something fundamentally unsettling about it. It got to the point where I could on occasion receive from my husband without being unsettled, but we have been married for eight years (nine in June) and together for over 13, seeing each other daily. That's how much relationship it usually takes for me. Roll Eyes Anyway, it was good to not have to carry those projections, but it ends up they were there, just deeper down where I couldn't access them (more below on that).

Kashley!!! Good to hear from you. Thanks for getting my metaphors. I do think part of it is really that the relationship is evolving. It is something new and good, I think, a real gift. It is just the feelings of repulsion that are so confusing to me. Thanks for saying my feelings are understandable. Even if I can't really explain them, it's good to have them a little bit more normalized.

It is SO great that your T is offering to change rates for you. I can really see how your dad could feel in the room with you being on his insurance. I'm sorry that the conversations made you feel miserable, but it blesses me to know that you're with someone who obviously cares so much.


OK, so I ruminated more on this last night and even though I don't know what's going on with these feelings, I think I understand it a bit better. I feel like the repulsion I'm experiencing is actually not exactly about T or our relationship or our recent, more "real" interactions. It's more like a memory of a feeling that got triggered. I can't really explain it, but it feels connected to a moment of loss of idealization of someone. I don't mean like, "Oh, this guy is a f--- up too just like all the rest." I think the feeling represents a response to a shift in a past relationship.

I sometimes get a lot of internal information through images and I have to translate them. So, what I'm being "shown" is it relates to my having successfully caretaken T the past two sessions. Usually if I am trying to manage T's boundaries around time or other things like that, he says to let him worry about it. My actions are obvious enough when I'm trying to cut off my own arm to accommodate him that he will ask me to stop and slow down and do things the right way for the internal kids and let him take care of himself. The past two days, from the combination of his being "off" and my being more stealthy about it somehow, I have managed to take care of him a couple of times, mostly in ways that are actually totally appropriate considering all he does (i.e. leaving for an hour so he could meet with his other clients). But, both Monday and Tuesday, I saw him get anxious about mistakes he had made (running very late on Monday, the double-booking on Tuesday), and I went into this nurturing, caretaking, reassuring mode where I tried to take care of his feelings.

We discussed it tangentially when I was apologizing for trying to manage the time, and he said caretaking itself isn't bad, though there are times it comes from an unhealthy place or manifests in an unhealthy way (true enough). I guess, the problem is that for me, those nurturing responses WERE pathological and he was not attuned enough to notice and help me pause inside them, see what was going on, why I felt the need to do that. So, all of a sudden, someone inside felt like, "Oh, these are the rules of this relationship that can keep me safe." So, I think the repulsion is this sort of feeling like, "Ugh, another relationship where I have finally found the way to manufacture my safety," (i.e. take responsibility). I succeeded in doing something I should have never had to do as a kid, but did, which was figuring out how to take care of my parents and their feelings.

I can feel the truth of the connection to these past experiences, because Monday we were discussing very heavily both my past and current accommodation, excusing, and taking responsibility for my parents' feelings. T was talking about allowing the anger, realizing it, connecting to it rather than bypass it by taking responsibility/excusing, before forgiveness or any sort of moving beyond was a possibility. Something about discussing that topic had me start doing that to T (when I absolutely DON'T need to) or something about doing it to T triggered us into that conversation. I'm not sure which. So, this moment of, "Oh, I've figured out how this works" was rather dreadful for me. Part of it is there is more trust, a stronger relationship, a bit less dependence on my end. But, rather than interdependence or cooperation like I should be shifting to, I'm doing the only thing I know how, which is trying to make him dependent upon me instead. I know he won't become that way, but because of him disclosing much more the past couple of sessions, I think there is a deep down fear about it happening again.

It reminds me of the guy on the end of Spaceballs, when they are parodying the Alien movies, and the little alien bursts out of the guy's stomach and he says, "Oh no...not again!"
Spaceballs Clip
Except, you know, without the funny dancing singing part afterward. Inside, there is just such a heaviness about us trying to carry him, 'cause really, we've got nothing left to carry anyone else with right now. I know, absolutely know, my T will not allow me to carry him, but the shift in the relationship is just giving me emotional memories of a MUCH too early shift between me and my parents. I never really attached to my mom and I think I was taking care of her feelings before I was in preschool honestly. With my dad, it came later, and there were specific memories that this shift is related to, this finding out that he needed me to take responsibility for him and he couldn't for me. I know it's not the same with T, but that's the feeling that was triggered.

Have I made any sense. Like I said, I am getting this information mostly through images of moments of my session and moments from the past and image-metaphors about how they are linked to one another.

Also, there is not so much trust as I thought. Part of it was just disconnection from the rest of me, I think. Because even though I still can't reflect on the session hiccups with anything but apathy and generosity toward my T, I had a horrible nightmare last night that he pawned me off on some intern and when I texted him about being scared and wanting to leave, he got really stern and told me I wouldn't leave and I would learn to work with this other person instead. In the dream, I got very little and scared and this (female) intern kept writing all sorts of notes about my every quiver and sound and action. And T just would never come back and help. So, the abandonment is there, somewhere deep down...I'm just not connecting to it right now for some reason.

I hope I haven't confused this whole matter more. My brain hurts. Maybe I can explain this to T soon. I'm not sure I could really do it verbally.

That was so insightful. I often get visual images like that too or just "feelings" connected to T, connected to something he might have unintentionally triggered. I'm getting good at just experiencing them and connecting them to where they belong.

You didn't hurt my brain. I was right there with you.

(((Liese))) (((BLT)))

Thanks for understanding. I think I need to redo this post and some other stuff as a journal. I tried to tell T about it as an explanation for why I couldn't leave well today (he triggered my nurturing/caretaking again and I had to run off to avoid trying to take responsible for making him feel good, not worry about me, etc.). I am just awash in attachment pain. We are talking SO much more about everything lately, from now stuff to past stuff, to these bizarre internal rules and where they came from, to how we feel about the connection. A little part tried to say "I love you" today and another one got so anxious about it (because saying that is some sort of imposition on T) and I was explaining the internal battle I was witnessing and T just gently said he knew without her saying (without me telling him what she wasn't allowed to say) and that those positive affection and expression of her thoughts and feelings and needs were very welcome, not an imposition, but something he felt really good about...I don't remember how he worded it, but something about him being pleased when she feels safe and comforted and is able to reach out for and take in the connection, even if her needs and feelings can't be explicitly verbalized (but he knows and it has been written about before, so I know that he knows even if he hadn't made it clear). On the other side, there is such an "ugh" reaction, like he got asked how he could possibly want her to say that, feel positive about her having those feelings. So, it's back to feeling like this attachment stuff has me being drawn and quartered by tiny relentless kids, each of whom are stuck in seeking or running/hiding. Yesterday I felt so disconnected from all of this. Today, it's crushing me. My reality is so compromised. Who the hell am I, anyway?

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