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I know a lot of people on the Forum struggle with depression. I also know it can manifest in different ways for everyone and it can "feel" different.

Usually, for me, I feel extremely tired, lethargic is more the correct work. I also cannot concentrate at all or make even the simplest decision. Everything from deciding what to wear in the morning to trying to understand a customer complaint at work feels overwhelming to the point that I feel I am on the verge of a break-down constantly.

Sometimes, however (and more recently) it feels different. It feels like a nervous, or anxious depression. I can only explain it like a feeling that there is a pending doom hanging over me that something bad is going to happen. It's an unsettling, worrying feeling that brings me to uncontrollable tears. I can't stand it. Not that any depression feels good, but if I had to pick, I would pick feeling lethargic and not being able to concentrate. I am wondering why it feels so different sometimes?
I am curious about others experience?

Thanks for any responses Smiler
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Depression for me is all about that lethargic feeling, too. My appetite disappears. I'm moody. I could spend all day sleeping. I drag through the work day, eager to come home and decompress on the couch.

Depression for me clouds my world, it skews everything. It feels like I'm wearing a lead vest all day long. I lose hope. I lose patience. I lose motivation. It's not fun. But unfortunately, it's what I deal with on a daily basis.

In the spring and summer, when the sunshine is more plentiful, I usually feel a little relief and am slightly less lethargic. It's still hard to motivate, to focus, to accomplish anything, but it's just a little bit easier with the sunshine than with the winter blues.
For me, depression was just just like this awful body weight that I had. I literally felt like I dragged through most of the time. I could spend an entire day in bed and still feel exhausted if I attempted to get up. I hated being with people and going out. Everyone irritated me. The littlest things that would light up my world ( Celine, cows, nail polish, chocolate my nieces and nephews etc) could no longer do anything for me. It was an awful place to be in. Thank God I don't struggle with that heaviness as badly as I used to!
I don't care about anything. Nothing matters, not even life. Everything is irritating. I have no patience. I need quiet. It feels heavy. I want to cry but I never can. I want to just sleep or sit in some vegetative state. I can sit in that vegetative state for hours and just rock. I have no interest in anything, not people, TV, music, shopping, or anything. I feel disconnected and alone. I feel completely alone! It's a state of mind that doesn't embrace the thought of hope. When anxiety is combined with those feelings it gets really really bad and whatever I say from here on forward would be very triggering I'm sure, so it's probably best if I don't. It's just a really crummy place to be.

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