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Starfishy - it's so good to speak with you!! Thank you - I think my T reckons I've *survived* this long without assistance, a few weeks shouldn't matter and there's a tinge of truth there BUT IT WOULD BE REALLY SPECIAL IF SOMEONE (HER) GAVE A TOSS!!!!!!!!!! Coz we don't realise how alone we are until someone shows the slighest glimpse of caring Eeker Eeker and that great gaping empty longing hole in the heart opens up Roll Eyes What a lot of self pity that was eh???

STRMS: Thank you so much for your continuing support all along. It was hard yesterday, but better today. You are so kind, thank you.

Permafrost, Morgs and Starfish- keep hang in there, its not long now. Hope the dread for the session is under controll! (says this one, lol)

Incognito: Hope your session went good!?

DF: YEY, great news- those "normal" sessions are perfect sometimes, arent they.. Thanks for you helpful words.
*HUGE SIGH* Made it through the break!!

Had phone session with T1 this morning. Have next appointment with her on Thursday and then I see T2 on Thursday afternoon.

Is it bad that I don't even want to see T2? The only reason I am even going to her is because that was the only way T1 felt comfortable doing the phone session with me...she wanted to make sure there was someone here who was physically seeing me in person (i have an eating disorder).

So, I will continue to see T2...but T1 is my fix.

oh, and T1 told me straight away in our conversation that she was "so glad" that I texted her and that I kept her updated on what was going on in my life while she was away. She said, "Two weeks in most people's lives are uneventful, but missing out on two weeks in your life is missing out on a lot. it would have taken us three hours to get caught up! I am so glad we were able to communicate via text and I really appreciate you keeping me updated". Yay! I was so worried I had texted too much, that I was bothering her. It was so great to hear this from her!

I'm all for the self pity now and again ....and I agree with you that it doesn't matter how long ago 'what went before, went before' and without assistance - this isn't then it's now. And even worse, if your only outlet happens to be someone who's not there when you need them most. I've swallowed my hurts down so many times in the last couple of weeks, I feel I have no room left inside. Yet I know I won't have a clue where to begin to tell how its been when I finally see her - sigh.

Hug back Morgs,

((Starfishy)) thank you for understanding Big Grin I don't often open up and when I do, feel like a great git Eeker So to know someone understands is really validating Big Grin I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time lately (those outlaw in-laws of yours are in a league of their own) - write everything down for your T so you get it all out Wink
Gotta go now - house guest arriving soon Smiler
Take care

so i saw my T today for the first time after the break and it went so badly that i have now made appointments with 2 other T's for this week and one for next week. I told him that I would see how it went with the other T's and keep an open mind, even though right now i really dont want to work together anymore right now. I don't think I'll update on any of this, at least till i work stuff out with my T or start seeing another T.
Take care everyone Smiler
Thanks everyone Smiler Really means a lot.
I've seen three therapists now, the first 2 were duds and totally creepy, the one I saw yesterday was beyond perfect and i got A LOT of answers. Won't be seeing him again but he was very very helpful and I'm so happy I decided to talk to someone else. We had a really long, almost 2 hour session and we talked about lots of stuff to talk to my T about, so hopefully when I see him on tuesday I won't back down or skimp.
Hello Mac
You've really gone about this situation in a very clever way and it's great that you've armed yourself with info from another T. Hopefully you won't back down or skimp and there's a good outcome when everything's on the table Big Grin

Thanks ((Starfishy)) - you will settle - it's hard after a break Eeker 5 sleeps 6 days - who's counting??? Have had the distraction of a houseguest for a couple of days - that helped Wink
Take care all
Two sleeps to go....

Are you going to tell your T just how hard it has been?

I am going to say the separation anxiety is horrible and I need ways to cope with it.

I have been on heaps of different antidepressants and I still don't think this one (Pristiq) is helping much either. I feel really low and extrememly anxious.

Coming really late to this thread. Just read the first post by Frog and the last page so I have to go back and read it all to catch up.

I was ignoring reading this thread because I thought it had something to do with New Years Eve or resolutions or somethings. I'm sorry I didn't read it sooner.

I will go back and read everyone's posts but just wondering how many more days Frog till you see T? It must be soon!!!

Okay, just finished reading through the thread and realized that all of you have probably seen all your T's and don't need this thread anymore! So typical of me to show up to the party when it's over. Wink

All the posts to be so touching. Feel bad Mac had such a bad session this week. Wondering if you'll start another thread about it, Mac. Only if you want. If you want to work it out with T first, that's okay too.

Frog, I loved that first dream you had. You were so descriptive. I was wondering about the part think you "stole" T's shirt and felt guilty about it. Was thinking that maybe you were seeking the comfort of being close to T but then felt as though you did something wrong. As if there is still something forbidden about seeking comfort with him? But in the end, T told you could keep it, that it was okay to seek that comfort? Very interesting dream.

Anyway, so I know that this thread is basically dried up since vacations are over. So sad Frowner that I thought it had to do with New Years Eve. Silly me. Smiler

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