I have not been to T in about 3 months, but as i have stated (and I know this is weird, but it is what it is) since we both go to the YMCA- I occasionally (been seeing him often lately) see him there.
A few days ago- I arrived and he was swimming- and since I did not want to disturb his practice, I thought i would say hello when I was finished. Well- I never saw him leave until he was at the door, so I txt him just to tell him that he has my permission to say hello to me without me initatiating (butchered that word) the exchange. He replied... that he did not see me, but yes we should always say hello.
Yesterday- I went to swim and his car was in the parking lot, so I wrote a note and put it on his car- "Good morning T - working on being seen- you know, big red truck an all" (I drive a red toyota Tacoma")
I saw him in the pool- we briefly chatted and he left.
Here is the emotionaly confusing part- and intellectually I know he is responding to my note, but....
His txt to me this morning- "Hi Hele, I want to see you!" Ahhhhh.... what do I say to that? Do I respond to the txt, at all? What do I say if I do respond? Do I address my confusing feelings with him?? (But I am not in therapy) Do I stuff it and ignore it? (this is what I am leaning toward) I do get what he is addressing- about "beig seen" but his txt is still triggering the attachment stuff, and I think he must know that.