How Sunday, December 19th ended up.
Even beginning to write about this is making me nervous all over again.
Earlier than my usual hour, I felt the need to get to Mom's house and get it over with. I was on a mission.
On the way there I was bracing myself for what might happen. What would I say? I'd say nothing, because to say anything only gives her something to respond to. But then she would get on me for not speaking. Would I be able to not react?
Her garage door was down. Did this mean she was gone? Nope. The car was there. Shit. I went to the door and she wasn't sitting there. I unlocked the door and went inside. She must have been in the shower. I went quickly to my room where the presents I had brought over previously were. I thought fast. "Quick, take the ones for the cousins and get them back into the garage so I can get them in my car asap." Then I quickly put the rest of her presents in bags and got the name tags on and put them under the tree. I put everything back, as if I had never been there. I had made a video for her that, under my delusion, I thought "we" as a family would watch together over Christmas (yes, you can LAUGH NOW!). I left that on the kitchen table and slid out the door. She was in her bathroom the whole time and never knew I was there!
Got in the car and drove off as quickly as I could - hands shaking - a nervous wreck. Then I thought, "Wow, "they" (the Good "they") must have been watching out for me today!"
Then I drove to my cousin's house. They are calmer people, but there is a good chance they would try to convince me to keep the status quo. I was a little less nervous dealing with them, and I didn't know who would be home - maybe one of the kids would be there and they certainly would not have any questions. I drove up the driveway. Their dog, who hates me, came out barking. (PS - NO animals hate me ... only this one dog!) Their garage door was down too, but the garage door was open. I walked in. One car in the garage. "Hmmm?" I went to the door. I rang the door bell. Nothing. I knocked. Nothing. "O.K. either they are in the bathroom, too, or they're gone." So I left the packages with a note: "Here are your Christmas gifts from me. I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS." - signed my name, and left.
I had brought my new dog with me for support on this mission, and guess what she does? She starts BARKING at their dog! "Good Girl! You have really keen instincts!" LOL.
So THE GODS were watching out for me today. Not one confrontation. Whew! Now me and my dog can get out and have some fun!
When we get home, I check my phone and email. Mom had called. But since I don't allow voice mail on my home phone, she can't leave a message! Smart, huh! Then I see that she has left me an email: 1:35 PM - "Thanks very much for the disk – you did a good job – I will let Billie see it." (Billie is her sister - my aunt).
For the untrained eye, one might see this as a nice gesture. There weren't any "Were you here earlier? Why didn't you stay?" or worse comments. What it says to me is, "My daughter isn't speaking to me, so I better be nice. But as soon as I get her back in my trap, I can attack her again - hopefully on Christmas Day, if all goes my way."
It's hard to believe the good, when historically, the bad is just a few steps away. This is just another ploy. She is not going to change and become a nice person all of the time. BUT, it makes her feel better. [In her voice] "See what I mean about my daughter. I've been nothing but nice to her and this is how she treats me." It gets her off the hook. She doesn't need to take responsibility for herself.
For all of us in similar situations this Christmas - or "Holiday" - or "Festivus" - Let's all hold hands.