I pretty consistently contact my T outside of sessions. I can either call or email, but he's MUCH more reliable about returning phone calls; the last few times I've emailed him have been disasters and I've been forbidden by a close friend of mine to email my T anymore. She said she can't take the stress.
I should say that we have emailed a lot and usually it worked well, just lately its been bad.
I usually contact him once between sessions but have been know to go up to three times between sessions, but must admit those are exceptions.
My T has no limit on when I can contact him. Nights, weekends and vacations are all ok, although he does take longer to get back when on vacation. When he's in town, it goes like this: I call his service and leave an emergency message and he calls back within the hour (usually, he has gone over that on an occasion).
I had a really hard time learning to do this. He spent a lot of time convincing me it was ok. He finally went so far as to tell me it was actually an important part of my therapy that I learn to call him. We've been working on attachment issues. I learned to move away from relationship when I'm needy and being able to call and have him respond is something I need to keep experiencing. It teaches me to ask for what I need and to get that need met, an experience sorely lacking in my life. He knows how difficult it is for me, so he tells me at the end of every phone call and every time I leave his office that it's ok to call.
I do try not to abuse the priviledge, the majority of my phone calls are under two minutes. Most of them are along the lines of "I'm scared and needed to know you're there." Especially in the beginning when I didn't trust the relationship, a lot of my phone calls were just to be reassured about the connection. I have occasionally gone longer on a phone call up to around 10 minutes.
I called him once at 9:30 at night during a bad crisis (I usually try to call him during office hours as somehow that doesn't feel as intrusive) and since we had never talked about it, I asked him how late it was ok to call and he told me that "it's never too late to call. Wake me up in the middle of the night and I may not be too useful, but if it's an emergency call at 2 AM if you need to." Have I mentioned that I have an amazing T?
When I commented that he didn't have a personal life, he assured me that he's very comfortable setting boundaries. If he can't talk at the time, he will set up a time when he can and he's comfortable talking to me about it if he has any problem with the frequency and length of my calls. Then he told me I haven't even come close.
I'm so very grateful for how good he is about this because I went through a lot of painful struggles around calling and that was with him being so encouraging about it.
On the flip side, hell will freeze over before I get a regular weekly appointment, just in case you're tempted to think he sounds like the perfect T.