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Hey, just feeling sad and kinda scared.
I just found out yesterday that my father (70) is going to have a repeat of the spinal fusion he had in Feb that led to his massive stroke. No one knew he had a hole in his heart, and during the 7-hr surgery his blood pressure plummeted, allowing blood to go through the hole, and the stroke happened while he was under general anesthesia and no one even knew about it for days, thinking his state was anesthesia-related. It was horrible. Well the the two titanium rods broke a few months ago, and he is in constant pain, so come Sept. they're going to redo the lower half of his spine.

Just scared. The hole in his heart has been patched, but still....
Trying to have faith, just not real strong today.
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Starry... the hole is patched and the doctors know a lot more about what they are dealing with. I'm sure it will be fine but I understand you feeling terrified of a repeat of last time. I will say a prayer for you and your Dad and hope things work out wonderfully for him and he has an easy recovery.

You are strong, Starry. You can do this.


Thank you all, you are so kind and such a source of strength!

I certainly don't feel strong, TN, but thank you for refocusing me. I will summon up what I have when the time comes! A week from today I'll be out of state, with my dad celebrating his 70th bday, and as much bad history as he and I have between us, you can bet I'm grateful for another chance to hug him and tell him I love him. The pain he caused me after my rape was only because he couldn't deal with his own pain, and I've learned to forgive, and try to understand him better. Things will never be great between us, but I can live with what there is now at least.

Night, all.
Thank you again for being such pillars of support.
Hug two

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