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Dear Everyone,

The past few months have been so stressful, and I haven't been on the boards much because I almost felt as if I was drowning in the ocean unable to keep myself above the water. I didn't forget about any of you and have checked in many times. BUT as I would begin to post, I'd think to myself--what do I know? I am the last person to give advice to these wonderful people when I must have done something so terribly wrong to lose my T(I've been taking the entire blame for things that happened). I am to blame because I wasn't good enough for her to want to stick around with me! FrownerSo, why would anyone else want me around?

At times, I'd write a long response to one of you but only to delete it because I couldn't imagine giving someone advice as to what I thought was right, and then have it blow up in their face like the choices I have made have done to me. I can't imagine ever being the reason someone is in pain. So, I've been a little hesitant to express myself or my opinion. I still don't know what went wrong in my therapy. I have made contact with OldT a couple times to hopefully be met with some satisfactory answer but she refuses to even recognize my existence. She lied when she said she'd be there. She's gone (won't respond at all) and I just don't understand how she wont help me see this through. I feel like she could have given me closure in such a different way, but the way it's played out has only left me sitting here wondering the answers to questions that I will never be able to ask.

I am experiencing a new therapeutic relationship that is going well. I am timid and shy and at times paranoid about certain things I do--thinking that I will screw it all up again. The strangest thing has happened, though, the presence of the inner child has become so much more prominent with newT. She's such a maternal figure that the inner child is almost so excited to make an appearance and wrap her arms around this person. We are still learning to build trust in the relationship, and still are unsure of T's position on hugs. My inner child wants a hug SO freakin' bad, but at the same times there is this incredible fear that if I received any type of touch I will melt or DIE. Anyone else ever experience this? AND how did you handle it? I find myself holding back because I am afraid to be too much. I blame myself for being too much with old T and that's exactly why she left me. I freely expressed my emotions and it was too much for her to handle. What if NewT can't take all the sappy emotional stuff either??

I hope that I can get over the fear of the boards--and find the feeling that it's alright to be here again, and that I'm not unwanted. OldT wrecked my self perception.....and I've been questioning everything in my life. It's so horrible to be traumatized in such a someone who was supposed to help me.

Anyways, I've missed you and I hope that you'll understand where I've been..Sending you all my best.

Sincerely, Brokes
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Oh Brokes!

Welcome back! Glad to hear that things are going well with your new T. Tears streamed down my face as I read your message. Not because of you causing me pain, but because I can relate to some of the feelings. I thought my T and I were terminating because some things she said ("there are people who need this more than you" and "why is your pain so different from everyone else's?"). I felt like I wasn't good enough for her or she was trying to get rid of me or something. I got so low from a combo of things going on in my life that I went into session last month and T got concerned. Yesterday she told me that we weren't terminating and basically said we need to work on our communication.
..sorry for rambling about my issues...
Know that you are a wonderful person and people on this board (at least me) would love to hear any advice or support that you could give. We are here for you also!
Nice to see you back. Smiler

So good to hear from you. You've been missed. I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling so much. What happened to you would have torn me apart so I can only imagine how hard it would be to get that closure and move on. It hurt my heart so much to hear that she won't even respond to you. That doesn't even sound human to me. So incomprehensible.

Your reluctance to open up with new T and be yourself is completely understandable. It's going to take time. But I'm glad to hear that your inner child feels more comfortable with her.

So glad you are back and hope to see you posting more.

Thanks for all the kind words and making me feel welcome here. I have been struggling pretty hard with feelings of worthlessness. I don't feel I can live up to the facade I've hid behind since I was a child. I pretended to be happy for so long that the little girl who really exists underneath is a little lost. I'm questioning my entire life, all the decisions I have made.

I emailed NewT last night, but haven't heard back from her. I expected a response because the email was me coming from a pretty LOW place, but she hasn't. I know it's Sunday. It's a busy family day. Also, I see her tomorrow so I am sure some of the things I wrote are better left for an in person discussion.

I also had a little bit of an argument with dh over attachment and feeling for OlDT. He didn't understand the attachment and how the lack of mothering I received as a little girl caused that hole within me that I thought T could fill. He had a good childhood with loving, supportive family. He's never experienced therapy. He's supportive of therapy 100%, but I think he forgets where I am coming from...what I've dealt with and what I am needing to heal from.

I like it here and I'm glad to be back.
Hey Broken.

Welcome back Smiler

I just wanted to say well done for being brave and posting AND for asking for your need to be met - ie asking people to welcome you back here. I think that's really brave and you should give yourself a lot of credit for that.

Am so glad you have a new T who is making your inner girl make her presence heard to you. IS amazing stuff. Be kind to yourself.

Hugs xx

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