I'm in therapy because I have trouble forming relationships with people. But how do you talk about that???
Hi Liese!
I have trouble forming relationships with people too… that’s pretty much my main problem.
To answer your question about how you talk about that, I’ll give you some examples from my therapy, I don’t know if it would be the same for you, but maybe it would give you somewhere to start or something concrete. We talk (or actually my T talks) a lot about my ‘style relate’- meaning the way I relate to everyone, including him. For example two sessions ago my T was explaining something and when he finished talking I said “uh huh” in a mumbled, deeper toned way. And then my T said something about my response and how it made him feel like maybe I wasn’t interested in what he said, or that I wasn’t listening or I thought he was stupid. And that if I had looked at him and said “Mmm Hmm” in a higher toned voice it would have made him feel like I listened and appreciated what he said. It’s something that seems tiny- all I said was “uh huh” but it makes a big difference in the way that I’m able to relate to people- and I don’t have anyone else who can point out those little things to me.
Another example was that last session we were talking about how I’m always expecting my T to be an asshole and then leave me feeling stupid for liking him- which is the exact pattern I have with my dad- and then he asked and wondered where else in my relationships I’m stopped from getting too close to them because my life experience has taught me that I’ll be left feeling stupid if I like someone.
Those are just two examples, I think a lot of relationship work is done without even noticing, and it’s the tiny things that add up.