Wow, thank you for the replies. Honestly, my T has just been so great and amazing for the past year and a half that I've seen her that I thought it just had to have been something I did to twist her words so that my mind 'didn't hear them right.' If that makes sense.
Ninn, good for you for sharing your reaction with your T. And good for you for being ready to call on your T when she dismisses you! That's very brave and not something I think I'd be able to do. I'm still too afraid of "messing things up." So kudos - and keep us updated on how things are going for you. You also make a good point about how it is my time. But, if I'm being completely honest, I may want to keep it lighter anyway if it's weeks until I see T..I guess just not being able to make that choice for myself is what threw me. I journal occasionally, although I'm not very diligent about it.
Thanks for your input, Ninn!
Yaku, yes....I think you've just made a very, very important point and one that is completely valid. I think that's definitely part of what's going on. I think it also didn't help because I was still quite dissociated when we had this conversation..still a toe in the past, and so her comment (and the way it was interpreted) went straight down to this vulnerable part.
Gosh, I'm sorry you're dealing with the same thing! I feel the exact same way about my T's comment, that it was meant with the best either didn't come out that way or I just interpreted it incorrectly. What's more is that it actually took me a day or two to realize that I was I was feeling this turmoil inside and that it was from that comment. I only started to notice the turmoil because as soon as I'd feel and remember the connection during the session, it would be interrupted by a sad feeling and this feeling that I was so stupid to be in therapy at all. Anyway, do you think you'll talk to T about the comment?
Liese, that's a good point, and if she'd phrased it like that, it probably would have made a huge difference. She said it somewhat nonchalantly, which made it seem like switching to another topic is simple, because what we'd talked about in the current session was just some coffee talk.
I just feel badly for thinking like this and saying that, because I *know* that's not how she meant it at all. ((hugs))
SG, thank you for your input on T really is wonderful, and like I've said before, she's been so amazing for so long that I kind of just assumed it was something strictly with me. Which ironically makes me a little more hesitant to even bring this up to her, because she's been so great for so long. I feel bad for reacting so much to this, because it may be one of the first mistakes she's made that has affected me. It seems like it would be harsh of me to call her on this one thing when she's been so consistent with me. That being said...yeah, it hurt.
If things weren't so stressful right now with so many things, then it might not have affected me so much, but it's kind of crummy timing. Oh, but it would be too easy if this happened when I were feeling totally chipper!!
Thanks for understanding, SG.
And thanks again to everyone. I still just feel so vulnerable because of the content we talked about and the stuff that came up. I don't know...I'm actually thinking now that there may be a bit of (bad) transference going on because the series of things that led to the flashback were all triggered by something T said. It was a totally innocuous statement, but it was something my father used to say all the time, so it caused a bad reaction. Anyway, I think I might be realizing now that part of where this fear is coming from about talking to her about this (besides not wanting to rock the boat, per se) is because of transference. I don't know, though. I feel a bit like I'm swimming through mud, so I might be getting some signals crossed.
Thanks guys - all of your input has been invaluable.