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I totally understand how you're feeling. I often have the first appt in the morning with my T at 8:30 in the morning. One morning I had to drop my kids off at school so I got to his office early for my appt and just planned on hanging out in the parking lot and reading. While I was sitting there, my T came out of the office dragging a trash can (must have been his turn!) and I nearly freaked. There was something really stressful about seeing him outside his office and I was in the parking lot and about to see him in five minutes! I can only imagine what I would have done if I had run into him in a restaurant! So I'm impressed you were able to get through the rest of the meal! Big Grin

Hey, and at least you know what you're going to talk about at your next session. Big Grin


I've had two incidents of this - once I met him as I was on my way in and he was speaking to someone. We didn't acknowledge each other. Secondly, more recently, I met him as he was coming out of the Gents as I was on my way down his corridor - this nearly freaked me out!!! Imagine he needs to use the bathroom!!! I found this really icky and hadn't thought about it until now -

AG DONT tell me I have to talk to him about this ROFL :-)

I am very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be open about our real feelings, there's such a vulnerability when we do that. I'm really glad that your T understood and responded to you so well. Good reinforcement to repeat the behavior. Smiler

You're off the hook on this one, I NEVER mentioned the trash can incident to my T (he never saw me) so I have no leg to stand on. Big Grin

Human? Our Ts are human? What?!?? Big Grin


I think you handled this so well. This is something that I am afraid of and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do if I see her out of the office. Luckily she lives in a different city than her office, (Ok, let's not go back to the discussion of driving by our T's house! Yes, it was way out of my way! Eeker) so I think the chances are slim, but you never know.

The thing that would have bothered me the most HB would be seeing my T with someone else and enjoying herself. Why couldn't that be me? Roll Eyes Well, we all know why. You did a great job of keeping it together and you should be proud of yourself.

The thing that would have bothered me the most HB would be seeing my T with someone else and enjoying herself.

I don't even like hearing my T greet her next client in the waiting room as I am walking out of the door. One time I had had a hard session and was leaving really sad and when she greeted her next client she practically busted a gut laughing with her about something. I almost turned around and glared at her. How dare her get over me so quick!

I try really hard now to get out of the door as quickly as I can without actually breaking out into a full out run.

No - T's aren't human, like teachers or movie stars.
When I was going to therapy many years ago I saw my therapist in my apartment complex. I was living in a pretty big city at the time, so it wasn't AT ALL expected. It turned out she lived there, in the same apartment complex as me. Our mailboxes were in the same spot. That was waaaay awkward for me, and I always made my roommate get the mail from then on. And it seemed every time I left my apartment, I was on the lookout to make sure she wasn't walking to her car.

Now, I see my son's former T a lot. I just saw her yesterday at my son's school. I keep thinking I'll get used to it, but the awkwardness is still there. And PL, I have seen her with her kids and with her friends having a good time, and it's extremely difficult and makes me green with envy. How dare she enjoy herself when I'm not in her life!

HB - I think it's great that you were able to call him and tell him how you felt. I'm not sure I would have been able to sit there the entire lunch!


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