I wanted to finish commenting to those I neglected last time around (sorry
) and also to keep the conversation going on this topic.
Today when I was leaving my session with T he reminded me to hold onto the attachment and to use it to make me stronger. He said "it's not going anywhere" and then he smiled and said "it CAN'T go anywhere" no matter what I tell him or what I say. He then asked me if my attachment to my son would end because of something he told me. And we know of course it would not. My T is really good about having me experience the attachment from the side of being a parent who loves her child.
And sooooo.... if I talk to my T about abuse and trauma and give him more of my history... it won't change the way he feels about me. The attachment will remain true and strong. He will still be there and be my stronger wiser other. I am really beginning to feel secure in this relationship. Not because T said a bunch of words to me about trust... but because he lives that trust experience with me each time we are together. And we both live the attachment.
Hi BLT... it was good to hear that we have inspired you to talk about attachment even when it makes you uncomfortable. It does sound like your T, by her behavior, is aware of attachment issues and is very comfortable with it. Sometimes the kindness and care from our T is harder to take in and accept than being treated badly. I think your plan of taking it slowly in tiny steps is a good way to go. The most important thing about the attachment is having that secure base to turn to in times of distress, illness or fear. It seems that you already do this. I have been doing this while telling my T I'm not attached LOL. Of course he knew I was "nicely attached" to him as he put it.
Kashley I am so glad to hear you are now beginning a dialogue with your T about attachment. That is great. And to realize it was one of your better sessions really says something. If we can get past that initial fear of attaching/connecting then we find that the attachment is a really positive thing, giving us strength, courage and inspiration to grow and heal. Yes, being attached can seem like it makes us vulnerable and human (well we are human) but it really makes us stronger. I hope you continue to talk to T about this.
hic... it seems like your inner child is longing for the attachment she needs and you the adult are preventing her from having it. That only perpetuates the deprivation she may have experienced. What do you think the positive elements are? Just curious.
Hey Starry... glad to know that you have an accepting T regarding attachment. He was probably waiting for you to bring it up. If your T has shown himself to be consistent and steady and honest, then perhaps it's not dangerous to trust in the attachment with him. Have you had discussions about ET? My T is funny when I try to talk about ET (I don't feel that I have that with him, maybe oldT) he says that is love. Eros is love. It's just a kind of love. I used to flinch when he said the "L" word but I've gotten better about it LOL.
B2W... the hardest thing to do is to form a new attachment after being abandoned by an oldT. Trusting again seems impossible. I know. I've been there too. Especially when the oldT was someone who you worked hard to trust and then when you did, you were betrayed. You description sounds like a small child who wanted to bring flowers and was rejected. The image is so sad. I have, in fact, brought flowers to my oldT. I used to tell him it was to celebrate spring and would bring him yellow tulips. It made me happy to do that because I felt I had to earn his love.
How long have you been with your new T? I am with my current T now almost 2 years. It took a long time to feel any attachment feelings for him. I was so hurt and traumatized I couldn't even "see" him for months. But... I am attached now and although it feels different than the attachment to the oldT, it's more wonderful because there is no anxiety connected to it. It just feels good and safe too.
Hey Cat... I love reading about how you interact with both of your T's. I do think you have attachment with both of them in different ways. You have different types of relationships with both but they are complementary. I have seen you grow so much in these relationships. I do think that you test T1 way more than T2 but she has always come through. and because she has been so steady, you have come to trust the attachment a little more. You are doing what you are supposed to do. You will get there. It's hellish to go through but it's so worth it in the end.
Hugs to all