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Im going to try to make this brief...since my last posts were so long.

If I were to contact T. I would most likely just do it once. unless she asked me specifically to email her. (i dont think Ts do this idk)

Since the last session when she mentioned SA and all this stuff happened in my head...Ive had a week full of depression and anger and confusion.
My mother started sleeping in my bed, I dont know why..and I had a breakdown about it before.. My sister has been starting to join in on the fun of singling me out along with my mother...

yet when I get to T..I freeze and I cant tell her the truth. she asks me how everything is and im afraid of being "drama queen" or always telling her negative stuff so I say "good...and Im ok..Im fine". At one point I felt like my mouth was sewn together and I couldnt not using metaphors...I literally felt like I could not open my mouth or move..and I was paralyzed in fear and confusion. Ive been having De Ja Vu ever since I left her office.

So 1) My T is a college center T and I dont pay her. So that already makes me feel indebted to her.
2) i dont want her to think i want an email conversation..I dont want to email her regularly and I dont want to call her or have her at my beckon call...that in my utopian imaginary fantasy would be nice, but realistically it creates a guilt complex on my part.
3) she never discussed if icould email her or not...the only thing ive emailed her about is appointment times.
she never discussed email policies or anything.. idk..

Has anybody ever emailed their T about what happened to them during the session they coudnt express then? (or whatever issue)
..what was ur experience with that what did ur T say? how did they respond next session?
I want to but half of me is talking myself out of it.

I expressed to her that I couldnt tell her things, and she said..write them down....and bring them in..but watching her reading stuff might be hard (if ur T has done this please share ur experience)
thats what made me think about email
I was thinking of just sending an email first saying this":
-is it ok if I email u about soemthing that happened to me that i couldnt tell u last time I saw u?
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I think emailing in this case is a great idea!

One time something came up for me in session that was very difficult for me to talk about. I didn't have as intense a reaction as you described, but I did clam up and tell T we could talk about it next time. The next two sessions I tried and just couldn't. Finally I felt like I was going to burst unless I could talk the issue over with T, but I was having a really hard time imagining bringing it up in person. Like you, I thought email would be a good idea. Writing can be easier than talking, but I didn't want to just spring all this stuff in an email to T unannounced, so I asked her first if it would be okay. She said that it would be fine, as long as we could talk over what I wrote about in my next session.

Anyway, for me it helped a lot to do it that way. When introducing a difficult subject it can be so much easier to take your time and write your thoughts out exactly as you want them said. Also that way you have a few days to sort of calm down from having made the disclosure before you have to actually see your T and talk about it. It can be good preparation, I think. At least it was for me. Smiler

Hugs and best wishes! Hope this goes well for you.
I agree with HIC. I think it would be a good idea to email her about that. My only caution would be to warn you that sometimes after emailing my T, I would feel very exposed and of course you can't un-send an email. So it's just something to be aware of, that might come up.

I hope you find a way to communicate this stuff. It's really important!

First, I think if you're worried about running over her outside contact boundaries (and if you are already emailing regarding scheduling), sending a quick email to ask if it's OK to email her something that happened in session that is too hard to say verbally as a jumping off point to discussion is a good way of respecting her boundaries and engaging in that conversation. The worst that would happen, it sounds like, is that she would ask you to print it out instead and bring it in.

As for me, I email T journals regularly, because I process so much more thoroughly that way, get very frozen and struggle to communicate about it. It used to happen constantly, but as the relationship has felt safer, I am able to talk more and more and rely on journaling only for making big connections, larger synthesis and stuff that is way too scary to say in person. I don't quite remember, but I think the first time I journaled, I told him that I had a bunch of after-session feedback to a question he had asked me in session (about feeling identification) and volunteered to share what I had written. Once I started sharing in this way, he expressed an interest in my continuing to share, so I would let him know when I had journaled and either email or fax it to him. He has, all along, expressed how amazing and great of a resource it is to him. We never, ever discuss any of the content via email, but always in session. I have gotten one reply to an email ever and it was to a direct question, not to a journal entry (though we do text regularly). I do often feel overwhelmed with my being a burden outside of my sessions, but my T continually reassures me that it is very helpful and positive for him to not feel as if he is wandering around in the dark without a flashlight, likely to bump into me, knock me over, step on my toes, etc.

Anyway, so my suggestion would be:

1. Check with your T via email or in person whether it is OK to email experiences/reactions that were impossible to share verbally in the moment.
2. Ask her what you can expect in terms of reading and reply, so you aren't ambushed either by a lack of reply (i.e. her wanting to only read and/or discuss it in session) or by an actual reply (possibly inspiring guilt at her choice to spend time outside of session).
I can only talk a bit about t reading stuff in session, we did this quite a lot in the beginning because there was so much i couldn't say. At first it was a bit weird at first, to see her read stuff, I used to look at the floor a lot to get over that. Then i got more used to her doing it and even managed to get to the stage where i could tell t whether i wanted her to read it to herself or out loud or even read it after the session so we could try talking next time. overall it proved very positive for me having her read stuff, as it opened me up a bit and also allowed me to say stuff i couldn't in sessions. by the way i would write everything style wise from poems to letters. I can't tell you what it is like emailing because t doesn't allow it for us which works fine for me. But i would ask t directly what their policy is on this, so you don't send an email and then are left wondering if t doesn't reply.

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