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Oh crap, crap, crap, crap, crap

After all the recent posts on the myshrink boards, I felt inspired - ? Confused - to email my T this evening and basically tell her I am finally ready to open up and feel my real feelings. Eeker

I didn't say it in those exact words but she emailed a reply (mind you it's Saturday night here in Australia) and said:

"We can do this together. You will not be alone... and although it may feel like a whole new "level" of work, we have a foundation of a good few years of work and "stuff" we have done already - some of them involved quite a serious degree of trust from you, and we've got through those. This feels huge and scary, but it is also very important and very real.

I really respect your motivation and your willingness to continue on this journey with me (i.e. this is the next step - the natural progression from where you are. You would not jump in the deep end under my watch if I, or you, thought you were going to drown!!).

Wish me luck for next Wednesday. Crap - I feel terrified, excited and nauseous all at the same time. But perhaps this is the start of what we are all hoping for. I hope I have the internal courage to do this - for my sake.

I'm OK Frowner Smiler (I don't even know how I feel)
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How wonderful, I'm OK - I love hearing these stories, it's so exciting.

Someone told me once that there's a level at which fear is indistinguishable from excitement - it can generate the same feelings in the body - I'm not sure how true that is but I can certainly hear both in your post. Now you have let your T in on your readiness she can hold it for you and guide you to that next level - and it sounds like you will be in really safe hands.

Three cheers!
Hi Halo, Jones & monte

Thank you so much for your encouraging replies.

I still feel sick at the idea of opening up with my feelings. I am trying to imagine what will happen at my appointment on Wednesday. I have always sat opposite my T drinking a cup of coffee (kind of like we are two friends catching up for a chat over coffee - I know I am only kidding myself but that's how I've managed to keep going to therapy for the last 4 years).

But this Wednesday I think I should skip the coffee and sit (or perhaps even lie down) in a different position.

I'm actually thinking of lying down on her couch. Eeker Do you guys sit or lie down??? Roll Eyes

I think if I lay down, I'd be more likely to be in the foetal position which I actually think would help me. I am thinking of taking in something to hold.

Everything is too civilised if I sit and chat with coffee to let my inner child come out.

I try and imagine where will I start with opening up with my "real feelings". I try and imagine sitting with my feelings. I try and imagine feeling rather than just verbalising with no feeling attached because my interal wall is up so high.

I'm scared I'm going to look like an idiot trying to feel my feelings. Red Face

I have no idea how to go about it but I'm damn well going to try as I am sick of being stuck emotionally in my life.

I'm OK
I'm OK,
I think you should not pressure yourself that you have to,absolutely have to do it during next session. Just take it easy on yourself and don't scare the child that she has to or otherwise...
But I also think that your T means that se will guide you and take it step by step. Maybe the jump in the deep end scares you so much, but she is going to be with you.
I hope you will do well, and leave the session flying high. Smiler
Hi I'm OK,

Thank you for sharing this with us! It sounds like a very scary step, I agree wholeheartedly, but definitely one in the right direction. And her response to you sounds very reassuring and encouraging. I know it's scary that she's "taking you up on it" but it also sounds like she recognizes the significance of the step you took.

This might make you feel a little better: deciding that I'm willing to feel my feelings has not guaranteed that I feel them. I think as long as I'm willing, and she's making the time and space for me, they'll come when I'm ready to handle them. And probably not all at once, because I probably couldn't handle that. Maybe it will be the same for you?

Please let us know how it goes on Wednesday! Big Grin

Take care,
(((I'm ok)))) That is SO awesome. I know you feel scared and like it's going to be difficult but you're doing the right thing. When it gets really scary, remind yourself of two things. No matter how dangerous it feels (and I know it's terrifying) you're not really in any danger. Your T is not going to hurt you, ridicule you or reject you. And you've already survived what you fear is going to happen. It's going to be ok in the end. Big Grin My T has a favorite saying, that in therapy "you're safe enough to feel scared." The safety of therapy means you can finally let yourself experience all the fear. It's not all that fun, but it is healing. And there is no way in the world you'll look ridiculous. There is NO way to look ridiculous when you're are doing something so courageous. Please let us know what happens, I'll be thinking of you and pulling for you.

My T sits in a big 'ol beat up recliner and I sit across from him on a love seat (there's a single chair next to the love seat but that's where my husband sits. Smiler I use the same seat for both couples and individual sessions). I usually sit up but have been known to lie sideways with my feet up. I have also spent more time than I want to admit curled up in a ball. There are a couple of pillows on the love seat and I'm usually hugging one of them. I also have spent sessions wrapped in a blanket (which I eventually traded a blanket for to my T, so it's home with me. The family calls me Linus). I still occasionally take it with me for sessions I know will be intense. Therapy and the theraputic space are all about your needs so do whatever makes you the most comfortable.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I couldn't wait until Wednesday's appointment so I rang to see if she had room for an additional appointment today - and she did. Smiler

I am feeling a little overwhelmed but so PROUD of myself. I can't share much more than that as I am still trying to process all this myself but rest assured I raised the most scary stuff and my T stayed. And I survived.

For the first time EVER, I know I'm going to be ok (hey, and that's my username! Razzer). I know I still have a lot of work to do but I faced my BIGGEST fear today. And it feels good. Cool

I will post more when I have had the chance to sit with all of this for a bit longer.

Thanks everyone for your support - there is no way could done what I did today without your understanding and ability to communicate what I have found so hard to articulate myself. It made this step just that little bit easier.

Big hugs
I'm OK
Hey I'm OK,
Your excitement is congageous. I am so happy for you! Big Grin It is hard to dig into those dark holes and pull out the muck. I can feel your success, and It sounds like you have a wonderfully supportive T.
The first time I dug deeply, I couldn't say the stuff to my T, So I wrote it all out and brought it with me.
When he was through reading my "vomit" letter- i told him to throw it out. He kissed the envelope and with a big smile said, "this is what I love- this is what I do"and he assured me what a giant step I had taken.
Therapy continues to be hard work sometimes, but nothing has been as hard as that day.
I wish you all the best, and may your road be smoother from now on.
helle - your T's response to your letter brought tears to my eyes. You took the risk to be vulnerable, to open up a part of you that you thought was "vomit", a part of you that you thought needed to be thrown away, and instead he saw the significance and beauty in what you had done, so he kissed it and gave you compassion and love. Is there anything more surprising or wonderful or healing than that? How can it not be a huge turning point? Thank you for sharing this!

Hi All

Thanks for all your messages of support. Smiler

Monday was pretty amazing. Big Grin I took in some music to listen to, I laid down on her floor Red Face, I lit a candle, I cuddled a cushion Eeker and I told my T the last bit of the story / the last bit of the puzzle that I needed to share to enable me to move forward.

When I left I was so proud of myself. Big Grin I kept checking in with myself saying things like "are you ok?". I was stunned to find I was still here and coping. Big Grin

BUT I also kept expecting myself to go into shock and say something like "oh my god, what have you done", or "quick call the T back and say I made a mistake, it was a lie". These feelings never came though and the painful emotional ache inside my stomach disappeared completely for a few hours. Roll Eyes The anxiety did eventualy come back at what I had revealed in my story to my T but I know I did the right thing in telling it.

I had another session today which unfortuantely did not go as well. Mad I guess that's AG's whole idea of doing it 1000 times. Wink So the first go was successful and the second not so great. But hey that's another session down, only 998 to go! Eeker

I am trying to sit with the feelings as a result of my story - but I'm numb. I mean my wall was up so high today - my T did not stand a chance at breaking it down. Again I lay down with my music, candle, pillow, blanket and tried to just feel - but NOTHING! I'm blank. I'm numb. Regardless, I am proud of myself for doing something so out of character for me after 4.5 years (ie: lying on the floor! Red Face) but I'm frustrated that this process of feeling is going to take time. Mad At least my T knows the story behind the blocked feelings. Eeker I just now need to be able to feel them.

So sorry to disappoint anyone who was hoping that I might be cured and immediately recovered. Razzer No such luck but at least I know I'm moving forward in the right direction.

One last thing, my T wrote this on a piece of paper and gave it to me:

It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to the real work,
that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey.

I'm OK
It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to the real work,
that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey.

Wow, that quote is amazing! A message so full of strength and continuing support from your T. It sounds like this could be the start of a new beginning for you in this therapy journey. Glad to hear you have had this breakthrough! And you haven't disappointed anyone here! You deserve to be proud of yourself. Smiler
Hi All
I'm ok, I was totally inspired by your bravery to go to your session and do something different. I so love the idea of the candle, pillow and lying down - did it feel safer and more soothing? Did you speak more than when you previously sat? I often think I could say more to my T if I didn't have to look at her -for her not to have to see my shame as well as hear it.
I've just had an awful session - all wrong from the start and was pinning my hopes on being able to achieve something that I had planed to Frowner and right now I feel ready to ring and cancel my next week's appointment cos I can't keep dealing with feeling I've let myself (and her) down. But am trying to resist and see if I feel different when the hurt has subsided a bit.
Monte, thanks for the wise reminder about being allowed to have off days - that has helped me not be so down on myself.
I'm OK,

I do not post on this forum very often but I am so impressed with all you did to help yourself share the last bit of your story with your therapist that I feel compelled to give you a cheer. It inspired me in so many ways. I appreciate you sharing the quote give to you by your therapist. Instead of giving up and becoming passive, I am considering the idea of bringing a prop with me to my next session with hopes it will help me reconnect again and continue pressing through the feelings.

Hi there

What a week. I will come back later and post on individual comments from this post when I can get my head around all this stuff I’m dealing with - so please don’t think I’m ignoring your posts or that I am not appreciative of them – because I most certainly am!! Smiler

Warning - What I’m about to post may trigger some of you, so if you feel this way, read with caution and remember you can always just close this post if it gets too much.

The last piece of my story, the last bit about holding my feelings in basically relates to the idea that I think I was sexually abused by my dad as a child.

When I was a teenager, I was hospitalised with an eating disorder. I started seeing a psychologist (not the one I am seeing now). I saw this T for about 3.5 years. In one of my last ever sessions with this T, she said , “I could never forgive myself if I didn’t ask but.......... were you ever sexually abused by your Dad?” I was like “NO” but I brought it up with my own personal doctor the next day who pretty much was like “bloody therapists – suggesting things” and said that my dad is “a nice guy, no this couldn’t have happened”. I remember I ended, rather abruptly, my sessions with my T after that.

But 4.5 years ago, my husband and I decided that I needed more help with my ability to cope with life. So I went to see a psychologist for 6 – 8 “refresher sessions” on CBT and............ well I’m still seeing her. She has been immensely important in keeping me on a steady and even keel and I am handling life much better than I was 4.5 years ago (so perhaps you were right about me not being quite ready to finish all those years ok!)

My psychologist & I have worked on relaxation, breathing, CBT, analytical / talking style therapy, mindfulness, blah, blah, blah. I also see a psychiatrist and am on an antidepressant only (40mg Lexapro). I did have ECT after both my children when I experienced severe PND. I also have issues with sex – but I am fortunate enough to have an amazingly loving & supportive husband given we have only had sex less than 10 times in the last 5 years. I guess I keep hoping for more – that I can manage this stuff (ie: my feelings / life!) better. But I have this nagging feeling at the bottom of my stomach that keeps popping up over the years that I was sexually abused as a child by my dad. I mean just because my first T asked me out right if I was sexually abused all those years ago – does that mean it has no validity? What is this whole suggestive thing anyway that my doctor went on about?

I finally told my psychologist last Monday that I think something happened between my dad & I when I was a kid. I feel really confused. I mean I don’t regret what I said on Monday, and I know it was the right thing, but I feel panicky because I can’t piece it all together. I mean when I speak about mum in my sessions, I can easily recount stories (ie: her mental health, neglect of me, etc). With this other stuff I just have a feeling / vibe / a few moments in time. Nothing rock solid. I am such a detailed person that I CAN’T understand why my brain won’t process this stuff. And then because I’m not processing it, I start to doubt myself. Maybe it’s not true. Have I lied? I don’t think I’ve lied. And then I remind myself that the WHOLE FAMILY walked out of me when I was a teenager in hospital with the eating disorder because I spoke the truth back then and disclosed some “family secrets”. They aren’t even really secrets. I basically told the hospital staff that mum wasn’t well at times, that she had thought for a period that the world was going to blow up (ie: she was delusional), etc. The family were horrified that I had said such things in public. Basically I didn’t get support / agreement /confirmation from my family that what I was saying was true. They left me crying hysterically on the floor like I was a liar. Turns out years later I didn’t lie. So maybe I’m not lying to myself this time. It’s just hard not having cold hard proof or anyone to verify that this happened. And I certainly couldn’t ever bring this up with anyone in my family. I am just so full of doubt.

Could this really be it? Will this set me free? Is this the final piece of the puzzle? I think it is - but I'm terrified of what that means. The whole memory thing is so bitsy and confusing and not concrete.

Or maybe I am just mad / crazy / meant to be messed up from here to eternity? Frowner

I'm OK
I'm sitting here afraid that I scared everyone away with my post above. Eeker

Is there no one out there who shares these sames issues & feelings??? Roll Eyes

PLEASE BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO OPEN UP IF YOU DO - I feel alone enough as it is.

Thanks for all your support to date - and I'm sorry that I keep needing more. Red Face

I'm OK
(yes the same "I'm OK" but now with a picture of a puppy, my dog, my beautiful Golden Retriever who as a pup needed some guidance but has grown into a beautiful companion for our family. If only we - as humans - had all been so lucky to recieve the love, care, guidance/discipline that I (and perhaps many of us here?) have given to an animal?
Oh dragonfly - thank you so much for your reply.

oh i'm not explaining this very well am I ..sorry.......

DF - are you kidding me? I can't begin to tell you how well you have expressed yourself.

more things started to trigger me......the smell of semen....words(which I cant bring myself to type)

I know what you mean about not being able to bring yourself to type (or talk or think about) some of these things. I just feel sick in my gut. I shut down - and up goes the wall. I'm in full on protective mode - but I guess that unless we can break down the walls, these triggers continue to haunt us.

I am so sorry that your mum wasn't there for you - back then or now. Sometimes though it is easier to start life anew, surrounded by healthy relationships and caring people - than to invest more time into a toxic relationship.

I find the whole idea of being abused by my dad so replusive. I don't really think about it except for the odd memory and the constant nagging in my gut. I wish it could all just go away - but I'm now 33 years old and am stick of being emotionally stuck. I think I am going to have to face this thing head on. My T said to me the other day that it's like I'm running through the woods with a big bear behind me. I know it's there because I can hear it. She suggested perhaps I would be better turning around to face the bear than to keep running with it always just on my tail. I finally think I'm sick of running. I know when I turn around that I will be afraid - but I'm too tired to keep running - and the bear isn't going anywhere - may as well give it my best shot head on.

I can now enjoy sex for the first time, because I can separate off what happened back then , to the here and now of now.

Thank you for being so honest about such an intimate part of your life. I feel like everyone is having a great sex life except for me Cool but perhaps there is a legitimate reason behind my fear of sex with my gorgeous loving husband.

DF - Thank you for giving me hope, and most importantly, thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.

I'm OK
Thanks again DF. I'm so sorry that you went through what you did as a kid.

It is a relief for me to know that I'm not alone and that your memories / feelings were also fragmented. This is the part that makes it so hard. I want proof (my left brain) - but there is none now. It was so long ago. I just have to go with my right brain and feelings and body aches. I hope I'm not wrong but I hope I'm not right. What a mess - last Monday I was so excited that I was finally honest and now, only a few days later, I have realised that I have only opened up another whole can of worms to deal with in therapy.

I'm glad to know you are here.

I'm OK
Hi DF, I'm OK
I have been so very moved by your posts and so much has struck a chord with me - I just wish I was as brave as you both and could actually type what I want to say to encourage and support you and let you know you are not alone. Perhaps I might one day, little by little, but as I even think of writing my reply, my head starts to fugg and I feel that same familiar terror starting again. So I am sorry for that. Even typing is too hard and this safe post has taken a long time to write. But know that you are not alone.
DF you didn't say too much and thank you for the book advice. You just said what others (like me Confused )maybe can't. (Perhaps you can put the book on her table, next to the snazzy handbag, where the plant should be!!!!!!!! Big Grin)
Hi I'm ok,
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to this post, I know how scary it must have been to write about this. I want to say thanks to everyone who has replied for sharing their experiences.

I want you to know that you're making total sense to me I'm ok because I've been there and felt all that. I grew up with memories of my dad being an alcoholic and sometimes being violent. There's one story about a time my dad got angry and was on his way upstairs to beat the kids and my mom got in his way. He repeatedly threw my mom into the wall and put like 30 holes through the drywall (her knees and elbows broke through). I am the youngest of four siblings, and my older sister remembers it well because she was the one that called the cops. I was there but supposedly "slept" through it. But I do remember the holes in the wall the next morning and my father desparately putting up paneling before my grandparents came to visit to hide what happened. This was like the one incident it was allowable to acknowledge in my family.

My dad disappeared over the horizon about the time I turned 11 (my parents had split when I was 10). Between the alchoholism, rage and abandonment, it wasn't like I needed to look further for reasons why I might have emotional problems.

I originally started individual therapy because of a bad weight problem I couldn't discuss without getting hysterical. My therapist and I started digging into a lot of family stuff and I dealt with a lot of the abandonment and boundary issues (they were very problematic in my marriage at the time). I ended up going to a group therapy that my T was co-leading which finally got me in touch with my anger which up until then I couldn't get near. Feeling my anger scared me so badly that I fled from therapy. I mean, disappeared, didn't make another appt.

Then I had kids and started having problems with anger with my kids and was worried that I would start abusing my kids like my dad so I called my T, apologized and went back to therapy. (She was great about it). During this period, a good friend of mine recovered memories of ritual sexual abuse. I actual got some books about sexual abuse and recovered memories so I could understand what she was going through. But it was uncomfortable reading the books mainly because I fit WAY too many of the symptoms. My T and I didn't do anything unusual or use any special techniques but it felt like more and more stuff started coming up. Bits and pieces of memories, feelings, bodily discomfort, etc.

I thought I was completely nuts and must be making this up (and that's knowing a lot of stuff that was wrong in our family). But eventually I had a breakthrough and "remembered" the abuse. For me it's been really weird, because I dissassociated so much that I have almost NO visual memories. Just memories of emotions and sometimes knowledged that feels like it just springs full blown into my mind. I would find myself saying that something happened and thinking "who the hell is saying that and how do I know that." I eventually patched together that my father sexually abused me from the age of around 4 until my parents separated when I was 9.

It's a horrendous thing to face that the parent who should have protected you, instead used you in such an evil way. That's why you forget in the first place, because you do not have the resources to face what happened. Not to mention that you desparately needed to nuture the illusion that this person was "good" because you were driven to stay near them.

I spent years working on recovering memories. They would most usually start "pushing" on me through dreams. I want to tell you that it took me YEARS to actually believe that it happened and I wasn't making it up. And even with that when I went to my present T I was worried about him believing me. Both of my Ts have been very supportive. My first T never mentioned sexual abuse until I did, and my present T has made it clear that although the memories may not be clear or completey factually accurate, it's obvious that it happened to me.

One thing that really helped me is that while most of my family is in COMPLETE DENIAL, my oldest sister, has also done extensive work in therapy and has helped over the years by providing information about the pieces I bring to her. But most affirming was that when I finally remembered the abuse, she was the one of the first people I told (it was really hard because there was such a deep sense of (completely undeserved) shame. I actually thought that if I told someone they would be totally revolted and want nothing to do with me. I told me sister and she literally said "oh my god, that's it, that's the missing piece." She described always feeling like there was this can of worms at the bottom of all the bad feelings and that when I told her, her reaction was that she finally knew what was in that can of worms. She later recovered memories of abuse by my brother, which I also have.

It's way too long a story to relate here, but when I was 39, my father lay dying in the hospital and my aunt contacted the family. The older sister that I'm close to, had maintained very intermittent contact with my father over the years. (I had forbade her to tell my father my married name or where I was living even before I remembered the abuse. When my dad would contact her, my response was absolute terror.) She wanted to go see him and asked me to accompany her. She didn't expect me to see him, but she didn't want to go alone. I agreed to go, and it was an incredible life changing trip. I never got to speak to my father, he had slipped into a coma before we got there. I have never been so scared in my life as when we arrived at the hospital. My legs actually buckled when i got out of the car before I could walk in. I was watching when he died, which made the world a safer place, I was able to experience the deepest hatred and anger I've ever experienced and I was able to let the hate go. My sister and I ended up arranging my father's funeral (did I mention the long story part?) and while we were at the funeral home, the funeral director INSISTED (I said no two times, then he just dialed) that I talk to the priest that took my father's last confession (he knew he was dying). The priest told me that my father had been plagued by spiritual and chemical demons his old life, and that he deeply regretted the harm he had done me, and that he had loved me very much. I took that as confirmation that the abuse I remembered had happened. I believe my hearing that was the whole purpose of that trip for me.

About the time I first started recovering the memories, a book that I read suggested that you just allow yourself to consider that what you thought was true and see where it leads. The truth is, you are not rushing out arrest someone or even confront them. You are trying to honor the truth of your own life, and it is your right to do so. I agree with what your T said about the bear. And of course, it's terrifying. These experiences were so bad that we needed to tuck them away for years, decades even, until we have the resources to face them. But always remember that you have already survived what happened to you, now you are just seeking your freedom.

Whether or not we remember what happened to us, we carry it within us. I found out, after years of work and two gifted Ts, that I lived in a small dark cell of my own devising, trapped by the fears and terrors of memories I couldn't face. Looking at them, understanding my feelings, making sense of the ways I choose to act in reaction to them cleared those memories out and may room for light and life. I was able to walk out of that cell into a wider landscape with color and freedom and the ability to make my choices free of what had happened to me.

And something extraordinary happened in that journey. I can never rejoice in what happened to me, such acts of evil do not deserve that. But I have come to recognize that what happened to me is part of what shaped who I am, that I will always carry the scars to some extent, but there are strengths and understanding and compassion borne out of the struggle to heal that are some of the best things in me. I was abused, I survived and have overcome it. It is a part of my experience that needed to be faced, grieved, understood and most of all, respected. But it's in my past now. As long as I did not face those memories I was still trapped in the abuse, now it's part of my past.

Sorry I have gone on so long, I could write volumes (you mean you weren't trying to write a volume?!? Big Grin) but it's important for you to hear (as you have) that you're not crazy nor do I think you're making things up. And take deep comfort in the fact that on some level you recognize that you have the strength and resources to face these memories now or you wouldn't be remembering them. Be gentle with yourself and take your time. And come here to talk about it. It can be very confusing and difficult and being able to talk to others who have been through it will really help. This is hard enough to understand when you've lived through it, people who haven't often don't get it at all, so it's important to have people who do.

Hi I'm OK.

It is weird for me that you are talking about this subject now.

Last Friday I had a 2 hour session with my P.
We felt it might be time to face whatever it was...that has been pushing at my mind and pressuring me for so long. The stress has been terrible but I could not allow the thought/memory to surface.

So Friday, I put the pieces together...and yes, for me too, it was my dad. I was horrified and wanted to vomit, it felt like a terrible heavy blackness called truth descended onto me. I had known it was there somewhere, but now I allowed it to come completely and it felt like it would suffocate me.

I began to believe I could not stay alive and know this terrible truth at the same time. For 24 hrs I was a mess emotionally...felt ++ suicidal ...I could not bear that truth that I knew was true.
My P saw me everyday for 6 days straight...even over our holiday wknd here in Canada.

I can't tell you now just how much better I feel! I feel like a terrible burden just disappeared off of my shoulders. I know I have more work to do, but that's ok. I feel so much more positive and I am proud of myself for facing what I could not for so many years. Pushing it away took me to terrible places and risked my health and life. It has been an awesome journey and last week was an amazing victory.

I think the hardest part about last week though...was immediately after the Friday session I flipped into doubting myself. I felt totally CRAZY! It was so totally impossible when I tried to use just my left brain logic. But, when I checked in with the truth my body held, then I calmed down. Now I keep going back to my body...and I'm OK ...too.

hi you all,

I just want to thank you all for your great courage in posting this stuff, and to absolutely validate you for every word. I wish everyone here (including myself) could just give themselves absolute permission to write whatever they feel and at as much length as they feel.

My husband is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. It deeply affects our lives, as does my own history of emotional abuse and family violence. I really really struggle with being a good partner when there is so much pain and hurt in both of us. Sometimes it seems impossible.

I learn so much from reading your experiences. I can't know directly how much he shares particular feelings, and as yet he is unable to talk about almost any of it. but knowing more of the terrain really helps me get my bearings when both of us are feeling so lost in all these effects.

thank you so much.

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