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Probably triggering and incomprehensible...

I've been struggling with my mood quite a bit in the last 6 months. My husband wanted me to take an antidepressant because he worried that I wouldn't be able to keep myself safe and it has helped me in the past.

I took a low dose of Zoloft for a year succesfully and then when it stopped working I increased my dose (too many side effects) and then tried Cymbalta which had the weirdest side effect where it effectively completely numbed me. I was pretty dead emotionally and completely dead physically (I felt like my body had actually changed because I had no sexual responsiveness). Then I weaned myself off medication a year ago.

I've taken Wellbutrin for a week now. I asked to try this one because it has less reported sexual side effects. I had the same physical reaction that is so disturbing because I feel like my anatomy has actually changed (which I know is impossible) but I wonder if I have changed blood flow and nerve sensitivity. I'm also having trouble sleeping and am really irritable and angry.

I'm going to stop taking Wellbutrin but I'm feeling worse than before I started. I'm angry because I think my husband and to a lesser extent my T wanted me to take a drug and it didn't even help and I don't think they care about the side effects. I feel crazy, like they are going to be angry at me for not giving it enough time to work. I feel like a failure.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with antidepressants? I feel so hopeless and I know that's not reasonable because my session yesterday was really good and I felt like me T got me but then I went home and flipped out about side effects and then flipped out on my husband for everything he's every done wrong. This morning I called and spoke to my T about things and that just made me angry so I wrote a nasty email. I hate my mood swings.

Sorry for writing so much I just really needed to vent.
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Hi Incognito,

Sometimes the medications cause as many problems than they solve. It's so hard. You are really stuck between a rock and a hard place so don't blame yourself for being angry and moody. You want to be cooperative but the medications are killing you. Who wouldn't be moody?

The last one I was on was lexapro and it was making me sleep 10 hours a day and I was still exhausted during the day. My T knew how hard a time I was having with it and was supportive when I came off but then when I had a crisis in October, suggested I go back on something. I'm fighting it on my own but keep close track of my moods. It's tough. I make sure to exercise a lot and go to bed at the same time and eat well. All the good stuff. Take my Omega 3's. Have you come across the magazine Esperanza? It's a great magazine about people fighting depression. There's lots of great info in there. Feel better.


Thanks for the hugs.

I didn't take my dose today but I'm not sure if I'm going to stop or just giving myself a breather and hoping I sleep tonight. The doctor thinks if I persist I will adjust to the wellbutrin and the side effects will go away. It is hard to believe when I feel bad. Today was better and it helps to be able to vent and realize the anger is common with meds.

I've been on anti-depressants for about 10 years now. Paxil worked for about 7 and I've been struggling to find one that works well enough for me to go back to work.

My advice is this....When you start taking a new medication it can take anywhere from 6-12 weeks to take effect. So don't give up after only a few weeks.

Also, all drugs have some sort of side effects. It has been my experience that they can add another drug to counter the side effects.

I can understand the frustration. But keep with it and make sure you talk to your Pdoc before you stop any medication.

I have resisted anti-depressants for years. I currently take a very low dose of Wellbutrin, I wonder if it is doing anything. I also take a low dose of Trazadone at night to sleep. I used to have Prozac added into the mix as well, but i stopped taking everything in the spring and i have found it hard to get back onto the Prozac because of stomach upset.

I would suggest giving it some time, even 4 weeks to start, which i know seems like a hard thing to do but it takes your body sometime to adjust to the meds.

Good luck


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