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Hi All,
For the next six weeks my husband is participating in a work situation that requires him to work 12 1/2 hour days, six days a week. This leaves me in charge of everything at home, so it tends to take a bite out of my free time. So for the next six weeks, I will be doing little, if any, posting outside of my role as moderator. I will try to read as often as I can, but if there is something concerning you, please either report the post or send me a PM. I will be monitoring the email address for the forum and will respond as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me about moderator issues, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up as to why I might not be around a lot but am still available for any problems that need to be addressed. Thanks.

I also posted this in the Announcements section of the forum but wanted to put it here also in order to ensure that as many people as possible see it.

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