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Does anyone else deal with a lot of confusion in the area of trying to make a decision, to the point where you just kind of shut the process down and *don't* do it, and allow the path of least resistance to sweep you along? I find the confusion involved in even the smallest decisions mentally painful, like an interior chaos that I can't deal with unless somebody really nice that I trust, steps in and says: "think this." Then it becomes problematic when two people I trust disagree. Who do I follow?

I'm dealing with this in T. It's kinda core issue I guess, and one I find very, very difficult to change. It has something to do with self-motivation> Maybe? I don't know what to call it, or how to define it. Confused

For example, recently I contacted a couple T's just to see if I could potentially get some sessions to help deal with my intense grief about my T, and not being able to have the contact with him I need. It was tough to make myself do that, and it felt like another person doing that, or something. They would have to be a durn cheap T, tough, otherwise I'll have to do without. I got 3 replies- one I was able to nix cause the lady, although very inexpensive sessions were a potential, scared me and I realize I could *not* work easily with a female T. So decision made by emotion of fear. the other two were opposites- I think. One very nice, easy-going guy says he works with and encourages attachment, and the other is a psychotherapist, equally nice, stricter kind of which attracts me to him more, for some reason- who says he tends to not encourage attachment, but try to help the client develop outside relationships in order to help the client live a healthier life. they are both nice. I can't figure out where I stand- and I am clueless as to where my T stands. I would go with what my T thinks on this issue, because he is the nicest one of all. He has said some contradictory things on the issue of attachment, and I'm confused about his position, should I even be attached to him...according to him.

My mind is all confused with a lot of conflicting, complicated thoughts and ideas. How can a person make a decision, what is good for them to do therapy-wise, in a state like this? Can anyone relate to this mental confusion I'm talking about? I'm trying to name it and/or frame it, so I can stand it. It makes me feel really helpless. I wouldn't even mind being this helpless, if my T would take my hand, but I think he doesn't quite understand where I am coming from with this, as I can't quite find the words to frame my experience of it, and the level of my confusion and helplessness. I'm thinking I need someone to *teach* me, to help me form some kind of baseline thought and ability- for lack of better way to express it. It might have gotten a little better since starting with my T. Weirdly, I can form strong opinions about things, staunchly defend positions but let them go quite easily, unless they are an issue that goes right to the core of me in an emotional way, something really long-held and ingrained from childhood, and then researched and painstakingly embraced. Otherwise- I have no opinions although I can come across as quite opinionated. arrrgh.

Am I alone with this one? Can anybody relate or have a similar experience or problem?

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I am rather divided between my rational and emotional side. I am never sure which side I should honor when making a decision.

Also, no matter what decision is made, ultimately there is an opportunity lost. I have a difficult time letting go of those opportunities, even if in doing so I am making a clearer path to a different opportunity. There is something sad about saying goodbye to possibilities.
I often wonder if people who grew up in an environments where they were damned if they do and damned if they don't, end up having difficulty making decisions later in life.

I always felt like I was walking on egg shells around my mom. It seemed that no matter what I did, I got in to trouble. I can see how one would develop a pattern of not wanting to take action of no matter what, they were going to get into trouble.
I often wonder if people who grew up in an environments where they were damned if they do and damned if they don't, end up having difficulty making decisions later in life

I think you nailed it LG - cause that is exactly what I still deal with when I interact with my family. They ask me a question, and no matter what I answer, it's the wrong one.

BB, I am so struggling with decision making right now. It is actually getting in the way of many things that I need to be wrapping up, but can't, because I can't make a freaking decision.
Let's see.

i have started keeping track of how long i am in the grocery store.

Because when things are really bad it on average will take me more then a mintue for each dollar i spend. yeah seriously.

$30 in food.......30 to 45 mins shopping. I can revisit a section 3, 4, 5 times before i feel comfortable purchasing. Choosing, re-choosing, changing my mind, changing it back, looking at options.

thank god I live alone,

I agree with LG on the damned if you do damned if you don't background. Decisions are painful for me and that is how my home was. If a decision affects anyone other than just me (even what to have for lunch), I am literally incapable of making it without input/feedback AND permission. That's why I can't figure out my whole contacting T thing. It's like he leaves it ALL up to me and it is SO painful. I need constant feedback and permission even for things I so obviously need. Frowner My H has dealt with it by refusing to make any major (or sometimes minor) decision and giving me only minimal information on which to make the decisions. On the one hand, it taught me that it wasn't the end of the world if I made a decision that didn't work out. On the other hand, I was constantly on edge any time I had to approach a decision-making opportunity, because I knew all the weight would be on me in the end.

Oh, and having two people disagree on a decision that could go either is PARALYZING!!!

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