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I'm sorry you are struggling with the urge to cut. I have had this issue myself from time to time.

I know that it seems that cutting will make things better, but will it really? Have you tried to pay attention to your body and what you are feeling in your body right now? Where is the feeling that is prompting you to want to cut? Where do you sense it in your body? If you can locate the feeling in your body then you can attempt to sit with that feeling for a bit and see if it changes the sensations in your body or not. If you can make contact with that part of yourself that has the urge to cut and offer some type of reassurance that the feelings won't kill you. You have already lived through the worst and survived and you will get through this now. In the past, I have contracted with myself on a time limited basis. For example, I won't cut for an hour. If I still want to cut after that time then I will recheck at an hour and so forth. I just keep recontracting for that hour each time.

Also, in the past a few things that have helped me are exercise, holding a cold ice cube or actually drawing a picture of my arm cut (with red crayons and all). Then I had the visual but without actually hurting myself.

I hope that something that I've said is helpful to you. Just know that you are being thought of and caring thoughts are being sent your way. ((((ITS))))

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