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I live with her still. No I cant get out.
But theres something worse than living with her.
I don't know how to live outside of her.

I don't know how. My whole world has revolved around mother,and still does.

People go through stages with me.
1) The horror shock of what my mother does/how she treats me
2) Getting on my side.
3) realizing the bad consequences of being on my side rather than mother, which could lead to either her hating them, or subtle punishments for them
4)FIghting for me and attempting to go gainst the mother....
5) telling me its not so bad.
6) leaving .

I dont want other people in my life anymore. I dont know how to function in the "world"
All I know is mother may I, mother I should have, Mother mother.....and all my decisions are based off of subconscious mother survival manual that is now my autopilot in my head.
I cannot relate to anybody.

My therapist, she tells me "its okay now, its not happening now".
But I cant
I dont live here ...I've lived in a million places in my head my whole life.
I dont know how to function here.

I dont know how to stop being the daughter of a narcissistic mother, the victim of pedophiles, the significant other of someone who tells me my problems aren't real, because they don't live with the mother. And ultimately, I dont know how to live with myself, because I have always been outside of my own self....and I feel like days blend together and all I need to do is survive.

and then next thing I know, its been 4 years.

I mean simple things...I dont know how to drink out of a glass without looking over my shoulder...
thinking of the million reasons walking to the right could be wrong and what conclusions could be drawn from my "will leaving this napkin here make my mother call me evil? "

My whole life to the tee has been about survival.

What is this place, where people sit and talk and watch TV without waiting for tornados. What kind of life is this? I can't adapt to this life.
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I don't know what to say. Just wanted to reach out to let you know that I heard you. It sounds like it might be impossible to imagine a time when you will not have to look over your shoulder when you drink out of a glass of water out of fear of doing it wrong or being criticized or that a time will come when you will feel good and comfortable in your own skin. It might be hard to get there, DGUOM, but not impossible. I'm not giving up on believing that it's possible for you to have a nice life for yourself.


I hear you also. As the son of a narcissistic mother I can understand your pain. For me; breaking free took 15 years of TOTAL NON CONTACT with ANY of my family; not only my mother; but my father; sister; nephews, aunts, uncles; grandparents; the lot. I effectively had to disappear for that long to break free of it.

You will find a way to find yourself and live your own life.

I know you posted this some time ago DGUOM, but I too have struggled for the last 47 years with a Narcissistic mother. I have now had a year of no contact, which has been something I never imagined possible.
I don't know if you are aware but there is a forum for daughters of narcissistic mothers, and the support I have received from that forum has been really helpful.
Just wanted to pass that on - there is life after narcissistic parents - but I get the thing about boyfriends's like you have to learn how to live all over again, how to relax, how to talk with each other, how to do family events, how to have Christmas, Easter etc. I find I just don't get the rules of normal behaviour - but I am learning, I am fortunate that my partners mother also had a difficult relationship with their mother.
If I had been a dog she would have loved. Me more!!

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