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Sea-green... I'm sorry you are so desperate and you have no resources to help yourself. It's a tragedy that those who most need help cannot afford it.

I have heard that some T's will take a patient at very low cost or even free. I suggest you try to contact some therapists in your area and ask them if they see anyone for free or at drastically reduced rate... OR.... if they can refer you to a place where you can find some help. Many T's have connections and resources in the community and would know where you can get the help you need and deserve.

If you PM to Attachment Girl you can gain access to the Sensitive Issues forum and can post more freely about your SU feelings and hopefully receive the support you need.

Please keep fighting and trying to help yourself. As I know you have probably heard, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Please keep in touch with us here.

I have absolutely no intention of calling faceless strangers on the phone and burdening them and making them feel uncomfortable, when they're powerless to do anything.

Welcome, I'm glad you've reached out here. I wanted to tell you that I volunteer for a crisis hot line and you would not be burdening or making someone uncomfortable to call. That's why they are there, they are trained and its not a burden. It's a free choice they make gladly. I agree with DF, sometimes you can get a mismatch. If you need places to call, there is info in the Crisis resources page.

Just let me know if you want to join the Sensitive Issues forum, and I can do that and if you wish, instead of deleting this thread, I cam move it to that forum.


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