I consulted with this guy twice. The hard part was I had to be really honest about where I am in my therapy and reveal things to him that I wouldn't have otherwise if I was just getting to know him because I needed help, here and now. And so I got really intimate with him really fast and it made me feel very vulnerable.
He is so different than current T. Totally disorganized. But brilliant. On top of the current research and thinking. Kept me waiting 45 minutes the first time. Almost 30 minutes the second time. Answered the phone because he was apparently waiting for someone to drop something off. Walked out of his office because he was going to meet the person who phoned him.
But he's been reaching out to me via email after we last met. Told me to feel free to get in touch with him anytime. So nice to feel as though there is someone else out there that I can go to if I have to. Usually emails leave a lot to be desired. Well, this guy has the ability to say things in emails that really reach me. Maybe I could do therapy with him via email. I can see why that would work.
T2 told me to give it a little more time with current T to see if things improve but leave open the possibility that he and I might not be a good fit if he can't help me get where I need to go.
Current T is incredibly organized. Always on time. Would never answer the phone during a session. Would never walk out during a session. But he's a tough cookie. He's kind of hard on me.
T2 told me that current T is doing the type of therapy where it is all about the relationship. Building the relationship. And if you can do things in therapy, for instance, be assertive, than those skills will transfer over to real life. So now I'm thinking that it's not that he doesn't understand attachment because he's obviously let me attach to him. It's that he can come across as being so narky and insensitive (I hope I used narky right. I see it's a british word but I love it. Please weigh in on its usage, all my british friends.) that it makes it hard to overcome that and trust him.
And so the saga continues. The whole process actually was empowering. I don't feel so dependent on T anymore. I don't know if he would view that as a good thing but I do!!!!
Hope everyone else is hanging in there. It's going to be 47 degrees here today, the sun is shining and maybe we will get rid of SOME OF THIS SNOW!!!