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( this writing is to help me figure out stuff- if you can figure out stuff for me- that would be good too. I dont thik it makes sense though

I am writing this in an effort to ground myself. I dont know what is going on. I am so confused.
These are the facts-
Someone I dated so very long ago has come back into my life and at first it was all goood- just catching up ... but then he says that he that he has always been in love with me- and that he still is. I walked away from the relationship abruptly when we were teenagers (in college) but I don't remember why. This is just something I did over and over when someone just got too close to me. He is married and has 3 kids, I am married and and have two kids. i am not in a happy marriage and he wants to promice me the world and take care of me. He has a wife and two kids. I can't do this. At first- hearing how much i am loved by him was nice, but something happened today and I don't know what triggered me badly.
He is a spiritual person, in a different way from my T, but he was the first person to tell me about Christ. At the time I listened, but did not take it in really.
He flew to the Bahamas with his wife for 2 days- (Who does that?) And continues to send me stuff- How much he loves me... and how great it is that I am back in his life...
I told him- I can't do do this- we can carry on as platonic friends but that is all- we are both married... and he came on stronger about us. and how Important I have always been- and that his whole family knows about me and how thingw would have been if I hadnt run away, and how much pain I caused him, and , and, and ...
And I thik I am making myself responsible for his pain. But I was thinking that I was growing and that I could just see this through without running and I can't- It is to overwhelming and my T is going to call me back soon i hope. i don't think i can do nurturing if that is what it is- i can;t have someone care for me, like that. It is too confusing for me. I am going to cut and paste his words -

I will respect your wishes....something must have happened to you internally to all of a sudden make a 180 degree turn around? You are right I do not get it. But that is ok. When I accepted you as a friend I knew that getting to know you again was going to take time and patience. I hope maybe you will respond to this post. I once again hope you don't run. I can help......

but he is wrong- he can't help he is only adding to the pain and I hope my T calls me soon. Please call me soon, T.
I am confused and triggered and sad, but I am not in danger- I thought I should mention that.

This all sort of started as a by product of therapy- contact people in my life, that I hurt- by my behavior- sort of make ammends ( forgiveness or not was completely up to them- not necesserarily part of the plan- but to hear it would be ok) I just wanted to make sure they were ok, because they had once been important to me. this plan of mine worked well with 3 people before this person, but I knew that this person had been especially dear to me.

Since writing is therapy for me- it works to ground me- I thought I would write out what I know. And you know- it is working.
Somehow this is triggering something strong, but I don't yet know what. T- where are you?

I tried to call t at lunch- but no service where I work, so I was going to my car- but it was pouring rain, then my phome was dead.
Any way i am done rambeling. and feeling a little better.

But i am so sorry that I contacted this person, in the first place.
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I think when caught up in personal difficulties, stuck in rut, struggling with the disappointments of life, dealing with childhood wounds etc, such attention and promise can be intoxicating and a welcome removal from the 'real world'. But I would flee.

Actually, Monte your words were very clear to me. It is good to see it from someone who is outside my head, thanks. It really helped.

He nor I have any intention of changing our marriage situation. (at this point anyway) too new, too overwhelming for me to think of. I think part of the panic for me is that I feel like I am cheating, just by listening to his words. I have not done anything that I would regret, but I can't stand this nurturing love talk- it is beginning to make me sick.
He may be impressive in some respects, but loyalty and responsibility are the biggies that sustain a relationship over time. Take your blinkers off and see the panoramic view. He is not a man of integrity and honour if he is willing to do this at such short notice...or even with longer notice.

this was important for me to hear- thanks Monte.

Also this- This crap happens. People are people and we stumble and falter and hurt each other, often unintentionally.

Yea- in an effort not to repeat the same bad mistakes, I thought I owed him to stick it out. Running is so much easier- so I think that is the answer for me. Years ago - I did care for him- but it is all to complicated now.
Wow, Mayo, I'm so sorry. I also don't want to dismiss your feelings or how intense this all feels so please take what I'm saying with a grain of salt and the knowledge that I just got back from a rough T session.

This may sound harsh, but anyone who is married and has kids and also knows that you are married and has kids and tells you the things that he is telling you is not looking out for your best interests! You are right to be triggered by this and upset by it. A man of good character would not behave this way (in my opinion).

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. You may have issues in your marriage, but those won't be solved by getting involved emotionally or physically with someone else. ((((mayo))))
Thank you STRM.
I have a strong- "I will do the right thing" ethic. But my weakness is that he does not expect anything from me. He just doesn't want me to run away. Friends is all. He wants to know that I am ok. No divorce, no family complications, just talk.
My T says all that sounds wonderful, but as a man that might be tough for him.

And besides- really it is my T that I love. Boy did he look handsome today.
I have to post about the birthday conversation and the body language conversation.
Well, if that is really all he wants then that is ok if YOU are ok with it. I think doing what feels right for you is most important.

Oooh, looked handsome today huh? I was drooling over the barely older than teenage gardener across the street from my T today. He has his shirt off and a very shiny set of washboard abs. He was fun to look at for a few minutes!

Oh yes, I can't wait to hear about the body language conversation and the birthday too!

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