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I'm glad you did get another session. I am truly sorry it was your last. I can't even pretend to be able to imagine how hard it must be. But at least you can still call him if you need to. Maybe you can get adjusted with your new therapist and he/she will be even better!?
I know right now that probably doesn't even seem possible. But it really is!! Keep posting here. It does help me alot. We are glad to hear from you. Keep us informed.
Hi Summer,

I haven't been posting much lately, but I wanted you to know that I understand the pain you're feeling. I became really close to my son's T and had to say goodbye to her at the end of December. It was really hard, and I'm still not over it. (I still see her since we live in a small town and she works at my son's school.)

I try to remember what she gave to me, how she made me feel about myself, and it still helps me get through sometimes. I still wish I could talk to her every week, but I can't. I still miss her a lot, but it's not an everyday, stomach-wrenching pain like it used to be.

You are right, knowing it was going to end and having more sessions would not have made it any easier. I knew a month in advance and it still hit me like a ton of bricks the day of our last session.

Take care, I'm thinking of you.

Originally posted by Summer:
I made it through my final session. I guess I was hoping he would offer for a few more "closing" sessions, but honestly that probably would have just prolonged the good-bye, making it more difficult.

He handled it well even though I could hardly focus on what to say, once I realized that it was actually the last session. He did say I could call him which helps.

Thanks for all your support through out this. Summer

I am really glad he said you could call. Just knowing you have a chance to communicate with him is comforting... I know how hard it is to loose people you really care about... I think back to the times of being in psychiatric hospitals and therapy programs where I met some really caring therapists and it was SO hard to leave and know I could never see them everyday again.. But it does get easier!!
You may not feel it or see it, but you are being so incredibly strong in facing this. I am so glad that you were able to have a last session and re-capture a sense of the good that happened alongside the very real pain of parting. Be gentle and patient with yourself, this is not a small thing you're facing. You're sadness at your last session is completely understandable. But you'll get through it, you have what you need now to deal with your feelings.

It wasn't all sad and that's what I loved so much about him - his wonderful sense of humor. For us to be able to laugh, even a little, during a session like that says a lot about our relationship. That's what I want to keep with me and enjoy when I call him in the future.

That is very touching Summer. Maybe the risk you took to let him in wasn't all bad after all?

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