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Funny SpaGirl, was thinking about getting one soon myself as well. I feel like all the tension and stress i've been carrying for so long is going to make me permanently seize up soon!

@ Hummingbird. I had a few weeks off in between finishing a summer project and getting back to work, even though I had work to do in the time off. I finally began to realise how exhausting the past year and a half have been. I was sleeping for 13 hrs a night after finally getting to sleep and still felt tired. I'm back to work know and realising that 9 hrs a night isn't enough which is totally out of character with me.

I always find exercise, contradictory as it may seem, gives me energy. Initially it's hard to go out and do it but once you get going it really helps. You could try something gentle like yoga or pilates. Also, treat yourself. Get your hair done, a spa day, go to the cinema or out for dinner with your hubby.

If none of those are available or suitable how about reading a good book, just doing something you haven't done in ages that you really enjoy. Even ten minutes of meditation here and there would probably help.
I found moving to be an utterly exhausting task. When my husband and I moved into our present home, I told him, this is it, I'm dying in this house! Smiler So I can relate. And you've had a very difficult year on top of the moving, it's no wonder you're feeling this way.

I have several suggestions (you're shocked aren't you?)

1) Be gentle and patient and understanding of yourself for feeling this way. Even you, o sunny one, are human (although it doesn't show much on you) and most people going through what you're going through would have collapsed months ago. So try to be accepting of where you are.

2) My best coping technique when I'm in the place that you are is to pick one small task to get done and then do it. The sense of accomplishment boosts me up and I am much less prone to getting overwhelmed because the task looks doable (is that a word?). Then take the next small chunk. And realize that no one's running a timer. It's ok if it takes a long time to get through it.

3) This is the most important. Go do something stupid and fun and braindead. Eat an ice cream cone, stop and have a cup of tea, take a hot tub. But no matter what it is, STOP. Take a break from the tasks at hand. Refuse to even think or worry about them. Step sideways out of your life and take a break.

4) Post as much as you can on Myshrink (this is NOT for your benefit, I'm being selfish, I value your posts. Big Grin Let me know if you need the HTML slapper so you can hit me with it!)

Thank you for coming here and asking for help.

Hi HB... it's late but I wanted to stop by and offer some support. You are always here helping others and I'm sorry you have had such a rough time lately. I'm relieved and happy to hear that your sister-in-law is out of danger and on the mend. That must have been very scary for you and your family.

As for the move. My last move was full of tension and stress. In the middle of loading all my furniture it started snowing! That's what I get for moving in December. Lots of crazy things happened such as the movers falling down the stairs with my bedroom dresser, breaking the closet door. That said... beyond all the craziness once I moved into my new house I was so thrilled and happy that I forgot all the stress and tension and damn hard work of packing and all the arrangements that go with the move. And, AG, I too told my husband that I'm dying in this house LOL.

So... in the meantime be good to yourself and I agree with all the suggestions already offered. You need a bit of pampering. And maybe try to plan something fun and relaxing for right after you move in. You have been under a lot of stress lately and that is why you are having these feelings when faced with yet another burden.

One other thing...don't be afraid to ask for help with the packing and moving. Enlist friends or family or pay the movers to help pack up things for you. Don't try to tackle everything alone.

I hope you find some peace in all of this. Just remember that it's temporary and once you move in you will be so happy.

Hugs to you,
AG you really should be careful in suggestion i do something silly, do you have any idea what my imagination can come up with if i give it some freedom and let it loose to have some fun? I shudder at the thought, though i must admit it is a much more cheerful shudder. Big Grin

Tee hee! Since I knew I was out of fallout range for whatever you come up with, I went ahead and lived dangerously. Big Grin

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